Rudnik the Roan - New

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Rudnik the Roan - New Rudniks new official page šŸ’™

Over the last few weeks Iā€™ve been working on getting my Diploma in Equine Psychology. Itā€™s quite an extensive course but...

Over the last few weeks Iā€™ve been working on getting my Diploma in Equine Psychology.

Itā€™s quite an extensive course but Iā€™ve completed 6 of the 10 classes so far. Every module ends with a test and written essay so each one can definitely take a good bit of time to conplete.

Iā€™m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my grades (I get very frustrated with myself when I receive a mark less than 100%) but I have to admit Iā€™m not too disappointed with the marks so far.

6 down 4 to go!

Today was a gorgeous day for some fun in the lake!Rudniks never really been in the water, especially under saddle (unles...

Today was a gorgeous day for some fun in the lake!
Rudniks never really been in the water, especially under saddle (unless you count crossing/jumping over the-tiny-horse eating streams) - so today we had some fun getting used to the feeling of water around the legs.

There were definitely a few time I thought he was going to lay down and roll but thankfully, no tack was harmed in todays adventure šŸ˜‚

My favourite kind of hugs ā™„ļø

My favourite kind of hugs ā™„ļø

Rudniks story - part 4The tricky part with Rudnik was that he didnā€™t trust anyone enough to let them touch him - anywher...

Rudniks story - part 4

The tricky part with Rudnik was that he didnā€™t trust anyone enough to let them touch him - anywhere! So before I could even start desensitizing his feet, he had to be ok with me touching his legs. But that meant he had to get used to me touching his shoulders, bum and neck too.

A year later, we finally got his front feet trimmed. He was still flinchy & reactive but he no longer dropped onto his legs to get away.

His back legs were another story. Rudnik was growing quickly & with this behaviour becoming harder & harder to work with, I was really starting to worry that he was going to grow crooked in his hind quarters because of this.

But 2 years in, I could still barely touch his back legs. Thatā€™s when I had to reach out to someone for help.

When training, there is nothing wrong with admitting ā€œI canā€™t do this aloneā€, - however you have to be so careful who you allow near your animals. Especially when they already have so much trauma to work through.

My first mistake was bringing in someone that Iā€™d never personally met myself. I relied on ā€˜good wordsā€™ to be enough. My second mistake, was letting him decide how Rudnik should be ā€˜handledā€™ & leaving them alone together for even a minute.
He was a ferrier that was known to be patient with horses - but there was something about him that Rudnik just did not trust.

He was able to get Rudniks front hooves done, after about an hour and a half of circles & hissy fits.

After a couple of hours, he let me know that he would come back another time to finish Rudniks back feet. But for now- he locked Rudnik in a boxstall, TIED to the bars with no more than 1.5ā€™ of rope left for him to move around on.

ā€˜No food, no water. Tied. Give him a couple days & heā€™ll come around,ā€

Rudnik was losing his mind - he was screaming, yanking his head around & thrashing his feet against the walls. I was now faced with a dangerous situation - a horse that wasnā€™t fully halter broke - now completely worked up & I left to cleanup the mess .

That experience had a lasting mark & only made Rudniks mistrust of men so much deeper.

Part 5 tomorrowā™„ļø

Rudnikā€™s story, part 3 (a bit of backstory)Teaching Rudnik the basics was far from easy. He wasnā€™t halter broke when I a...

Rudnikā€™s story, part 3 (a bit of backstory)

Teaching Rudnik the basics was far from easy. He wasnā€™t halter broke when I adopted him so we were literally starting from the ground up.

Rudnik isnā€™t my first horse & heā€™s not the first ā€˜wildieā€™ Iā€™ve trained & raised. Although our journey was a long one. Rudnik had so much trauma & fear to work through & thought I didnā€™t realize it at the time, so did I.

A quick break away;

In the summer of 2016, I adopted Mina from a rescue, where sheā€™d come in wild with a herd of untouched horses from AB - the herd was being shipped for slaughter when a rescue took in the whole herd - 150++ horses.

There was speculation Mina was pregnant because of how many stallions she was around but when the vet aged her at only 3, we werenā€™t actually sure.

Mina was 100% feral - as wild as wild gets. But within 1 week I was brushing her & by 1 month she was haltered. By 9 months, we were just starting to work on riding, she finally answered our question & had a little black filly, Lacey, who immediately won my heart.

Mina was special though. Shortly after I had gotten her - she was still very much wild at this point - I ended up in a situation where I was cornered at the gate by the barn where our gelding had swung his rump right at me - ready to kick.

Before I even realized what was happening, Mina came racing from the other side of the paddock & positioned herself between his kick & myself. She ended up being kicked in her ribs, which would have been my head had she not stepped in.

She pinned her ears, took a chomp at our geldings rump & he was off. She didnā€™t stay around because she was still quite wild at the time, but itā€™s a moment Iā€™ll never forget. I have no doubt she saved my life that day.

January 12, 2016 is the day that will forever stay with me as the day I lost my purpose - the day my world stopped. I was forced to give them up & they were off to their new home. Iā€™d been promised by the new owners that I could visit anytime I wanted, but when an ā€˜incidentā€™ resulted in them sending Mina & Lacey off to ā€˜live with his brother in AB,ā€™ . I never saw or heard of them again šŸ’”
More of Rudniks story tomorrowā™„ļø

Rudniks story, part 2Rudnik was about 9 months old when he was run through auction. After the rescue won him, he would b...

Rudniks story, part 2

Rudnik was about 9 months old when he was run through auction. After the rescue won him, he would be transported there along with all the other horses saved.

Rudnik actually ended up being moved from that rescue to another rescue more local to me, and thatā€™s where I found him at 11 months old. (Swipe for pic from that day ā™„ļø)

His mane was filled with burs as he stood across the field, eating from the round bale. He was looking in my direction but being cautious to keep a good distance between us. I tried to get closer but he moved away as soon as I did.

And somehow, after that 30 second interaction, I knew I had to adopt him.

A couple weeks later, he was being transported to the farm where I would be keeping him to start. I couldnā€™t get anywhere near him the first few days. Even with food, he kept his distance.

The first couple weeks together was spent doing a lot of sitting. I would spend hours just sitting in the pasture while he grazed around me. Getting him used to my presence and just always having someone around him.

He started to learn that I wasnā€™t going to hurt him and slowly the first pet, led to our first walk and then our first lunging.

In the first few weeks our progress was slow and some days I was wondering what Iā€™d gotten myself into. But there was something in the way Rudnik looked at me, his eyes told me he wanted to keep going, he was just scared. And so was I.

Rudnik was growing fast once he was on good grass - so trying to -for lack of better word - tame him before he got too big, was becoming a challenge.

There were times he would slam himself into the round pen panels, trying to jump over them just to get away. His hooves had never been trimmed and that can become very risky with young horses as it can cause their legs to grow wrong.

But if you even touched his front leg, he would drop his front end down onto the ground, as if he was bowing. But he was shaking the entire time. He was terrified and when he dropped down, he was curling his legs under himself - as if trying to shield them.

Rudniks story continues tomorrow for part 3

5 years ago - Rudniks life nearly came to an end and over the next couple days Iā€™ll be sharing his full story ā™„ļøFor thos...

5 years ago - Rudniks life nearly came to an end and over the next couple days Iā€™ll be sharing his full story ā™„ļø

For those new to our page or maybe youā€™ve follower forever but youā€™ve just never heard - this is Rudniks story.
At about 9 months old, Rudnik was dropped at a livestock auction by his breeder - his AQHA papers already pre-signed over to whoever should bid & win the little c**t.
The unfortunate fact with these auctions: most of those horses WILL go for slaughter. Rudnik was merely one of them.
When it was his turn to be run through, the little 9 month old c**t was so scared that no one wanted the ā€˜wildā€™ c**t. They didnā€™t see his potential. They didnā€™t see the desperation in his eyes - how badly he wanted someone to save him.
No one bid.
Except for A killbuyer.
Now, KBā€™s donā€™t care if itā€™s a retired horse who gave his best years to his rider, a young baby whoā€™s life has barely begun, a little girls first pony or a wild mustang ripped from their herd. They donā€™t care how loving or affectionate or terrified the horses are. They just want their meat.
Now a 9 month old c**t wonā€™t fetch much on the market. He was tiny. And there wasnā€™t much meat on him - but thatā€™s what feedlots are for. Theyā€™d ship him to a feedlot, where heā€™d remain terrified & wild - & theyā€™d feed him until he was big enough to get their money back (which was only a few hundred bucks - because they were the only bid)
This happens every single day to hundreds of horses. All across Canada.
Fortunately for Rudnik, he had a guardian angel watching out for him that day.
With only the killbuyers bid & seeing the danger the c**t was in, a well known local rescue stepped forward & threw in their bid.
Thatā€™s all it took - the KB not willing to spend more than a couple hundred bucks for the c**t stepped out.
Just like that, the rescue won his freedom.
Let me put it into perspective a bit - at the cost of about 50 bucks, Rudniks life was saved. Thatā€™s all it took. Itā€™s not hundreds of thousands of dollars - these horses lives come down to the dollar.
Rudniks freedom was won, & along with all the other horses saved that day, his life was just beginning.

Success without forcePartnership without dominationTeamwork without fear Willingness without intimidation Harmony withou...

Success without force
Partnership without domination
Teamwork without fear
Willingness without intimidation
Harmony without coercion


Our latest feature with The DodošŸ„°

ā€˜Horses remind us to live in the moment, for in their presence, worries fade & hearts find peace,ā€™

ā€˜Horses remind us to live in the moment, for in their presence, worries fade & hearts find peace,ā€™



Hereā€™s an optical illusion for ya - is Rudnik coming towards me or walking away?

Hereā€™s an optical illusion for ya - is Rudnik coming towards me or walking away?


We had so much fun chatting for this interview!

ā€œDonā€™t forget to nuzzle your human today,ā€ - Rudnik

ā€œDonā€™t forget to nuzzle your human today,ā€ - Rudnik

Iā€™m a firm believer that if you work to maintain your horses health before you have health problems, there will be less ...

Iā€™m a firm believer that if you work to maintain your horses health before you have health problems, there will be less of them.

For that reason, Iā€™m so excited to start using the Ponease Ulcer Maintenance! Even if Rudnik doesnā€™t have ulcers - NOW - thereā€™s no reason we canā€™t continue to keep his gut health at its best!

And did you know? When your horse has a healthy and comfortable gut/digestive system - it can lead to an improvement in coat condition and overall better health! Thank you !



Donā€™t swipe if you have a weak stomach - pics of when it happened vs 24 & 48 hrs later. (Itā€™s not that bad but Iā€™m an RC...

Donā€™t swipe if you have a weak stomach - pics of when it happened vs 24 & 48 hrs later. (Itā€™s not that bad but Iā€™m an RCA so this stuff doesnā€™t phase meā€¦)

This is why you are ALWAYS aware of your hands when youā€™re riding and NEVER wrap them in the reins. Iā€™m lucky I didnā€™t lose my fingers entirely.

We had an incident the other night and long story short, I came off Rudnik & because Iā€™d had my fingers wrapped in the reins for grip, unfortunately they took the brunt of the damage.

And because I canā€™t take time off from work, attempting to work with two splinted fingers - 0/10 wouldnā€™t recommend

Another saving grace was probably the fact that I was wearing gloves - but this is why you have to pay attention to your hands at all times! Accidents happen so easily and before you even know whatā€™s happened, itā€™s already too late.

Be safe out there!

Starting our New Year off right! *Note to self: just because thereā€™s no snow and itā€™s sunny, doesnā€™t mean you can get aw...

Starting our New Year off right!

*Note to self: just because thereā€™s no snow and itā€™s sunny, doesnā€™t mean you can get away with just a tank top under a light jacket - you will freeze the second the sun is gone. Put on layers. Donā€™t be a dumb a$$.

All of our calendars are full of Rudniks best moments. From funny to serious. Majestic to mischievous - itā€™s all there. ...

All of our calendars are full of Rudniks best moments. From funny to serious. Majestic to mischievous - itā€™s all there. My personal favourite is the calendar that showcases Rudniks colour changes through the seasons - itā€™s so cool watching how he changes through the year!

Head over to our Shopify page to check them out!

Rudnik & I (and B and all the other furkids!) want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! What is one of your goals/dreams f...

Rudnik & I (and B and all the other furkids!) want to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

What is one of your goals/dreams for 2024? Did you accomplish all you wanted to in 2023? Am I the only one whoā€™s left at the end of the year wondering where the time went?! šŸ„²

Thank you for joining us on all of our adventures and journeys this year - I hope 2024 will be full of amazing experiences and memories ā™„ļø

ā€˜Look back to learn, look ahead to succeed!ā€™ - our mantra for 2024

ā€˜Look back to learn, look ahead to succeed!ā€™ - our mantra for 2024

Merry Christmas from Rudnik the reindeer! ā™„ļøšŸ¦ŒšŸ“

Merry Christmas from Rudnik the reindeer! ā™„ļøšŸ¦ŒšŸ“

Christmas kisses from Rudnik the Reindeer šŸ“ šŸ¦Œ

Christmas kisses from Rudnik the Reindeer šŸ“ šŸ¦Œ

Wondering where his  is šŸ˜‚

Wondering where his is šŸ˜‚

We still have not regained access to Rudnik the Roan yet - with zero response from Facebook Iā€™m not sure we ever will šŸ˜¢I...

We still have not regained access to Rudnik the Roan yet - with zero response from Facebook Iā€™m not sure we ever will šŸ˜¢

In the meantime enjoy these photos of Rudnik nearly taking me out ā˜ŗļø

Rudnik is always camera ready šŸ“ø šŸ‘…

Rudnik is always camera ready šŸ“ø šŸ‘…

Rudniks a big boy now - which means itā€™s time for big boy chores šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ šŸ“

Rudniks a big boy now - which means itā€™s time for big boy chores šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ šŸ“

Rudnik thought he was funny, leaving me a fresh pile to clean up right after Iā€™d cleaned that spot. So I thought it was time to teach him how to clean up his...

ā˜€ļø ā™„ļø

ā˜€ļø ā™„ļø

ā€œGet my good sideā€ - Rudnik knows heā€™s šŸ”„ and when I say he poses for the camera, he literally poses for the camera šŸ˜‚šŸ„°

ā€œGet my good sideā€ - Rudnik knows heā€™s šŸ”„ and when I say he poses for the camera, he literally poses for the camera šŸ˜‚šŸ„°


Watching their relationship grow over these last couple of years has been such a heartwarming experience ā™„ļø



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