Epic French Bulldogs

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  • Epic French Bulldogs

Epic French Bulldogs Preservation Breeder dedicated to the French bulldog. Breeding dogs that are representatives of the AKC breed standard focusing on health and temperament.

Fad color GReeders be like…

Fad color GReeders be like…

I love this bad girl.

I love this bad girl.

Don’t Buy A Dog From Me( What reputable breeders want you to know) If you want to buy a dog and walk away, don’t buy one...

Don’t Buy A Dog From Me
( What reputable breeders want you to know)

If you want to buy a dog and walk away, don’t buy one from me. If you want to pick a puppy because it came to you when you sat down or gave you a cute look, don’t buy one from me. If you don’t want to take my recommendations on what food to feed or what is best for the health and well being of the dog, after years of experience, don’t buy a dog from me.
If you just want a puppy NOW, because you need it for a Christmas gift or to be in Senior Pictures, don’t buy one from me. If you never plan to update me on how the dogs is doing or send a picture once in a while, don’t buy a dog from me.
If you want a dog to live in the backyard, run loose on a farm and never share time in the house with your family, definitely don’t buy a dog from me. If you want a lawn ornament, you can buy one made of cement or plaster, not much care needed.
However, if you want a puppy that has parents with health testing, that was socialized, loved and made a priority from the day it was born. A puppy who’s temperament and activity level has been carefully chosen to fit your lifestyle. A puppy selectively and purposefully bred to the standard set forth by our breed club, then maybe you do want to buy a dog from me.
If you want a breeder who will at anytime in the dogs life take them back, no questions asked. A breeder who is there 24/7 for you and your dog for questions and concerns and will work hard to help you resolve any issues. Then you might want to buy a dog from me.
If you want a breeder who loves each puppy/dog with all her heart, considers you part of the family and will laugh or cry with you at any time. Well then we might be a match.
Reputable breeders should never be lumped in with puppy mills, backyard breeders or those who broker dogs. A reputable breeder will be able to provide clearances, a five generation pedigree, an explanation as to why they bred the two dogs. While most of the time they will make little or no money. What money they might get is reinvested Into the dogs one way or another.
A reputable breeder knows their dogs, and can realistically tell you what to expect and when. They can guide you toward veterinarians, training facilities and products that will benefit your dog.
A reputable breeder will be your friend, a guiding hand and a strong shoulder.
So whatever choice you make, make it with the best interest of the dog in mind and if that’s not your plan….. then don’t buy a dog from me.

Author unknown but I'm sure LOTS of ethical/reputable/Preservation breeders feel the same.
💥💥💥French Bulldogs

Male or female?I get asked this question quite a bit from people looking for a well bred puppy. “What is the difference ...

Male or female?
I get asked this question quite a bit from people looking for a well bred puppy.

“What is the difference between a male dog and female dog?? Which one do you think makes a better pet?”

MALE vs. FEMALE: Does a male or a female make a better pet for you and your family?

It’s not uncommon for people to believe that a female dog will make a better pet. We get a lot of calls for people wanting that “special little girl”. For whatever reason they don’t think that females will exhibit “alpha” behaviors like hu***ng and/or marking. A lot of people think that females are more passive and friendly and that they don’t take part in fighting over dominance, which could NOT be farther from the truth. If you check out the structure of dog packs, the females determine the pecking order and rule the roost. The result of that behavior is that the females become more stubborn, independent, and territorial than the males. These females are much more intent on exercising their control by participating in that “alpha” behavior like hu***ng. Most fighting will usually break out between two females.

Males tend to be more affectionate, exuberant, attentive, and even more demanding of attention. The males are very attached to their owners, tending to be more dedicated, reliable and less temperamental. They are more sociable, more accepting of other pets, playful for years, and take quicker to children. Most boys are easily motivated by treats/food, words of praise and are so eager to please that training actually becomes easier. Their playful nature, however, can make males more easily distracted. The boys are more likely to act silly and more puppy-like, always wanting to play games, no matter what their age. The boys are fun-loving until the day they die, whereas girls tend to be more standoffish and dignified the older they get.

Neutered males rarely exhibit secondary sexual behavior such as marking and lifting their legs or hu***ng. Once the testosterone levels recede after neutering, most of these behaviors will disappear if they ever existed.

So before making your decision on that age old dilemma of male vs. female, hopefully this will give you some helpful info to think about.

Merry Christmas from Dick and Sue and all of the Epic Frenchies!

Merry Christmas from Dick and Sue and all of the Epic Frenchies!


I have someone looking for a young dog for placement in her wonderful pet home in Akron OH.
Message me for information.

Wow. We are headed home from the Roberts centre, and I have finally had a chance to reflect on the past week I have had....

We are headed home from the Roberts centre, and I have finally had a chance to reflect on the past week I have had.

Thank you to Susan Misch and all of the dedicated committees that made it happen. Without all of you there would not be a national Specialty for any of us!!!

Thank you to my husband Dick for being there for, not just me, but everyone at the National with his DJ skills and his amazing music to share with all of us for every fun event!!!

Finally, I want to say Thank you to my FBDCA peers that voted for me to have the honor to judge Sweepstakes at the 2023 National specialty in Wilmington Ohio! It was truly the one of biggest thrills of my lifetime and it will always be a cherished memory.

Thank you to everyone that brought their puppies to me. What a beautiful entry to evaluate. I had such a great time putting my hands on each and every one of them and even getting a few kisses and wiggles in the process 😘

I have to admit that I was a bit overwhelmed when that first huge class of 6 to 9 puppy dogs walked into my ring but as soon as I settled in and got into my routine I realized that I just needed to trust “what I liked and what I felt to be the best representation of the breed standard”. I relaxed and had a fun experience.

SO MANY beautiful puppies!! I am really encouraged by the quality of the entry and the future for the breed that we all work so hard to protect and cherish.

My Best in sweeps and best of opposite in sweeps were typey, well put together puppies that had all of the right parts and put those parts to good use with lovely expression and correct movement.

Finally, I want to thank everyone that took the time to let me know that they could follow my process and ring procedure that I looked like I was relaxed and gentle with the babies. The encouragement meant a lot!

I am so blessed to have had the honor. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart ❤️ !!!

Carly’s ad in Frenchie Focus

Carly’s ad in Frenchie Focus

Thank you to Dr. Marcia Carpenter!!  And the Wonderful staff at Family Friends Vet clinic. The babies always love you❤️❤...

Thank you to Dr. Marcia Carpenter!! And the Wonderful staff at Family Friends Vet clinic. The babies always love you
Clean bill of health for the Frenchie Four. Now on to their new homes!

CH Fox Canyon’s Epic Hide the Wine from Wanderlust!“Carly”Thank you Sandy Fox  for letting me have this BAD girl my life...

CH Fox Canyon’s Epic Hide the Wine from Wanderlust!
Thank you Sandy Fox for letting me have this BAD girl my life. She makes me smile and say WTF!? Every single day!!!😂🤩

This 👇

This 👇

The purchase of a well-bred purebred dog did not sentence another dog to death.The purchase of a well-bred purebred did ...

The purchase of a well-bred purebred dog did not sentence another dog to death.
The purchase of a well-bred purebred did not cause an increase in the number of dogs in shelters.
Someone wanting a dog with a predictable temperament from healthy lineage did not cause another dog to not get adopted.
Someone's meticulous research and support of only the most responsible of breeders is not the problem.
It is not what you should be mad at. It is not what you should be pushing the blame onto. lam not the one who brought these dogs into the world irresponsibly and left them in a shelter.
Responsible breeders are not the ones who put dogs into shelters either.
It is my home, my life, and my choice of what kind of dog to bring into it. Maybe I needed a working dog, a sport dog, or simply a companion puppy to raise of a breed I enjoy. No matter the reason, the choice to support a reputable breeder did not send a shelter dog to its death.
A breeder who health tests, temperament tests, studies pedigrees, proves a dog worthy of being bred, and only breeds when doing so is of benefit to the breed is not contributing to the number of homeless dogs.
The number of homeless dogs in the world is a problem, but it is not a problem exacerbated by reputable breeders and those who purchase from them.

Your neighbor down the street who refuses to contain his unaltered dogs IS contributing to the problem.
Your friend who impulse bought a dog at PetLand IS contributing to the problem.
That guy on Craigslist pumping out the trendiest designer mix as fast as he can IS contributing to the problem.
Your relative who just HAS to let their dog have one litter "so she can experience motherhood" or because "she's just so sweet" IS contributing to the problem.
Your old high school classmate who bought a high energy working breed without taking the time to research its needs and realize it was not a good fit for their household ahead of time IS contributing to the problem.
A reputable breeder offers lifelong support. A reputable breeder would never allow their dogs to end up in a shelter to begin with. A reputable breeder makes it a contractual obligation to return dogs they have produced back to them should you find yourself unable of keeping it.
It is understandable to be angry about the number of homeless dogs in the world, but if you take a deeper look, you will find your anger is misplaced.
If you take a deeper look, you will find reputable breeders and those of us who purchase from them are just as angry, we are just pointing fingers at the right causes.
Be responsible! Screen prospective people and their homes so your puppy goes to his forever home, the first time out your door.

This is Top 20 OHBIS GCH CH Epic’s Not Ready To Confess!
Known as “Marcus”❤️
Intentionally bred with several generations of careful planning. Loved/bred by Susan and Dick Simon. Epic French Bulldogs.


Please do NOT click on links that are in comments to any posts that I make.

I have noticed that some Back yard GReeders have tried to hijack some of my posts with comments trying to get you to click on links to puppy’s from BYB FAD color breeders who apparently cannot sell their badly bred puppies on their own. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️.

I have blocked the ones that I have caught but feel free to report anything to me that seems ”OFF”.

Happy 2023. Lazy day here.

Happy 2023. Lazy day here.

"I don't want a show dog - just a pet." This is one of the most pervasive sentiments that puppy buyers, especially famil...

"I don't want a show dog - just a pet."

This is one of the most pervasive sentiments that puppy buyers, especially families, express when they’re looking for a dog. What they really mean, of course, is that they don’t want a show BREEDER – don’t want to pay the high price they think show breeders charge, don’t want to go through the often-invasive interview process, and think that they’re getting a better deal or a real bargain because they can get a Lab for $300 or a Shepherd for $150.

I want you to change your mind.

I want you to not only realize the benefits of buying a show-bred dog, I want you to INSIST on a show-bred dog.

And I want you to realize that the cheap dog is really the one that’s the rip-off.

And then I want you to go be obnoxious and, when your workmate says she’s getting a puppy because her neighbor, who raises them, will give her one for free, or when your brother-in-law announces that they’re buying a cheap puppy for the kids, I want you to launch yourself into their solar plexus and steal their wallets and their car keys.

Here’s why:

If I ask you why you want a Maltese, or a Lab, or a Leonberger, or a Cardigan, I would bet you’re not going to talk about how much you like their color.

You’re going to tell me things about personality, ability (to perform a specific task), relationships with other animals or humans, size, coat, temperament, and so on. You’ll describe playing ball, or how affectionate you’ve heard that they are, or how well they get along with kids.

The things you will be looking for aren’t the things that describe just “dog”; they’ll be the things that make this particular breed unique and unlike other breeds.

That’s where people have made the right initial decision – they’ve taken the time and made the effort to understand that there are differences between breeds and that they should get one that at least comes close to matching their picture of what they want a dog to be.

Their next step, tragically, is that they go out and find a dog of that breed for as little money and with as much ease as possible.

You need to realize that when you do this, you’re going to the used car dealership, WATCHING them pry the “Audi” plate off a new car, observing them as they use Bondo to stick it on a ’98 Corolla, and then writing them a check and feeling smug that you got an Audi for so little.

It is no bargain.

Those things that distinguish the breed you want from the generic world of “dog” are only there because somebody worked really hard to get them there. And as soon as that work ceases, the dog, no matter how purebred, begins to revert to the generic. That doesn’t mean you won’t get a good dog – the magic and the blessing of dogs is that they are so hard to mess up, in their good souls and minds, that even the most hideously bred one can still be a great dog – but it will not be a good Shepherd, or good Puli, or a good Cardigan. You will not get the specialized abilities, tendencies, or talents of the breed.

If you don’t NEED those special abilities or the predictability of a particular breed, you should not be buying a dog at all. You should go rescue one. That way you’re saving a life and not putting money in pockets where it does not belong.

If you want a purebred and you know that a rescue is not going to fit the bill, the absolute WORST thing you can do is assume that a name equals anything. They really are nothing more than name plates on cars. What matters is whether the engineering and design and service department back up the name plate, so you have some expectation that you’re walking away with more than a label.

Keeping a group of dogs looking and acting like their breed is hard, HARD work. If you do not get the impression that the breeder you’re considering is working that hard, is that dedicated to the breed, is struggling to produce dogs that are more than a breed name, you are getting no bargain; you are only getting ripped off.

Posted by a preservation breeder who is ALSO a Vet!!  Here's the real deal, people:Buy a purebred from a Breeder who has...

Posted by a preservation breeder who is ALSO a Vet!! Here's the real deal, people:

Buy a purebred from a Breeder who has ethics! Breeds to the Standard and does health testing and shows their dogs to prove they are outstanding examples of the Breed they represent!!!!

Watching the Westminster coverage, I was struck by many things, but this remained the most prominent:
So many of these amazing breeds have critically low registrations. Just 600 Sussex Spaniels, to name one. Many of these are breeds that make amazing companion dogs, and the public knows nothing about them.
As a veterinarian, I average seeing about 3 "new puppies" per day (these can be existing or new clients, but new puppies to them), sometimes more, sometimes less. I would guess that about 3-4 of these each MONTH is a purebred dog. And maybe ONE is from a preservation breeder. The others are merle or off color "purebreds" or from mills.
The rest? Every sort of doodle you can imagine, or other mixes such as husky/gsd (no idea who is doing this, but please stop), pomsky, shipoo, havapoo, shichon, cavachon, the list goes on and on.
The sad part is that many of these owners are educated, smart people, who just truly don't know. They don't know about the amazing purebred dogs who would fit so much better in their home. They don't know that buying a purebred dog is buying predictability. They don't know about health testing or breed typical traits or breed typical health concerns. They know they want a puppy and they can go online and order one, and be fooled by photos and words. Some even say "when I got there I knew it was a mill, but I couldn't say no at that point."
We need to do better. We need to promote and educate and...go ahead and crucify me for this...breed more dogs. Stop vilifying breeders who actually breed. Because pretty soon, we are all going to be extinct and all that will be left is designer dogs.
When I can talk to someone BEFORE they get their puppy, I can make a difference. I can educate about breeds that may work for them, about health issues, and about finding the right breeder. But as the veterinarian, all I can do is sigh when I see yet another "cockadoodledont" on my schedule and educate after the fact about pet insurance and training and the things we can do to try to help that particular puppy.
I don't have the solution, but I do know that we have to do better.

(And sadly so many doodles. So many.)

I’m the lucky one!  Little Ollie (aka Big Head Todd) has won them over❤️❤️❤️ #

I’m the lucky one! Little Ollie (aka Big Head Todd) has won them over❤️❤️❤️ #


Thank you to all my retiree homes. I love you more than you know.

** Copied from a friend **
Every so often, I see a question pop up about whether or not placing retired breeding animals is ethical. To people who aren’t breeders, it often looks bad or feels “icky”… like breeders are just tossing away dogs once they’ve been used to produce puppies. Let me give you a different perspective...
I receive messages and see posts from the owners of my retired and breeding dogs. While their lives are comfortable with me, they now get to live an incredibly loved and spoiled life, many times as an only dog with a family that adores them. Different isn’t good or bad, it’s just different. They live a different life with their families than they would have with me. They are content, satisfied, and loved with me; they continue to be all of those things, but with their very own people and without having to share those people with a pack of other dogs.
The day I let one of my retired dogs go to a family is HARD. I cry when I let them go... I look forward to updates on birthdays, “gotcha” days, and out of the blue every few months. I see how they are loved beyond measure, and I am grateful every day that my “retired” dogs have been blessed into the lives of the people that love them just as much as I ever did. I’m glad it could be one of mine that they love.
Quality breeders don’t rehome retired breeding dogs because it’s easy. We do it in spite of how hard it is on us because it’s what’s best for them.

Happy birthday to my T. ❤️

Happy birthday to my T. ❤️

Last day of vacation in northern Michigan.   Lunch in Suttons Bay. Seeing a pretty fawn “Well Bred” French bulldog. Appr...

Last day of vacation in northern Michigan. Lunch in Suttons Bay. Seeing a pretty fawn “Well Bred” French bulldog. Approaching the owners to ask who the Breeder is. Finding out the Breeder is ME!!! Priceless!🤣🤣.


French bulldogs, the breed I am passionate about, are in big trouble.
The “Rare” color GReeders…have infiltrated this beautiful breed of dog with their dilute colors and their crossbred mutts that they claim to be “fluffy” “Merle” and even “hairless” are just abominations.
These jerks and the ignorant, careless pet people that buy puppies from them are ruining the French bulldog breed as it was intended to be.

Posted by a preservation breeder who is ALSO a Vet!! Here's the real deal, people:

Watching the Westminster coverage, I was struck by many things, but this remained the most prominent:
So many of these amazing breeds have critically low registrations. Just 600 Sussex Spaniels, to name one. Many of these are breeds that make amazing companion dogs, and the public knows nothing about them.
As a veterinarian, I average seeing about 3 "new puppies" per day (these can be existing or new clients, but new puppies to them), sometimes more, sometimes less. I would guess that about 3-4 of these each MONTH is a purebred dog. And maybe ONE is from a preservation breeder. The others are merle or off color "purebreds" or from mills.
The rest? Every sort of doodle you can imagine, or other mixes such as husky/gsd (no idea who is doing this, but please stop), pomsky, shipoo, havapoo, shichon, cavachon, the list goes on and on.
The sad part is that many of these owners are educated, smart people, who just truly don't know. They don't know about the amazing purebred dogs who would fit so much better in their home. They don't know that buying a purebred dog is buying predictability. They don't know about health testing or breed typical traits or breed typical health concerns. They know they want a puppy and they can go online and order one, and be fooled by photos and words. Some even say "when I got there I knew it was a mill, but I couldn't say no at that point."
We need to do better. We need to promote and educate and...go ahead and crucify me for this...breed more dogs. Stop vilifying breeders who actually breed. Because pretty soon, we are all going to be extinct and all that will be left is designer dogs.
When I can talk to someone BEFORE they get their puppy, I can make a difference. I can educate about breeds that may work for them, about health issues, and about finding the right breeder. But as the veterinarian, all I can do is sigh when I see yet another "cockadoodledont" on my schedule and educate after the fact about pet insurance and training and the things we can do to try to help that particular puppy.
I don't have the solution, but I do know that we have to do better.

(And sadly so many doodles. So many.)



This is what you are getting when you buy a…

This is what you are getting when you buy a…

This is why I am a preservation Breeder. 🥰. “Fun Facts-Lil Poirot isn’t like the other frenchies in daycare. He prefers ...

This is why I am a preservation Breeder. 🥰.
“Fun Facts-Lil Poirot isn’t like the other frenchies in daycare. He prefers the attention of the humans rather than romping around with the other frenchies. We love this little smoosh boy. He is so snug gable.”
“So happy Susan! Yesterday Poirot got dog of the day at daycare that I wanted to share. Also I wanted to thank you for breeding in my opinion the cutest frenchie in his daycare!”





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