Sun and Sage Rescues

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Sun and Sage Rescues I am Aron and I rescue animals in Bali while promoting kindness to all animals.

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Some bad news from Bob, he has cancer. To be specific he has TVT or Transmissible Veneral Tumour.Poor Bob, he just can't...

Some bad news from Bob, he has cancer. To be specific he has TVT or Transmissible Veneral Tumour.

Poor Bob, he just can't catch a break.

I'd been wondering why Bob's fur hadn't quite got nice ans shiny yet, and why his appetite was so large, but only slow weight gain. I Had put it down to metabolism.

Then around the house, I saw some pale drops of blood. I didn't think much of it at first and thought maybe it's a mild cut somewhere on one of my dogs.

Then the drops didn't go away and got darker. After giving everyone a thorough check I saw it was from Bob's man parts. I would have notice blood in his p*e though, but there wasn't any.

After taking him to we got the news that it was TVT.

It seems Bob, despite being blind, knew how to woo a lady or two. TVT is passed on mainpy through secual contact between dogs. Left untreated of course it would kill them. We couldn't possibly have known about this before as there were no symptoms. It seems his tumour took a while to grow after his rescue.

The good news is, this is treatable. Bob needs a weekly chemotherapy session in order to get rid of the tumour so we will be proceeding with that. Hopefully, the tumour will be gone after four sessions. Wish Bob luck.

Hero these days. Proud of this dog who remained gentle after a life of cruelty and pain. He had a chain embedded in his ...

Hero these days. Proud of this dog who remained gentle after a life of cruelty and pain. He had a chain embedded in his neck when we found him. He's safe, happy and healthy now.

Some more photos of Coklat's transformation. She's a temple pup and I'd love to find her a home, please get in touch if ...

Some more photos of Coklat's transformation. She's a temple pup and I'd love to find her a home, please get in touch if you're in Bali and would like to adopt her.

She lives at the temple right now which isn't ideal but at least she's being cared for.

Thank you to everyone who gives monthly. You've enabled me to help Coklat.

Here is Gwen's rescue story!

Here is Gwen's rescue story!

I found Gwen at the temple/market area during a distemper outbreak. She was too weak to even walk. Here is her story.To support my efforts monthly: www.patre...

I've finally finished my latest YouTube video which is a summary of Gwen's rescue over three years.Poor Gwen was thrown ...

I've finally finished my latest YouTube video which is a summary of Gwen's rescue over three years.

Poor Gwen was thrown away twice in her short life but now has a great adopter and family in Bapak Wayan.

She was at deaths door when I found her and I'm so happy she's now living her best life.

Thank you to everyone who supports my effort and you can see more on my YouTube channel, just search Sun and Sage Rescues.

Seeking adoptions! All vaccinated and sterilised. Please help and share, especially if you know anyone in Bali. I cannot...

Seeking adoptions! All vaccinated and sterilised. Please help and share, especially if you know anyone in Bali. I cannot help new rescues until I can get my existing pups adopted first. Thank you so much.

1. BELLA: She was rescued from the temple area as an abandoned pup along with her sister and brother (Bini and Barney). Barney got adopted, Bini passed away of parvovirus. Bella did get adopted. However her adopted returned her, so she's been abandoned twice now. Bella is a sweet girl and extremely friendly.

2. TRISNA: He was in a state when I found him. He was petrified and broken in body and mind. He had a broken leg and got parvovirus along with skin issues. He battled through it all and now has a clean bill of health. He's about to have his castration.

3. LOLA: She was abandoned at the temple as a pup with skin issues. Lola came to the garden but managed to break her leg, so her recovery took a while. Lola was adopted but it didn't work out. She needs a home with a human who has patience as she is scared of new environments, but she is a lovely, friendly girl.

4. RHODESY: She was rescued too from the temple area after her and her sister were thrown away. Her sister Vicky has been adopted but poor Rhodesy is yet to find a home. She's a lovely gentle soul.

5. BOB: Also goes by Bobito, Bobinho or Boberto. Bob was thrown away blind. He was starving and dehydrated in the bushes when we found him. I'm fostering Bob at my house. Bob loves human cuddles more than anything. He is blind and will not recover vision, but is great at working out his environment. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body.

Not includes here is Jacky, who is currently at Sunset Vet with a fractured tibia. Please see my previous post about hee.

A little update from broken legged Jackie for you.Jacky's fungal skin issue has dried up a bit after medication so has b...

A little update from broken legged Jackie for you.

Jacky's fungal skin issue has dried up a bit after medication so has been able to have a cast. It means that she has a little more freedom now as she doesn't have to be constantly in a cage.

She had a fairly major tibia fracture which meant she couldn't walk. Someone had thrown her away at the temple area. She was in severe leg pain but also had fungal and parasitic (scabies) skin conditions.

We had to treat the skin condition first, because putting a cast on wet fungal skin isn't recommended for obvious reasons.

Jackie is still at so if anybody wants to visit her during visiting hours please do. I can't make every day.

Jacky is a lovely, gentle pup who loves a cuddle and stroke. She can't come to the garden yet as her cast needs to stay dry. She'll have a follow up xray in a week or two. I'm happy to see Jacky not in pain and starting to enjoy life.

In the meantime, if anyone would like to foster or adopt her, please let me know.

A big thanks to monthly supporters and vet bills supporters who have helped to cover Jacky's bill.


There has been a few understandable concerns in response the to recent YouTube, Facebook and Instagram videos that The Dodo posted about Bob. So I wanted to post this update from my visit on Friday explaining about why I made the decisions I did. Thanks for watching and supporting.


After a few YouTube, Instagram and Facebook comments following the nice video from the The Dodo I thought I would clear up any concerns that people had. This is my last trip to see Satria on Friday last week. Thanks for watching.


The Dodo has kindly made this nice video about Satria's rescue. There has been a lot of negative comments. In my next post, I'll share my last visit to him last week along with an explainer about his story, condition and ending.

What a difference a year makes. Lilly the day she was rescued and Lilly now.

What a difference a year makes. Lilly the day she was rescued and Lilly now.

I went to visit Jacky, the broken leg puppy in Sunset Vet. She's incredibly smelly due to her fungal skin condition but ...

I went to visit Jacky, the broken leg puppy in Sunset Vet. She's incredibly smelly due to her fungal skin condition but is getting the treatment she needs. To make things worse for her. She has scabies, which is an itchy parasitic disease caused by mites which burrow into the skin and lay eggs. It is incredibly uncomfortable.

Because of the skin condition a cast cannot be put on, so she'll have cage rest until her tibia fracture heals. She's having ivermectin injections (weekly) and weekly medicated wash. Bravecto will kill the scabies parasites (eggs) too. Jacky is on painkillers for her leg and anti inflammation for her leg.

Thanks for all of your support to the vet bill and to patrons. I'll keep you updated on Jackie's recovery.

Get well soon Jackie!

A few bonus photos of Hena's recovery! Thank you so much  for featuring her story and everybody who helps me to continue...

A few bonus photos of Hena's recovery! Thank you so much for featuring her story and everybody who helps me to continue doing this!

A quick update from blind BobHe's still at mine and continues his recovery. Bob is such a friendly fella, too friendly r...

A quick update from blind Bob

He's still at mine and continues his recovery. Bob is such a friendly fella, too friendly really that he will go up to anyone and go anywhere, despite not being able to see.

He navigates his way around my house well and his ribs are no linger showing. His spine and hips are still a bit piking out but other than that he's doing well.

Bob is the sweetest dogs and I'm trying to train him on a harness so he can join walks, but he understandably freaks out a little when I put the harness on.

Bob loves nothing more than human attention and always wants to be around people.

I'm acutely aware that I cannot give him the attention and love he deserves. And that I also am needed to help animals elsewhere and so my house is not a permanent solution.

Please get in touch if you could be that person who can give Bob the love he yearns so much. Willing to consider all possibilities!

Bob is love, love is Bob.

New rescue just in. Meet Jacky. A little pupperoo thrown away at the temple. It's a sad situation that many puppies are ...

New rescue just in. Meet Jacky. A little pupperoo thrown away at the temple. It's a sad situation that many puppies are thrown away there. After days of searching, we finally found Jacky and got her to the vet. She was clearly in pain and needed vet treatment, unable to put weight on her leg. She's now safe at Sunset Vet, receiving treatment for tibia fracture.

Thank you to everyone who supports me monthly or through helping with my vet bill. I couldn't do this without you.

VICKY HAS BEEN ADOPTED!!I am so happy and grateful to say that Vicky has found her forever home with Bapak Ketut's famil...


I am so happy and grateful to say that Vicky has found her forever home with Bapak Ketut's family.

had messaged to say that she had found a home for Vicky. After I spoke to Bapaka Ketut, he told me that he felt sad for his dog Rambo, who didn't have a friend, so he was hoping to adopt Vicky.

After doing the introductions, it was very clear that Vicky would have the best life here.

Vicky and her sister Rhodesy were dumped at the temple in December. I'd had no luck at all finding them homes and had begun to lose hope.

After recovering from their skin conditions, Vicky and Rhodesy became the longest staying pups at the garden. Even at adoption days, she was the only one not to be adopted. I could understand why, really.

But now I'm reminded that good people are out there and that I should never give up on finding homes.

Of course, it would have been ideal to rehome Rhodesy with her too, but when homes are so rare, we have to be happy for them.

I will miss Vicky very much but am happy for her and I'll be back to see her again soon!

Ah what a great time with   and the incredible host .rhiannon I've been away for the past few days, taking a little brea...

Ah what a great time with and the incredible host .rhiannon

I've been away for the past few days, taking a little break and joining the second half of The Great Vegan Escape.

It was just brilliant to stop, recharge, relax, and workout with some lovely kind and compassionate people, all vegans!

I'm back in the real world now recharged and reinvigorated.

The retreat was an all vegan escape at .oasis with a program for mindfulness, cultural excursions and exercise classes.

Fingers crossed I'll be able to join next year too!

I feel so lucky to have joined and am going back into my rescue activities reinspired to help promote a kinder way of living.

A little update from Trisna today. After his cage rest was extended for two more weeks, he only has a few more days left...

A little update from Trisna today. After his cage rest was extended for two more weeks, he only has a few more days left. His broken leg is almost better.

He'll soon be able to leave. I'm hoping an adopter or foster comes forward in the next few days. It's best he has a semi quiet environment where he can be cared for. Otherwise, he'll be joining the rescue garden crew until we can find him a permanent solution.

I think back to his rescue day and am amazed with how far he had come.

Thank you everyone who has helped with my vet bill and who supports monthly. Your help saved him.

Really happy to share Violet's rescue and story. I hope you enjoy watching!

Really happy to share Violet's rescue and story. I hope you enjoy watching!

Meet Violet, a skinny and malnourished pig who I rescued. I hope you enjoy seeing her grow and become the cheeky pig she is today!Support my efforts: www.p...

Violet's youtube video is nearly complete. It's taken weeks to edit but I'm really excited to tell her full story so far...

Violet's youtube video is nearly complete. It's taken weeks to edit but I'm really excited to tell her full story so far.

And hopefully it can convince a few people out there to choose kindness over violence, compassion over cruelty.

After some apprehension, and no foster or adopter, I decided to bring Bob to the rescue garden. It was a tough one becau...

After some apprehension, and no foster or adopter, I decided to bring Bob to the rescue garden. It was a tough one because I didn't know how he'd get on there. With a pig and 3 other dogs. I was worried it might be to overwhelming or scary for him.

I needn't have worried. Bob took it all in his stride and genuinely seemed so happy. I am in awe of his attitude given he is completely blind. I'm now working on a future plan for him but for now he's safe and happy at the rescue garden. I'll keep you all updated on Bob.

He has a big future ahead of him.

Happy days! Cerys, the kitten who was thrown away at my house (and had made her way into the car engine) has been adopte...

Happy days! Cerys, the kitten who was thrown away at my house (and had made her way into the car engine) has been adopted by the lovely Nelthy.

It's a huge relief, because I don't have a space for cats. Once rescued, I took her to who looked after her during her quarantine.

Unvaccinated kittens need to stay in a safe space, at least until they've had their vaccinations. Cerys has been staying at Gianyar Veterinary.

During this period, Nelthy, a lovely lady who works there fell in love with Cerys.

All vaccinated, Cerys has now gone to her new home with her adopter Nelthy.

We sent her off with an adoption pack of food and kitty litter. I'm really happy for Cerys after her bad start to life.

A big thank you to Nelthy for opening her heart and home to this little one who was in need.

An update from Bob. We are now firmly bezzie mates! If you missed it, Bob is blind and has been learning to live without...

An update from Bob. We are now firmly bezzie mates! If you missed it, Bob is blind and has been learning to live without sight.

I rescued him when he was starving, dehydrated and confused in the bushes after someone had thrown him away.

Initially growling at me and scared to be touched, he now loves nothing more than a cuddle.

There's no reason for Bob to be in the vet anymore, so my attention is now to find him a comfortable temporary place. My garden is not ideal with Violet and all the puppies.

Bob has just been castrated and I'm now hoping to find him a foster home for the next few months until I can find a proper special home for this special dog.

Are you in Bali and can foster Bob?

Some much needed good news for Trisna! After being in critical condition, he has perked up and I'm delighted to day he i...

Some much needed good news for Trisna! After being in critical condition, he has perked up and I'm delighted to day he is now Parvovirus free!

That's right, he has beat Parvovirus. I cannot really put into words how fantastic this is, considering he was fighting a broken leg, anaemia and fungal skin disease too.

Now that his second test was negative, he is out of isolation!

It's a long road head still though. Tris needs a month of cage rest in order for his leg to heal. He will need a bandage and medicated wash too. He's also on supplements to boost his iron and solve his anaemia.

The good news here is that it's all completely recoverable. After the worst ever start to life, he's finally going to be safe and cared for. It could have all been so different if I didn't chance to meet him.

Throwing animals away isn't cool. But it's exactly what most of us pay into. For example, in the egg industry, males are useless and so hatcheries literally grind them (mascerate) them to death on day one - or gassed. It's horrific and something that is kept from the public but please do your own research and see if you genuinely agree with it.

Let's say no to throwing baby animals away, dog, chicken or other. Let's choose kindness, always.

Every day when I meet Violet I'm grateful that we were able to rescue her and give her a life where she never has to suf...

Every day when I meet Violet I'm grateful that we were able to rescue her and give her a life where she never has to suffer or be killed at the hands of a human.

She's grown up with dogs and I see no difference between their abilities to enjoy life. She has all the same capacities. So it always seemed unfair that us humans kill her kind, but are upset when someone kills a dog. Of course, we can choose to kill neither.

Violet will soon be having her first birthday, a milestone most pigs on the planet never reach. Most pigs are killed at 6 to 8 months old, so still babies (this can vary).

I'm proud to be giving Violet a life of kindness and hope that my channel can inspire you too to choose to be kind to all animals too.

Yesterday was a huge breakthrough with Bob. He allowed me to stroke him and even rested his head on me.I wasn't expectin...

Yesterday was a huge breakthrough with Bob. He allowed me to stroke him and even rested his head on me.

I wasn't expecting it at all, but he's been so scared and cautious of me up until now. Our theory is that Bob recently lost vision in his right eye, rendering him blind.

Five years old, it seems someone through him out after he went completely blind. That's our best guess anyway. It's difficult to really know the back story of all these animals who get thrown away.

I've had no offers in Bali yet for a foster or adopter, but I will keep trying my best and thinking positively that someone might come along soon.

Thank you so much for all of the support lately. It's what keeps me going in my little mission to rescue animals and share the idea of kindness to all animals.

Bob had been in the vet for a few days now. He's mostly huddled in a corner of the cage. Here's what I think happened to...

Bob had been in the vet for a few days now. He's mostly huddled in a corner of the cage. Here's what I think happened to him...

Until recently he could still see out of his right eye. Then, after five years of living a relatively normal life, glaucoma kicked in (probably part and parcel of the same lack of vitamin A while in the womb). That's when someone threw him away.

Bob has a very long way to go. He is scared when touched, because understandably, he doesn't know what's going on.

Initially I'm trying to use audio cues for him, giving him snacks while calling his name and telling him he's a good boy.

His tail has wagged once or twice but he's mostly confused as to why he can't see.

Sadly there's no operation available to restore his vision, so Bob is going to have to learn 'how to be blind'.

If you're in Bali and have a safe and secure space for him to recover, please get in touch. It's not ideal, but for now he'll have to stay at the vet until I can work something out. For obvious reasons, Bob can't go to a kennel or my rescue garden.

I'm visiting as much as I can but if you're in Ubud and can do the same, please give him some much needed love during visiting hours.

You've got this Bob.

Boots maboots! I've finally finished his YouTube video. I hope you enjoy seeing his transformation...

Boots maboots! I've finally finished his YouTube video. I hope you enjoy seeing his transformation...

This is Boots' story. I hope you enjoy seeing the recovery of this very special dog.To support my efforts monthly: give to my ve...




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