I found myself paralyzed in fear’s grip, sensing devastation, an impending tsunami somewhere in the world.
Held helpless in the smallness of my being, my mind circled and landed in a dark place of sadness at the prospect of hundreds of lives lost, homes destroyed and land washed away forever into the ocean.
Suddenly, and inexplicably, within the fog of my consciousness, appeared before me a rather large female gray whale.
The whale spoke to me with a familiar calm affection in a tapestry of beautiful, watery pictures. “Do not be afraid,” she said, “for this is but a small part in the grand ocean that is creation, a minute piece of the greater journey we all share.”
Then, the whale’s eyes illuminated, shedding blue light and shared an image of another mama whale, like herself, giving birth to new life. The birthing mama passed into eternity.
I watched its spirit transcending body, floating into a timeless opening of love in the translucent blue sky.
Its baby whale grew and matured until it too gave birth to its future. After a time, I saw it pass as well into ether’s glory.
Bringing my awareness back to now, the whale surrounded my questioning soul with flashes of infinite cycles, of loving creation, of living, dying, birth and rebirth, all shared with peaceful acceptance and understanding of purpose. She assured me it is the same with people and their earthly land.
With that, the mama gray splashed a wave of dreamy, sparkling water from the cosmos, drenching me in eternal love.
Even now, in my quiet moments of distant memory, I can see in sparkling detail the whale’s parting image... an enormous tear tenderly escaping the eye of the mama gray.
Nestled within the whale’s tear rested the Earth in all of its tangible beauty. Above the whale, written in a star-dotted ocean sky, floated the word REMEMBER. And I do. Jody Doty
©2024 Meditations and Musings by Jody Doty
🎨 Rachel Byler