
Luv-N-Bunns Rescue and placement for domestic rabbits in the Philadelphia area. Please note- we are a network of private foster homes and we do not have a location.

Rescue and placement for abandoned bunnies in the Philadelphia area. We take in rabbits who are no longer wanted, have been abandoned, and/or have been abused. Once cleared by our vet, we have them neutered/spayed and find new, loving homes for each. In addition, we host various events to educate people about rabbits and their needs.

NEW ADVENTURESThis cutie hopped off to his forever home today, and we couldn’t be more excited for him and his new mama....


This cutie hopped off to his forever home today, and we couldn’t be more excited for him and his new mama. We wish you a lifetime of hops, flops, binkies, and boops! 💙

BUNNY CARE CORNERWell hello there, everyone! It's time for this week's edition of BCC. Oh hoppy day! It always puts a pe...


Well hello there, everyone! It's time for this week's edition of BCC. Oh hoppy day! It always puts a pep in my step (hop in my flop? bop in my binky?) to hear what my human friends have to say.

Today, since it's the hazy days of summer, I thought I would share a throwback post from August of last year, all about the different bunny breeds. Did you know there are fifty of them? 😮 Read on to find out more!

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Each breed has its own characteristics. For example, the Netherland Dwarf has the smallest ears and the English Lop has the longest. Some breeds, like the Flemish Giant, are often calmer and more laid-back, and others, like the English Spot, love to run, zoom, and zip around the house at the speed of light. And did you know lionheads have a reputation for often being sassy or spunky? Also, certain breeds are more prone to specific issues, such as ear infections or dental issues.

Now, all that said ... one of the many, many (many!) cool things about us bunns is that we are each unique. We all have an individual and special personality that transcends breed. There are exceptions to every rule! So when you are looking to adopt a rabbit ... instead of being set on one specific type, I encourage you to go to a rescue or shelter and see which bunny you connect with inside your heart and soul. That is what's most important, after all.

And another awesome thing about adopting your bunn(s)? Rescues have both rabbits that are one breed - like New Zealands, Lionheads, and more - and mixed breeds, too. Like me! I am an English Spot mix! Bandy is a lionhead (and boy does he fit into that spunky category I mentioned above), but we think he might have a little English Spot in him, too. Ma doesn't know our exact background or who our bunn parents are, but it doesn't matter. She loves us for US. For example, the way I flop on her feet, and play Follow the Leader, and jump onto her lap for treats ... she says those are what's important. Because, just like with you humans, it's what on the inside that counts.

Also ... ALL rabbits of ALL breeds are totally adorable on the outside, anyway. Obviously. That's just a given.

So remember : every rabbit is different. Every rabbit is unique. And every rabbit is deserving of a wonderful home.

Tell me, friends ... what breeds or mixes are your bunns?

Until next time...

Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean 🐰

HOPPIN’ AND POPPIN’Who’s ready for a delicious new kind of fundraiser? We are partnering with Poppin’ Popcorn to keep yo...


Who’s ready for a delicious new kind of fundraiser? We are partnering with Poppin’ Popcorn to keep you snacking while also making sure our fund to help the bunns isn’t lacking! LNB will receive a portion of the proceeds from each sale, so this is a win-win. Check out all the fabulous varieties at the link below. This fundraiser runs for three weeks, so don’t delay - get hoppin’ to keep your taste buds poppin’ and our LNB bunns floppin’ 😃

TAKE ME HOME … MONDAY!We have a delicious new fundraiser to introduce to you tomorrow, so we are featuring an adoptable ...


We have a delicious new fundraiser to introduce to you tomorrow, so we are featuring an adoptable a bit early this week!

Meet Mocha! Her foster mom says, "She is a sweet little lady who would like to keep you company and receive as many pets as you are willing to give. She adjusted quickly to her new foster home and foster dog brother, gently sniffing and cozying up to him (though barking is startling!) She prefers running laps around the room and will beg to be let out of her pen. When she gets zoomies out of the way she will sit right by your feet and sometimes nudge them looking for a pet. Mocha’s litterbox habits are generally good but she can be protective if you try cleaning her space while she is there. She needs a bit more TLC, as she is on medication for an eye ulcer. "

Mocha would love to "espresso" herself with you and hopes you will love her a "latte." To meet her, email [email protected] for an application!

A RAY OF LIGHTIt might be rainy outside, but the sun was out in full force at our adoption center today. Just look at al...


It might be rainy outside, but the sun was out in full force at our adoption center today. Just look at all these future love bunns! We couldn’t be happier for them as they hop off to new adventures. Thank you for sharing your bunshine with us, sweet bunnies - today and every day!

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYMeet Moxie! She is the drama-less queen of your dreams! She rules with dignity and grace. Moxie was ...


Meet Moxie! She is the drama-less queen of your dreams! She rules with dignity and grace. Moxie was born into the Luv-N-Bunns network and has developed into the kind of bunny that would make any foster mom proud. She is tidy, loving, and a great eater. Her favorite toy is her stacking cups, but tunnels are a close second. Moxie is looking for a castle (or house) of her very own. If that's yours, email [email protected] for an adoption application!

HOPPING HOMEToday is “tutu” special for this sweet lionhead and her furry little skirt - she is off to forever with her ...


Today is “tutu” special for this sweet lionhead and her furry little skirt - she is off to forever with her new family, and couldn’t resist doing a few binkies to let everyone know how delighted she is. We wish you all a future where happiness dances in your hearts. Happy adoption day! ❤️

WEEKEND VIBESAdoptable Edwina wants to know - what are YOU snackin’ on this Saturday? Whatever it is, she hopes it’s as ...


Adoptable Edwina wants to know - what are YOU snackin’ on this Saturday? Whatever it is, she hopes it’s as tasty as her pellets and hay, and that you have a delicious treat, too. She also hopes her forever person is reading this right now, because she would really love to meet you! 💕

BUNNY CARE CORNERGood afternoon, everybun! Today, we interrupt our regularly scheduled Bunny Care Corner for a special O...


Good afternoon, everybun! Today, we interrupt our regularly scheduled Bunny Care Corner for a special Olympics themed edition! If your home is anything like mine, the coverage is on ... well ... basically always. Seriously. And if I have to hear Ma continuing to hum the theme song for the next week and a half, I just might decide to start thumping along with her. Adding a rhythmic beat to the tune, or telling her my ears need a break and SHE needs to stick to things that don't involve singing? I'll let you decide. 🙃

I will admit, though, that it is actually really awesome to watch all the different sports. The athletes are super inspiring with their dedication. That is a quality us bunnies share. If you've ever watched a bunn trying to get into an area that's blocked off, or find a treat bag that's been stashed away, or eat something off limits, like the carpet or furniture ... well, then you know that we can be pretty persistent, too. Some might even call it stubborn, but I prefer to put a positive spin on it.

ANYWAY - this makes me think that there should totally be a Bunlympics, too. I have my rings all set up and am READY, my friends. So is Brownie, with his post from Monday! And let’s face it, my little bro Bandy basically runs at Bunlympic speed every day. Now, if we could only decide which event to compete in. Bunny 500 racing? Creative binkying? Hopping high jump? Speed eating? The pawsibilities are endless!

How about your bunns? What sport would they choose to go for the gold in?

Until next time...

Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean 🐰

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYAspen is ready to hop into your heart - and home! This sweet seven year old girl has lots of love to...


Aspen is ready to hop into your heart - and home! This sweet seven year old girl has lots of love to give and is hoping that her forever human is reading this right now. She has had a bonded bunny friend in the past, and we think she might enjoy having another husbunn, too. To meet her, please email [email protected]. Her paws are crossed!





DOUBLE THE HOPPINESSWe are doubly excited for two hoppy-ever-afters this weekend! Congratulations to these sweet bunns o...


We are doubly excited for two hoppy-ever-afters this weekend! Congratulations to these sweet bunns on the next chapter of their stories. We know the pages will be written with joy! ❤️

HELP NEEDEDThis year has been particularly challenging for rescues everywhere. The need is so great, and we’re doing all...


This year has been particularly challenging for rescues everywhere. The need is so great, and we’re doing all we can - but with your help, we can do even more. If you can foster for LNB - either a bunn with or without special needs - please email [email protected] for a foster application!

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYElderberry is on the lookout for her forever home! You might remember her from one of our $5 Friday ...


Elderberry is on the lookout for her forever home! You might remember her from one of our $5 Friday posts earlier this year. She arrived to LNB in extremely critical condition after being left to fend for herself in a chicken coop with a flock of chickens. Despite her ordeal, she's made a remarkable recovery and has been learning to live her best bunny life in foster care with us over the last months.

Elderberry is a smart and spunky bunny who would do well in a home with an experienced bunny owner. She can be territorial of her space and does well when her human counterparts let her approach on her own terms. Once comfortable, she is happy to settle in and soak up all of the pets and love. Elderberry has developed very good potty manners, and loves her free roam time - she is an avid explorer and jumper!

If you'd like to be the one to help heal Elderberry's heart and give her all the love she deserves, please email [email protected] for an adoption application!

What's this?!  We have a chinchilla to place in a home!  Walter is a 12 year old gentleman who just lost his best bonded...

What's this?! We have a chinchilla to place in a home!
Walter is a 12 year old gentleman who just lost his best bonded chinchilla friend and is looking for a new home to live out his golden years. He'll be coming with his hutch and all his supplies. We're just looking for a special person to give him love and a soft place to land.
Check out his listing below and email [email protected] if you're interested in adopting or even fostering!

Walter the Chinchilla is an adoptable Small & Furry Animal - Chinchilla searching for a forever family near Philadelphia, PA. Use Petfinder to find adoptable pets in your area.

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYMeet Bixlee! She hopped into the LNB network as a stray, found outside in the June heat. Born earlie...


Meet Bixlee! She hopped into the LNB network as a stray, found outside in the June heat. Born earlier this year, she was just a few months old when she had to navigate the big, scary world - a dangerous place for any domestic bunn. But you would never know what she has been through. This petite gal loves people and getting lots of attention. And look at her fur! If you agree that this girl is "tutu" special, email [email protected] for an adoption application!

BUNNY CARE CORNERGood morning, friends, and hoppy Wednesday! I hope everyone - and everybunn - is staying nice and cool ...


Good morning, friends, and hoppy Wednesday! I hope everyone - and everybunn - is staying nice and cool indoors during these scorching temperatures. If you're looking for ways to beat the heat, allow me to suggest two of my personal favorites: chillin' underneath the dining room table (lots of shade there!) or hanging out next to an air conditioning vent, like I am in this photo. It might even ruffle your fur ... though I guess that's probably only true for us bunns and not you humans. 😉

ANYWAY ... hopping right along, here are the answers from my last column's trivia questions. Thank you so much for chiming in!

1. Why is hay the most important part of a bunn's diet?
A bunny's diet should be 75-80% hay. Not only is it essential to keep our digestive system properly on track, but it also helps keep our teeth (which are always growing) worn down and free from painful points.

2. How often should a bunny see a rabbit-savvy vet?
At least once per year. Some vets recommend two checkups each year, especially when a bunny is older, and then there are also bunns who have to visit even more often, for things such as tooth checks (like me!). And, of course, it is important to remember that rabbits are fragile animals and we often try to hide it when we're not feeling well - so it's up to you to keep an eye on us and to take us to the vet right away if anything is amiss. Sometimes the smallest sign can indicate something bigger going on, so please be vigilant!

3. Why is it important to limit the amount of fruit a rabbit eats?
I told Ma not to include this question because if you ask us bunns, fruit is DELICIOUS. It is, however, also high in sugar and that can make our bunny bellies uncomfortable, so as much as I do not want to say this ... please DO limit the amount of fruit because that helps us stay healthy.

4. What are the reasons why domestic bunnies must live indoors only?
SO MANY REASONS - extreme temperatures (like this heat wave!), RHDV2 and how incredibly contagious it is, predators, pesticides, vehicles ... the list goes on and on (and on). Domestic bunnies cannot survive outdoors. We should always be inside!

5. Why is it crucial to spay and neuter bunnies?
Not only will this prevent reproductive cancers, but it will also help to control the increasingly huge rabbit population. As you know, rescues everywhere are totally swamped. There are so many bunns in need and no space for them all to go. Rescue volunteers work 'round the clock, but they need everyone to step up and help, too. And as another bonus? A fixed rabbit does a much better job with its litter box!

Okay, friends, that's all for today! Until next time...

Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean 🐰

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYMeet Mystic! This sweet girl and her siblings were born into Luv-N-Bunns shortly after we rescued th...


Meet Mystic! This sweet girl and her siblings were born into Luv-N-Bunns shortly after we rescued their mom. She is a gentle, well-mannered little bunn who loves her fringed "hidey hut" and munching on greens. She would love to pack up that hidey hut and move it into her forever home. Might that home be yours? If so, email [email protected] for an adoption application!

GOING FOR THE GOLDWith a name like Medal, of course you need to top the podium when it comes to bunny speed dating! Bunl...


With a name like Medal, of course you need to top the podium when it comes to bunny speed dating! Bunlympic sports of ear kissing and nose booping? These two lead the field of contenders. We wish them and their humans a hoppy ever after that is truly golden! 💛

V***n would like to give you a heads up - if you’re waiting for an email from us in regard to adoption applications - pl...

V***n would like to give you a heads up - if you’re waiting for an email from us in regard to adoption applications - please check your spam folder. Sometimes our emails end up there, especially when there are attachments. V***n would also like you to know that she is adoptable and hopes one of those applications will soon be for her!

HOPPY FOURTH OF JULYClover, Aurora, and all of us at LNB wish you a fabulous holiday - may it be filled with sunshine, s...


Clover, Aurora, and all of us at LNB wish you a fabulous holiday - may it be filled with sunshine, sparkles, and smiles!

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYThis honey bunn is Brownie, and he is as sweet as his name suggests! An alum of LNB, he rejoined us ...


This honey bunn is Brownie, and he is as sweet as his name suggests! An alum of LNB, he rejoined us in April and is hoping his forever home is just around the corner. He lost his bonded friend recently and is so lonely. Please, won't you consider bringing lots of love and companionship back into his life? We think he might enjoy being a "husbunn" again, too. If you'd like to give this boy back his hoppiness, please email [email protected] for an adoption application!

HOPPING HOMEThis sweet boy got his forever home today, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! From a stray found in the icy c...


This sweet boy got his forever home today, and we couldn’t be more thrilled! From a stray found in the icy cold winter to a bunn who will be loved and spoiled indoors forever more - we adore a before and after like this one. Wishing you a lifetime of hops and flops! ❤️

Minx here with an important reminder: LNB’s official merchandise is only available via Bonfire and in person events. Any...

Minx here with an important reminder: LNB’s official merchandise is only available via Bonfire and in person events. Any comments you come across on our page about selling merchandise - that is NOT us. Please beware!

BUNNY CARE CORNERGood morning, everybunn! Wednesday has hopped around again, which means it's time for our weekly chat. ...


Good morning, everybunn! Wednesday has hopped around again, which means it's time for our weekly chat. We haven't done one of our trivia Q&A columns in a really long time, so I thought it would be fun to do that and make today's BCC an interactive one. So without further ado...

1. Why is hay the most important part of a bunn's diet?

2. How often should a bunny see a rabbit-savvy vet?

3. Why is it important to limit the amount of fruit a rabbit eats?

4. What are the reasons why domestic bunnies must live indoors only?

5. Why is it crucial to spay and neuter bunnies?

Please add your answers to these questions to the comments section, and I will be back next week to share my own!

Until next time...

Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean 🐰

P.S. Ma bought Bandy and me flop beds from Bunfest, and she keeps telling me that the point is for me to flop IN it, not next to it. Can you please inform her that this is actually the proper way and that the bunny is always right? 🙃😉

TAKE ME HOME TUESDAYMeet Archer (Sable Point) and Romeo (Harlequin)! (AKA Taylor Swift fans!)Their foster mom says, "The...


Meet Archer (Sable Point) and Romeo (Harlequin)! (AKA Taylor Swift fans!)

Their foster mom says, "These two handsome brothers will be sure to steal your heart! They came to our rescue from a hoarding situation in Ohio at just a week old. They have been thriving since being with us, and are now ready to find their forever home! Both boys are very good with their potty manners, and would do well free roaming with some rabbit proofing (Archer likes wires). Both love to be pet, and will sit with you quite awhile. Both love to lay in bed and watch TV with you.

Romeo is one of the most lovable buns, he will nudge you to be pet, climb up on your lap, and sometimes lay on you. He is the more quiet one of this little duo, and just as sweet as they come!

Archer is a little more outgoing, and quite the jumper, but he is a little love bug once he gets some of his energy out. Both love to be pet at the same time, so no partiality is shown, and most of the time they are right next to each other."

If you'd like to add double the love to your home with this delightful pair, please email [email protected] for an adoption application!

One of the very best parts of volunteering at LNB’s adoption center? Having the opportunity to get to know and love so m...

One of the very best parts of volunteering at LNB’s adoption center? Having the opportunity to get to know and love so many bunnies. Sometimes one of those bunns stands out - it’s simply meant to be. Some may call it an occupational hazard, but we just think it’s serendipity. That’s the case for this sweet boy and his new mama, who is one of our superstar volunteers and an LNB board member. Hoppy Adoption Day!! ❤️

HELP WANTEDDo you live near Radnor Veterinary Hospital? Are you a rabbit person who enjoys caring for bunnies with speci...


Do you live near Radnor Veterinary Hospital? Are you a rabbit person who enjoys caring for bunnies with special needs?

Help us make a struggling bunn’s dream come true. Bunnies just like Skye, Bobbi, Hopper, Miami, Chi Chi, Little Bunny, Hip Hop, & Pearl need you. Let’s show them how beautiful life can be.

Apply to become a foster nurse for LNB today by emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you!

BUNNY CARE CORNERGood morning, friends! Hoppy sunny Wednesday to bunn and all. I come to you today with a BSA (Bunny Ser...


Good morning, friends! Hoppy sunny Wednesday to bunn and all. I come to you today with a BSA (Bunny Service Announcement):

Summer officially starts tomorrow, and temperatures have been skyrocketing all week long. When those temperatures go up, so should the efforts to keep your bunn(s) cool. Remember, it can get pretty hot with all our fur. That means us bunnies need you to help us stay cool and comfy.

Domestic rabbits should be kept indoors for many reasons, which we've chatted about before. One of those reasons is the heat we're experiencing. If it's hot outside for you, just imagine how it would feel for us!

So please, keep your bunnies indoors at all times. Make sure to provide lots of fresh water to drink, and you can also leave our veggies extra wet after rinsing them off - this will help us get even more hydration. Shaded spots in the house are another good way to help us stay cool! Some of my personal favorite are under the piano bench, under the dining room table, and under the chairs in my room. I take a nap in at least one of those spots (sometimes all three!) every single day. Air conditioning, fans (but please be careful to keep them out of our reach so we don't get hurt and/or munch on the cords), frozen water bottles to chill next to, and tiles to lay on are also on a bunn's list of must-have items in this summer sizzle.

What's on your rabbit's list? Do you have any other tips for helping your furry family members beat the heat?

Until next time...

Nose boops and binkies,
Jasper Jellybean 🐰

P.S. I asked Ma to include this throwback photo with today's post, because what could be better than a bunny in sunglasses?!

P.P.S. Ma says lots of you asked for Bandy and me at Bunfest on Sunday. That makes my heart binky with hoppiness! Thank you!



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