Tesa's Rescue

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Tesa's Rescue We are a not for profit charitable limited company registered at Companies House, we rescue cats and

Hi everyone! We have a few updates, so let's take them one by one.  Our recent auction raised the amazing amount of £401...

Hi everyone!
We have a few updates, so let's take them one by one.

Our recent auction raised the amazing amount of £401 🥳 Thank you all so much! The money has helped our current medical cases greatly. We continue to actively fundraise to repay the generous loan we received for Jinkxx's emergency surgery (https://www.gofundme.com/f/jinkxx-help-with-medical-bills) - the lab results have come back and we are relieved to say it's all good news! We don't have to worry about this beautiful girl at all - she's healthy and the growth is nothing to be concerned about.

Oscar has now started a new diet of gastrointestinal wet food and it already seems to be helping him - there's no more mess in the litterbox and it keeps him full for longer. We're keeping everything crossed things just get better and better ❤️ (https://www.gofundme.com/f/oscar-help-with-medical-bills)

Blue has a health check/meds review scheduled for Monday and in preparation for the car journey + vet handling (which stress him out quite a bit) we're helping him purchase a sedative (£16) which makes him feel much calmer. His owner gratefully lets us know that he's feeling more and more like his old self, it's been a long journey for him to regain his strength and for us to pinpoint what works for his diabetes but it's all stable for now ❤️ (https://www.gofundme.com/f/blue-help-with-medical-bills)

Yesterday we helped a beautiful, much adored Pug called Angel rest forever 💔 She had been living with degenerative myelopathy for quite some time, her loving owner acquired her a cute wheelchair to aid her walking as well as a stroller so they can go everywhere together. When the condition began affecting Angel's health considerably, we fully supported Angel's owner in the heart shattering decision. Sadly sometimes this is another important way we assist a struggling owner and ease their worries, although we wish it was always a happy situation. While I was waiting "on hold" to pay for the appointment, I could barely hold it together, I think little Angel's story hit a bit too close to home. We can't possibly imagine just how sad her owner is, we send our love and warmest hugs. We love you very much tiny Angel 🥰

Lara's sponsored silence fundraiser has reached £410 in pledges so far, she said she wanted to keep the final amount a surprise and we will announce it after the 3rd of September. Many thanks to everyone who is joining in and contributing - as you can see, every penny does make a huge positive difference. If you'd like to sponsor Lara, all details are in the poster below. 🥰

The construction of the Romanian shelter is going slowly but steadily - its progress depends on donations coming in and as you already know people everywhere struggle with their finances. Still, the rescuers do not give up hope and continue to actively fundraise for the purchase of materials. Meanwhile - the stray dogs in the area have made themselves at home, claiming the pile of sand as their soft bed. ❤️ If you would like to contribute with a small donation you can use our usual payment details but just mention "shelter" as reference so we know where to direct the money. ❤️

Thank you everyone for your continuous support and for always speaking beautifully of our non profit work. You all and our whole team, we all cheer together and cry our eyes out in front of the reality presenting before us, we react with intense affection towards all our medical cases and precious animals because we love them so much and care about them and their owners. ❤️ Some days are really bright and some days are really tough. You are still here encouraging us to keep going, we see all your efforts to help and we appreciate them so very much. Thank you 🥰

Hi everyone! ❤️ I hope you're hanging in there without being blown away by the strong winds. Here's a little update on b...

Hi everyone! ❤️
I hope you're hanging in there without being blown away by the strong winds.

Here's a little update on beautiful Jinkxx - she is doing really well after her growth removal surgery, apparently she was very chatty and full of energy when she woke from the procedure, we're all relieved to know she's back home, loved and spoiled just like she needs to be. The bill was £1144 - less than we were expecting, phew! Now we wait for the lab results to see what type of growth we're dealing with. We're continuing to actively fundraise to repay the generous loan which saved Jinkxx's life. One of our wonderful supporters refused to let Jinkxx wait and allowed us borrow the needed sum so Jinkxx could go into surgery ASAP - an incredibly kind gesture ❤️ (https://www.gofundme.com/f/jinkxx-help-with-medical-bills)

In the last few days, the vet team and Oscar's owner have been monitoring his symptoms and it was concluded that IBD was most likely the reason for his health decline, neither the vet team nor his owner felt a biopsy was necessary at this point considering his age and general condition. Oscar is now taking vitamins and has had a steroids injection (£59). This should help reduce the bowel inflammation, improve his appetite and hopefully he will gain some weight so we can go back to what we had planned in the beginning - sorting his teeth out. Thankfully we still have £165 left in his fundraiser for whatever he may need meanwhile or to put towards his dental. You can do this Oscar! ❤️

Charlotte attended her vet appointment to check on her health progress - the vet administered a steroids injection + antibiotics injection + worming treatment (£160) to help with her recovery. Her fur is beginning to grow back, her appetite is great and she's gaining weight slowly but steadily. She's so loved by her foster family and we have no doubt she will conquer this milestone. Once Charlotte has reached peak health we will start looking for a forever home for her ❤️ I just want to take this moment to emphasize the importance of fostering - working with a non profit organization and taking in a pet in need of help is literally saving an extremely valuable life.

Our lovely Lara surprised us with yet another fundraiser organised on our behalf ❤️ She got permission to do a "sponsored silence" at her workplace for 1 day and already people have started donating to support her, last time I checked £60 have been raised in just a day, I guess chatterbox Lara's co-workers are really looking forward to the day of the event 😂 Thank you so much Lara for doing this, you're amazing and we are very grateful ❤️ If you would like to sponsor Lara too I have attached a picture just below with more information.

Thank you all for being here with us, for spreading the word, for directing people in need our way and for always supporting our non profit work - as you can see, your donations make a huge positive impact; whether you share our posts on your social media, participate in our auctions and razzles, organise a little fundraiser for us, or just send us our good thoughts - we appreciate you all and we are happy to be here helping animals and their adoring owners as much as possible 🥰

Good morning everyone 😊Our new auction has begun and people have already started posting beautiful items available for p...

Good morning everyone 😊

Our new auction has begun and people have already started posting beautiful items available for purchase. All the bids received will transform into much needed donations for our medical cases 🥰 (https://www.facebook.com/groups/236696107207232)

Tomorrow we have 3 vet appointments, one after another. At 9am Jinkxx will be having the worrying growth removed (https://www.gofundme.com/f/jinkxx-help-with-medical-bills), at 9:45am Oscar will be having his biopsy (https://www.gofundme.com/f/oscar-help-with-medical-bills) and at 10am Charlotte will be having her check up to make sure she's on the right path to recovery - you might remember we posted her some time ago desperately looking for a foster home and we found the BEST one ❤️ Although she looks pretty rough (severely emaciated and bald patches all over her body), she is extremely loving, playful and purrs non stop. I must thank you all for sharing her post on your social media - the perfect foster family spotted our appeal, got in touch and now little Charlotte is safe and very well cared for, we are so grateful ❤️

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday! 🧡

Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying the lovely breezy sunshine we're getting right now. ❤️You may have spotted a new med...

Hi everyone!
I hope you're enjoying the lovely breezy sunshine we're getting right now. ❤️

You may have spotted a new medical case we've taken on - a 7 year old cat named Jinkxx, she is the sweetest girl, her owner absolutely adores her. Sadly, a worrying lump appeared underneath her front leg; the vet strongly advised removal as soon as possible. Jinkxx's owner felt overwhelmed upon being quoted £1300 for pre-surgery blood tests + removal + cytology. Already struggling on a low income and going through a tough time emotionally, he simply did not have the money available, this was destroying his heart because his beloved Jinkxx's health was his priority. Instead of despairing, he began looking for solutions left and right, eventually his plea of help ended up in our email inbox. We appreciate it takes courage to reach out for help and we would love nothing more than creating a happy ending for this medical case. The problem is that we don't possess the £1300 either - BUT what we do have is the BEST community of animal lovers in the world. Within minutes, one of our amazing supporters offered to loan us the whole amount so Jinkxx wouldn't have to wait any longer and get the ball rolling with booking her appointment (19 August), also mentioning that "your group has proven to be trustworthy and careful with members funds". ❤️ We will of course work hard to fundraise and pay this generous loan back ASAP. We take great joy in knowing that we are assisting yet another cat ❤️ I'll leave the fundraiser link here in case you'd like to share it on your social media: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jinkxx-help-with-medical-bills - thank you!!

Tabby boy Oscar went to the clinic on Tuesday to check if he's gained enough weight in preparation for his dental. Unfortunately he hadn't, the vets grew worried about his continuous diarrhoea and rapid weight loss. They admitted him for the day to perform a bowel scan, which offered inconclusive results (£414). We are all a little tentatively concerned we might be dealing with cancer - Oscar will go back to the clinic so the vets can sample the nodes and diagnose (£383). We'll go from there and draft a plan of action. ❤️ I've added the new costs to his fundraiser - https://www.gofundme.com/f/oscar-help-with-medical-bills - if anybody would like to send a small contribution we would be very grateful. ❤️ We're all taken by surprise as Oscar was meant to just have his teeth done and be happy, but we will make sure to look after him to the best of our abilities based on what the cytology results say. Fingers crossed. 🍀

Both of these wonderful pets' owners are extremely grateful for the assistance received, there's nothing worse than witnessing your beloved family member's health take a worrying turn and being unable to offer them life saving medical care due to financial struggles. There's beauty in hearing the relief in someone's voice once we begin the process. And for this, we have to thank you all, everyone who supports our non profit work via Tesa's Rescue - without you we would not be able to offer a helping hand to someone in need. ❤️

Hi everyone! 👋We'd like to update you on these 2 beautiful tabbies ❤️ You might remember Lilly - the cat with the broken...

Hi everyone! 👋

We'd like to update you on these 2 beautiful tabbies ❤️
You might remember Lilly - the cat with the broken jaw (https://gofund.me/1664d23e). She went to the vet yesterday to have the wire removed - the procedure went exactly as expected and the bill was lower than first quoted too (£228). Lilly's owner and our team exchanged heartfelt emails of thanks and well wishes. As we have £97 extra from Lilly's fundraiser, we transferred the money onto Oscar's fundraiser - https://gofund.me/ba860635 . You might have spotted him yesterday on our social media ❤️ Oscar went to the vet for a check up - it seems he has an inflamed bowel, which has caused his diarrhoea and weight loss. He must put on a bit more weight to avoid any risk under anaesthesia for the dental procedure. The vet concluded Oscar would need to have teeth extracted from both sides of his mouth and the quote for his bill is between £300 - £600. Oscar was given an anti-inflammatory injection as well as vitamin B. We're hoping he can have his dental this coming Tuesday ❤️

Thank you all ever so much for supporting Tesa's Rescue - your efforts make a huge difference as we clearly see with every single medical case we share. Our auction is in full swing at the moment presenting lots of beautiful items - if you're local to Hastings you might want to have a look: https://www.facebook.com/groups/236696107207232 - all money we raise is donated to animals in need 🥰

Hi everyone 👋 We're fundraising to help this handsome boy sort his teethies out. 🥰 (https://www.gofundme.com/f/oscar-hel...

Hi everyone 👋 We're fundraising to help this handsome boy sort his teethies out. 🥰 (https://www.gofundme.com/f/oscar-help-with-medical-bills) Nothing worse than toothache and not being able to eat ☹️ Please share this link on your social media if possible - all details are written in the description - thank you so much! ❤🥰❤

Hi all! 👋Our recent auction raised an amazing £325 - all from donated goods! Thank you so much everyone! We're so gratef...

Hi all! 👋

Our recent auction raised an amazing £325 - all from donated goods! Thank you so much everyone! We're so grateful ❤️

Blue visited the vet clinic recently for his routine check up to ensure he is stable health wise - we're not taking any chances after the huge scare he gave us some time ago when he ended up at the emergency vet clinging to his life. The mild sedative helped him for the car journey as well as handling during the appointment - he does not appreciate either! 😊 The insulin pen continues to work well for him, his weight remained the same (phew!), he had some blood tests which revealed his insulin needs to be increased slightly. Furthermore Blue's weepy eye has not improved even after 2 bottles of eye drops, but the course of antibiotics prescribed had effect right away ❤️ (new £174 vet bill + £40 100 needles for his pen). All in all, Blue is stable, he is doing well, he hasn't given us anymore scary moments and at 13 years old he's living his best life! ❤️

Adorable Miki attended the appointment for his dental - the vet extracted 12 teeth, the bill was £775 - he is now feeling a lot better. He still loves his food and eats absolutely fine. The only problem is that Miki still wants to play with his soft squeaky toy but he cannot pick it up anymore without teeth bless him. 😅 He loves finding it whenever his owner hides it for him.

Reggie is doing great after his dental - the vet needed to extract 9 teeth but Reggie is now feeling much more comfortable and eating well. ❤️ His loving owner stayed with him until he fell asleep under anaesthesia and was right by his side when he woke up from the procedure. The bill was £660, we contributed £365 from your generous donations. ❤️

Otto Bear has now had his dental too - the procedure went according to plan, the vet extracted 7 teeth and also put in some stitches as he discovered an infection in the bone. The handsome sparkly blue eyed boy received a certificate of bravery from the clinic hehe!! ❤️ The bill was £775 - fully funded using your kind donations.

As you can see - your donations help animals in need so much. Every time we close a fundraiser we are reminded that you are all amazing beyond belief, your kindness knows no bounds and we thank you very much for being here with us. 🥰

Good morning everyone! Just a little update on Miki - the dental procedure went according to plan, he had 10 rotten teet...

Good morning everyone!

Just a little update on Miki - the dental procedure went according to plan, he had 10 rotten teeth extracted, he did very well at the vets. Miki took his medication with no issues, he's eating with great appetite and already seems much happier and more comfortable. Mission accomplished! 😍 (https://gofund.me/a552b567) He's booked in for Wednesday 24 July to have a post op check. We are sure he'll pass with flying colours. 🥰

His bill was £775 which means we raised an extra £64 - we'll direct these funds to Otto Bear who also needs a dental (https://gofund.me/46f7e186). Thank you so much everyone for your generosity - your efforts make a huge difference to the well being of a much beloved pet - look at Miki sleeping so peacefully, no pain, no discomfort, and with a belly full of food. 🥰

Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine! ☀Our recent auction raised the amazing amount of £473 - thank you a...

Hello everyone! I hope you're enjoying the sunshine! ☀

Our recent auction raised the amazing amount of £473 - thank you all so much! On top of this, we've had some fabulous extra donations which have really boosted our fundraisers: Reggie's is fully funded (https://gofund.me/1b1ebe63) - we have the money ready for his dental on 26 July; we have about £200 left before we can close Miki's fundraiser (https://gofund.me/219df3b9) and about £400 before we can close Otto Bear's fundraiser (https://gofund.me/a6ef647d) ❤️

We have great news about Winston: he has now been signed off and he will not be needing the corrective surgery! 🥳 We are so happy to learn this. His owner called with her voice full of happiness and trying to hold back tears of relief thanking Tesa's Rescue and all of our supporters who donated for her beloved family member. Winston must take it easy for the moment in terms of exercise but he will slowly build up the strength to return to his favourite off-lead walks. Well done little guy!

We donated part of the auction money to our fellow Romanian rescuers who tirelessly save animals day and night - recently they've been given a plot of land where they hope to build an animal shelter to create more space for the ever growing number of animals needing help. We all wish people would just understand how to look after their animals responsibly and spay + neuter them instead of "dealing with the situation" by abandoning them, like this tiny kitten for example - only today he's been left by a vet clinic's door. Look at him all cozy and happy on our rescuer's lap. ❤️ As you may imagine this plot of land is quite the project, the foundation and concrete have been laid (summing up to £2300), now they need water which is a further £4000 - these are all donations they're trying their hardest to raise posting their own appeals, we'll mention this in case anybody would like to send a small contribution towards this project - you can donate via any of our usual payment methods but please mention "shelter" just so we know where to direct the money ❤️ This is a fantastic initiative and we really hope we can assist a little.

We say this all the time and we mean it wholeheartedly - you all are the loveliest people with the kindest hearts, always helping non profit causes in a heartbeat, always donating great items for our online activities, always sending people our way to request the help they so badly need, always praising us and spreading the word about the work we do. It's incredible just how many animals we're able to assist together and we plan on doing this for as long as we possibly can. Thank you for being here with us and thank you for loving animals so much. 🥰 We've created this beautiful friendly community of volunteers who truly make a difference, how wonderful is this! 🥰

Good morning everyone! 😍We'd like to organise a raffle soon as the vet fees and requests for help are coming thick and f...

Good morning everyone! 😍

We'd like to organise a raffle soon as the vet fees and requests for help are coming thick and fast. We need some lovely prizes! 🥰Please shout up if you have anything suitable to donate, luxury gifts, vouchers for a treat, anything new that may be suitable for a raffle prize.

Thank you so much!! ❤

Hello everyone! ❤️ Our new auction started this morning and already we have lots of lovely items that people can bid on ...

Hello everyone! ❤️

Our new auction started this morning and already we have lots of lovely items that people can bid on - this sort of online activity organised regularly helps our non profit cause so much, each item sold means a donation in our medical emergencies fund which in turn assists animals in need. Everyone is a volunteer which makes all fundraising efforts even more precious ❤️

This reminds me that I would like to ask you for 3 favours:

1. If you are local to Hastings and would like to donate items in good conditions for us, please would you put this request as a post in our group? (https://www.facebook.com/groups/236696107207232) This way, only our volunteers with some spare time and some spare space in their homes will reply that they are able to take the donations. On the same note, please ONLY drop off the donations once you've contacted the person + arranged details rather than just drop off the donations just so they are aware what to expect. 😊This way we prevent the overcrowding of 1 single person's home + schedule and the donations are shared evenly between our volunteers which makes listing them much easier. 🥰

2. Would you happen to drive and have some spare time? Sometimes, there may be a person who would like to donate items on our behalf but they don't drive and the person who would love to receive the items doesn't drive either. Every now and again we might be in need of a volunteer to pick up some donations from 1 local address and drop off to another local address. Please let us know if you're able to help. It would be handy to have a handful of people we can tag in posts as such. 😊

3. And of course - we can never have enough "sellers" in our group 😄 If you are happy to take in a bag of donations and list them on our behalf please let us know and we can explain more about how this works. Everyone is a volunteer so we encourage people to only take on the amount of donations they can handle to avoid burn out, we encourage people to take breaks from listing items or taking on donations, and we would never ever in a million years be upset if a volunteer decides to stop taking/listing donations for good. ❤️ This is why we prefer to welcome loads of sellers in our group so that they end up doing as much or as little volunteering as they wish at the same time still having fun helping us fundraise for all the animals in need of assistance. So - as I mentioned above - it would be handy to have a handful of people we can tag when we have some donations on the way and we need someone to take them in and list them.

Feel welcome to message me or comment on this post if you are able to help in any way - thank you so much!! ❤️

Hello everyone! 👋 Tabby cat Lilly's fundraiser is now fully funded thanks to your amazing donations - https://gofund.me/...

Hello everyone! 👋

Tabby cat Lilly's fundraiser is now fully funded thanks to your amazing donations - https://gofund.me/170b26ca - her wire removal surgery is booked for 6th of August. I can't believe we raised £325 with so much time to spare! 🥳

Blue is responding really well to the insulin pen, it's working much better than the injection and it's a huge relief. He must see the vet on Monday for a routine health/medication review to make sure all is okay with this 13 year old handsome cat. As he gets distressed over being handled, we would like to cover the cost of £18 for a light sedative in preparation for his upcoming appointment. If you'd like to send a small donation towards this cost, here we have the link: https://gofund.me/29a94b6f ❤️

We have 3 dental procedures coming up: first one is for 16 year old Otto Bear booked on 18th of July (£693 left to raise https://gofund.me/ca63a1d2 ); second one is for 13 year old Miki booked on 19th of July (£597 left to raise https://gofund.me/b3b44ac5 ) and third one is for Reggie booked on 26th of July (£300 left to raise https://gofund.me/3555a08d ) - you might wonder who is Reggie as we haven't mentioned him before! He is a tiny 11 year old Chihuahua utterly adored by his owner; faced with some financial struggles, his owner gathered up the courage to contact us for help as her little companion is in need of a dental, his stinky breath and general discomfort definitely call for this. The vet estimated the medical procedure to cost £600, Reggie's owner is able to put forward £300 but that's as far as her possibilities go. Having been adopted from a very unkind environment, Reggie does carry quite a lot of emotional struggles, he does not allow anybody to handle him let alone look into his mouth. He will need to be sedated, his owner will stay with him until he falls asleep and she will be there before he wakes up to help the situation as Reggie is very prone to biting. We really want to assist this dog and take this financial burden off the lovely owner's shoulders. It would be fantastic if we could raise the remaining £300 - after this procedure, Reggie will be far more comfortable ❤️

Our new auction starts this Sunday 10am in our fundraising group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/236696107207232/) - if you are local to Hastings and happen to have items in good condition you no longer need, feel welcome to list them here for us, everything we raise from these online auctions will be donated to the medical cases mentioned above, precious animals in need of a helping hand ❤️

Thank you so much for reading and for being here with us!! ❤️ We hope you have a wonderful day!! ❤️

Hi ❤️We have wonderful news about Tess, the 12 year old cat posted last week - we secured the perfect forever home for h...

Hi ❤️

We have wonderful news about Tess, the 12 year old cat posted last week - we secured the perfect forever home for her, conducted the home check and did the paperwork - she'll be adopted next week! 🥰

Our recent auction raised £282 🥳 Thank you everyone so much for making it yet another success - the funds have been distributed between the ongoing fundraisers we currently have - and look at the links! They've made a big progress! 🥰

Lilly's fundraiser is almost fully funded - we only need £25 before we can close it (https://gofund.me/fe508531), we have £148 left to raise towards Otto Bear's pre-dental blood tests (https://gofund.me/163b2ab8) and Miki's dental booked in 2 weeks is estimated to cost £800 (all depending on how many teeth they need to take out and what sort of treatments they must administer to make him comfortable) - https://gofund.me/0405f5d6. Winston went to the vet yesterday to have another bandage change and X-rays done (bill of £755 - https://gofund.me/42da8ef7) - it seems that the fracture has not bound together, it is supported well by tissue and it is located on a non weight bearing bone - this means the £3000 corrective surgery is not necessary. The vet would like to check the situation again in a couple of weeks to be on the safe side, and if there is cause for concern, there is a tiny possibility that Winston might need a wire put into each bone to pull them together nurturing the growth of muscle and tissues around it (procedure quoted at £1400). If you would like to contribute with a small donation, feel welcome to choose any of the fundraisers above - many thanks!

We receive pleas for help all the time and we offer as much support as we possibly can - we must keep on fundraising so that we have the finances available to jump in and offer immediate assistance to an animal in need ❤️ All your efforts keep us going and we appreciate everything you do for Tesa's Rescue, especially as you are all volunteers, just like us, and balancing work/personal life on top of running a non-profit is not an easy thing to do. In this moment, we are all here doing what we can to offer a helping hand to the amazing local community of animal lovers ❤️ Thank you everyone so much once again and we hope you have a great day!

Hello everyone! Our bake sale raised the amazing amount of £155 🥳 Thank you so much to everyone who baked cakes for us a...

Hello everyone!

Our bake sale raised the amazing amount of £155 🥳 Thank you so much to everyone who baked cakes for us and thank you so much to everyone who purchased all the goodies. We hope you enjoy them!

Otto Bear, the gorgeous 16 year old Siamese with sparkling blue eyes, will be going to the vet next week for blood tests + health/meds review to confirm everything is okay before we proceed with booking his dental. (https://gofund.me/fec6e941) ... Miki is booked to have his dental on 19th of July, but should there be any cancellations, we'll grab the opportunity to book him in sooner. (https://gofund.me/15489d2f)... Winston's bandage changes now happen every 4 days and to his delight he is allowed to go out on short walks! It seems he won't be needing corrective surgery as his dislocation looks alright woo hoo! If you would like to contribute with a small donation for Otto Bear's blood tests or Miki's dental - thank you ever so much, feel welcome to use the links above, if they don't work for some reason, just message me directly for PayPal or bank account details ❤️

We also have a new medical case - an urgent email reached our inbox, following a freak accident a cat was left with a broken jaw requiring emergency surgery. Due to the nature of the break (right in the middle of the lower jaw), the vet wanted to insert a wire underneath and above the jawbone before the break even had a chance to start healing on its own. The quote given was £920 - thankfully, we were in a financial position to help, the surgery happened immediately and everything went according to plan ❤️ Lilly, the beautiful 3 year old tabby cat, is now slowly recovering and her owner is extremely grateful for the assistance received ❤️ Lilly is an incredibly loving, friendly, playful cat who brings so much joy to the household - we are over the moon that, thanks to everyone's regular donations, we were able to offer immediate help to a very loved pet. Once the surgery was done and the vet noticed that Tesa's Rescue would be covering the £920 bill, we were told that he lowered it to £760 because he admires our non-profit work. We can't explain just how wonderful this was to hear and we are so grateful. Lilly must go back to the vet in 6 weeks to have the wire removed and the quote is £325. We have created this fundraiser in the hope we can raise the necessary money for this medical procedure: https://gofund.me/75893ab6 ... We are honoured to have amazing supporters who trust in us and love our work so much that they will direct people our way in the hope we might be able to assist an animal in need ❤️

Much love to you all and thank you for being here with us! ❤️



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About Us

Tesa’s Rescue is a small team of volunteers who work tirelessly to provide rescue animals with a safe present and a bright future.

Tesa is my very own dog, the reason why the charity has started and the reason why it will go on forever. I found her on the harsh streets, running aimlessly, she was very skinny, had fur loss all over her body, her stomach had shrunk and she had broken teeth. We wanted to train her before finding her a forever home as she was unadoptable due to her behaviour issues. Little did we know we'd fall in love with her irrevocably! She teaches foster dogs how to love life, making amazing first impressions to anybody who might be interested in our work and making my life THE BEST with her sheer presence

We now foster cats and dogs, socialise them, train the dogs so that they become adoptable and watch them blossom in their forever homes!

We help cats and dogs from the UK, Romania, Cyprus -or wherever they might need assistance! We do our best to find them excellent homes and see them happy!