Tesa's Rescue

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Tesa's Rescue Small charity helping people and animals (Hastings area) ❤️ Our Charity Commission number is 1211761 ❤️

Small charity helping people and animals (Hastings area ❤️)

Hi all 👋 Happy sunny Friday! ☀Our recent auction raised £465 - how wonderful is this! Many thanks to all our lovely volu...

Hi all 👋 Happy sunny Friday! ☀

Our recent auction raised £465 - how wonderful is this! Many thanks to all our lovely volunteers working so hard to make this happen! ❤️ As our focus right now is paying off all the generous loans we've been offered for the emergency medical procedures, we've distributed the amount to all of our active fundraisers, boosting the funds beautifully.

Bobby's histology report has come back and frankly it has left the vet, owner and us in a bit of a shock. Although the perianal mass was easily 99% expected to be benign as it is with the vast majority of dogs suffering with this condition, the microscopic testing diagnosed it as a malignant tumour, deeming Bobby part of the extremely small percentage of cases where this mutation might happen. Thankfully, all problematic masses have been fully removed during his surgery; despite these cells having a bit more independence, they are still hormonally driven, and with their activity now suppressed, they're not meant to cause Bobby trouble, all we can do now is hope. Bobby's owner will keep a very close eye on this specific area for any signs of irritation or lumps forming. If very early stages of trouble appear, the veterinary team can perform a curative surgery, although everyone feels yet hopes this will not be the case. Aside from this not so good news, Bobby is doing well, he's attended his check up yesterday, the stitches will remain for a little while longer as the skin has stretched a bit more than the vets would like. Meanwhile, we continue fundraising to pay off for his vet bills! ❤️ https://gofund.me/af47ca6b ❤️

Freya's wrist correction surgery has now been booked for 17 March - the wait felt endless as the veterinary clinic looked for and booked a specialist orthopaedic surgeon to come in and perform this delicate procedure. The bill is going to be costly, her owner is actively fundraising, and so are we, hopefully between us we'll raise the needed amount before the surgery: ❤️ https://gofund.me/c0d2f5c3 ❤️

Dakota's surgery went as expected yesterday, the vet removed as much of the mass as possible without endangering her, and now we wait for the histology report. Once Dakota heals completely, life should be far more comfortable for her; the vet bill ended up being £977, so we're sharing her fundraiser again: ❤️ https://gofund.me/e4f87b07 ❤️

Last but not least - our enthusiastic volunteers REALLY want to go out in the community to spread the word about the charitable work we do and organise all sorts of events and collections on our behalf. We are overjoyed to see so much love for Tesa's Rescue! In order for our volunteers to venture out in the community, they need some equipment: small collection tins to hopefully place in shops, pubs, clinics; collection buckets to take with them during in-store fundraising; high vis jackets with our logo on to distinguish them and a bigger standing poster they can display containing all needed information about us. All the equipment will be reused until it cannot be used anymore ❤️ We would love to make this happen but as you know we're struggling with funds right now after taking several loans to cover emergency life saving surgeries for several medical cases and our foster cats. We've created this fundraiser to serve as our equipment fund - if you'd like to send a small contribution we would be very grateful ❤️ https://gofund.me/af55c0d9 ❤️

Huge heartfelt thanks to you all - it is clear that you love animals so much you wish to make a positive difference in their lives and overall when it comes to animal welfare. We appreciate everyone's efforts day after day for these amazing animals who have found themselves in not so ideal circumstances. We aim to help them as much as possible, but we would never be able to achieve any of this without you. And for this reason, we thank you wholeheartedly. ❤️

Dakota's strange mass removal surgery has been brought forward - it's now happening tomorrow! ❤ Hopefully we'll find out...

Dakota's strange mass removal surgery has been brought forward - it's now happening tomorrow! ❤ Hopefully we'll find out what it is and see a positive change in this beautiful girl's health.

Wishing Dakota all the best for tomorrow and sending her all of our love. ❤

Her fundraiser is still active if you'd like to help with a contribution towards the estimated £800 bill - thank you so much! https://gofund.me/e4f87b07

Skinny Minnie is doing very well after the removal of his thyroid glands and several teeth - recovering steadily and eat...

Skinny Minnie is doing very well after the removal of his thyroid glands and several teeth - recovering steadily and eating well, unless it's medication time 😂 He's too clever!!! His foster mum needs to work extra hard to trick him into taking his calcium tablets 😂❤️ We love you Minnie ❤️

If you'd like to help our charity with a small contribution towards his costly vet bill, here we have the link https://gofund.me/640f24b1 ❤️ thank you so much ❤️

Hi everyone ❤️Sweet Dakota needs help 💔 You might remember her from October 2024, when she gave us all a scare with bloo...

Hi everyone ❤️

Sweet Dakota needs help 💔 You might remember her from October 2024, when she gave us all a scare with blood in her stool and difficulty during bowel movements. After careful discussions with the vet, the owner opted for medication, which seemed to make a huge positive difference - until now.

Yesterday Dakota needed sedation for a nail trim, as she finds the process very stressful. While she was under, the vet took the opportunity to check her over and discovered something worrying - a sizeable mass in her re**um that wasn’t there before. It could be a large polyp or something more serious. Because it appeared so suddenly, the vet strongly recommends surgery to remove it as soon as possible, giving Dakota the best chance at a healthy future.

The procedure is estimated to cost £800, which includes testing the mass to determine what it is. We've updated her fundraiser to reflect this cost and we're sharing her GoFundMe link in the hope that we might be able to raise some much needed funds for this 11 year-old beautiful girl ❤️ https://gofund.me/e4f87b07 ❤️

Thank you so much for all the love and support you always show for the animals we assist, we couldn't possibly ask for a more wonderful community of animal lovers 😊 Hope you have a relaxing Saturday evening!

Our handsome Skinny Minnie is home and doing well! ❤We had scheduled his thyroidectomy + (5) teeth extractions for today...

Our handsome Skinny Minnie is home and doing well! ❤

We had scheduled his thyroidectomy + (5) teeth extractions for today and we were all worried sick, hoping for the best. Thankfully, his bloodwork gave the go-ahead for the whole procedure and everything went according to plan. The vet discharged Minnie with calcium tablets and pain killers, he must return to the clinic in a couple of days to make sure he's recovering well and then again in 3 weeks.

He seems very settled this evening and has devoured his food. We're so happy - Minnie should feel so much better now ❤

The cost for today is £1500, the vets have already applied a generous discount and we are extremely grateful for this ❤ If you would like to help with a small contribution towards this bill, please feel welcome to use our usual accounts or our GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/640f24b1 - thank you sooooooo much! ❤

The most adorable handsome gentlest big boi is now available for adoption! 🥰🥰🥰 Please read Angel's adoption requirements...

The most adorable handsome gentlest big boi is now available for adoption! 🥰🥰🥰 Please read Angel's adoption requirements to see if he might be a good fit for your family - and as always... please share his adoption advert on your social media, who knows, maybe someone special will spot him! ❤🥰❤🥰

Hi everyone! ❤️Tesa's Rescue has been made aware of a very poorly cat - Leo, a very sweet boy utterly adored by his fami...

Hi everyone! ❤️

Tesa's Rescue has been made aware of a very poorly cat - Leo, a very sweet boy utterly adored by his family. Heartbreakingly Leo was involved in a RTA recently which left him in a critical condition with a fractured jaw, smashed nose and a collapsed lung. Despite the severity of the accident, Leo is still with us thankfully and fighting for his life. His owners rushed him to the emergency vet for life sustaining treatment, Leo was seen the next day by his own vet which immediately referred him to a specialist clinic in Guildford. In order to repair all the damage, the vet team has quoted surgeries/treatments worth (and potentially exceeding) £10,000. This is an overwhelming amount for anyone to face alone - Leo's owners covered as many expenses as they possibly could before they received the devastating vet bills quote; they haven't given up hope in the slightest - they launched their own fundraiser and kindly asked for help from the local community.

We would ABSOLUTELY love to contribute at least £300 for this case, but we are currently helping a few foster cats with special needs as well as supporting 2 very costly medical cases (in total we've taken 3 loans to be able to manage), we simply don't have the funds available. So in order to support our donation to Leo - here we are kindly asking for your help - if you'd like to make a small contribution for this sweet cat please do so with confidence, we deposit the money directly into the account set up at the vet clinic so it can be used for little Leo's life saving surgeries ❤️

Thank you so much for reading and please share this fundraiser if you can ❤️ https://www.gofundme.com/f/leo-help-with-medical-bills ❤️

Our amazing Susie is taking part in Hastings Half Marathon this March 🥰 She would like to help Tesa's Rescue and she has...

Our amazing Susie is taking part in Hastings Half Marathon this March 🥰 She would like to help Tesa's Rescue and she has kindly set up her very own GoFundMe in her mission to raise donations and awareness about the work we do 🥰 If you would like to sponsor her, please feel welcome to make a small contribution (which will help many animals) and please share on your social media if possible! Thank you so much and thank you Susie 🥰

Knees permitting, I am attempting to run Hastings Half Marath… Susie Prescott needs your support for I am jog walking Hastings’ Half Marathon for Tesa’s Rescue…

Hi everyone! Our recent auction raised £499 and our recent razzle raised £350 - we're very grateful for this influx of d...

Hi everyone!

Our recent auction raised £499 and our recent razzle raised £350 - we're very grateful for this influx of donations as we were able to distribute the money among all of our ongoing fundraisers and it has made a huge difference.

Bobby the Bulldog is supper happy at home, having been discharged from the Guildford clinic one day after his very delicate tumour removal procedure. He is recovering very well, despite having misplaced his pantaloons somewhere along the way 😂 We're actively fundraising to pay off the amazing loans we've been offered to make this life saving surgery happen: https://www.gofundme.com/f/bobby-help-with-medical-bills

Freya's fundraiser might be fresh on your mind as we only shared it yesterday and we already have AMAZING news to share: one of our incredible volunteers generously offered us a loan with all her love so we could put the money forward and relieve little Freya of pain. Freya's owner was literally speechless at the news and her voice trembled with happiness and relief. We are once again overwhelmed with so much love and trust shown towards the work we do. Under no circumstances were we looking for a loan (sadly) as our fundraising efforts have been solely focused on another costly medical case and our several foster cats who needed medical attention, but our wonderful volunteer let us know just how much she loved the fact that we help so many animals, the loan was available so we wholeheartedly welcomed the opportunity following a team discussion. The vet team is currently working on getting the necessary specialist equipment brought to the clinic and then will offer a surgery date. We will keep you all updated: https://www.gofundme.com/f/freya-help-with-medical-bills

Frankie is doing so well in foster care - his abscess has healed beautifully, I can't imagine just how painful that wound was considering the end result. He's settled in incredibly well with his foster family, loves snoozing on laps and drinking water with his paw, like a gentleman 😂 Due to his age (16), health conditions (early stage kidney failure, grade 2 heart murmur) and costly vet-recommended diet, it is unlikely we would be able to find him a forever home, however we're overjoyed that his foster family is more than happy to look after him long term. Huge thanks to Frankie's sponsors who help us buy his food monthly.

The auction money also helped grant forever peace and comfort to the sweet Princess Misty-Moo who bravely fought the merciless cancer with all her might. Her devastated owners loved her to the moon and back and are deeply grateful for the support that allowed them to say goodbye with dignity and utmost love. ❤️

We bring their thanks to all of you - without your fundraising efforts, we wouldn't be able to do this. To everyone who supports the charity work we do - YOU are helping people and their beloved pets at every stage of their life and we cannot thank you enough. These stories only happen thanks to your kindness. ❤️

Hi everyone! ❤️Tesa's Rescue has been made aware of a poorly dog - Freya, a very sweet girl who is extremely loved by he...

Hi everyone! ❤️

Tesa's Rescue has been made aware of a poorly dog - Freya, a very sweet girl who is extremely loved by her adoring owner. Sadly Freya broke her wrist recently and is now unable to put any weight on it; she's no longer her usual happy self and it's heart breaking to see. After an X-ray, the vet confirmed that Freya needs an urgent surgery to insert a 2mm plate, quoted at £2,700 - £3,000 . Her owner has spent all her savings on X-ray + medication and the medical procedure cost is far beyond her reach. She hasn't given up one bit - she launched her own fundraiser to try and get the money together so she can book Freya's surgery ASAP.

We would ABSOLUTELY love to contribute at least £300 for this case, but with several appointments/procedures already booked for our senior foster cats requiring medical care and another costly tumour removal case we're still paying off, we simply don't have the funds available. So here we are kindly asking for your help - if you'd like to make a small contribution for this sweet girl please do so with confidence, we deposit the money directly into the account set up at the vet clinic so it can be used for little Freya's wrist correction procedure ❤️

Thank you so much for reading and please share this fundraiser if you can ❤️ https://www.gofundme.com/f/freya-help-with-medical-bills ❤️

A little update on our beautiful foster kitty, 10 year old Skinny Minnie 🥰A little while ago, Minnie visited the vet for...

A little update on our beautiful foster kitty, 10 year old Skinny Minnie 🥰

A little while ago, Minnie visited the vet for his routine parasite treatment and vaccinations. During the check up, the vet examined his teeth and found significant tartar build up, gum inflammation and a few teeth that needed extraction. We scheduled a dental procedure for February 5th, but before proceeding, the vet ran blood tests to check his thyroxine levels. Unfortunately, the results came back at 103, an extremely high level. This led to further investigation and sadly the vet discovered a thyroid tumour. As a result, the dental procedure was postponed and Minnie’s oral medication has been increased. He will return to the vet in about two weeks for another blood test. If his thyroxine levels stabilise, the plan is to proceed with a surgical thyroidectomy and the necessary dental extractions to relieve him from discomfort.

This was unexpected and very difficult news to receive, but at least we now know what’s going on and can take action to help him.

The estimated cost for this procedure is £1,500 altogether; we’ve updated his fundraiser to reflect his previous vet visit . If you’d like to contribute, no matter the amount ❤️ , we would be incredibly grateful for your support. ( https://www.gofundme.com/f/skinny-minnie-help-with-medical-bills-rehoming )

Thank you all for your kindness and care for Minnie! 💙💙💙

We're wishing all the best to Bobby for his surgery tomorrow. It's quite the drive and he must present at the vet clinic...

We're wishing all the best to Bobby for his surgery tomorrow. It's quite the drive and he must present at the vet clinic in Guildford at 8am! 😊

If you missed the medical details, here they are: Tesa's Rescue has kindly been asked to assist an 8 year old extraordinarily affectionate Bulldog as he had developed a painful growth on his back leg. The local vets determined the burst tumour had to be dealt with but, due to its size and location, they did not possess the equipment needed for such a delicate surgery, therefore they put him on painkillers and referred him to a specialist clinic in Guildford. The veterinary team concluded that removal surgery was indeed possible and it would also offer Bobby a fantastic quality of life, so totally worth proceeding with this operation. The only problem was the cost: roughly £3,710 !! Thankfully, 2 amazing volunteers offered us 2 separate loans so we could make this surgery happen by putting the money forward. Here we are - tomorrow's the big day. ❤

Bobby's owner is grateful beyond words for all the help received for her beloved family member; facing such a steep cost for a life-saving procedure can be overwhelming for anyone. We are also grateful beyond words that our supporters appreciate our work so much and trust that we would pay everything back. And the beneficiary of all our love combined will always be the precious soul we're all trying to help: Bobby. We will keep you updated with his recovery.

Meanwhile - if you'd like to contribute with a small donation, here we have his fundraiser: https://gofund.me/af47ca6b


WE'VE DONE IT! 😍Entirely thanks to your help, we've completed Charlotte and Frankie's sponsorship scheme. 6 incredibly s...


Entirely thanks to your help, we've completed Charlotte and Frankie's sponsorship scheme. 6 incredibly special people came forward to donate much needed (recurring) funds ensuring our 2 amazing senior cats are fully supported with the best care while they are in foster with us.

Both Charlotte and Frankie require special diets due to their health conditions, also Charlotte needs regular steroid injections for the same reason. The costs add up rapidly for a small charity like ours, but now we can breathe a sigh of relief as we don't have to worry at all about any future food/injection bills.

We cannot put into words just how much this helps us and just how much this means to us. 😊 Thank you a million times 🥰🥰🥰

Hi everyone! ☀Our recent auction raised £570 - all thanks to the efforts of our wonderful volunteers and supporters ❤️Ou...

Hi everyone! ☀

Our recent auction raised £570 - all thanks to the efforts of our wonderful volunteers and supporters ❤️

Our adorable foster cat Frankie gained another lovely sponsor since our last appeal. If you missed his story here it is - Frankie, a 16 year old cat, was heartbreakingly surrendered at a local vet clinic by a family member who no longer wanted him; when the clinic contacted the number linked to his microchip, the response was the same - no one in the family wanted him back 💔 The vet team reached out to Tesa’s Rescue and without hesitation we welcomed Frankie into our care. He arrived in an extremely emaciated state, suffering from a horrible facial abscess and was later diagnosed with a grade 2 heart murmur and early stage kidney failure. Antibiotics healed the abscess beautifully, the heart medication stabilised his condition and today he is thriving in foster care - Frankie is the sweetest friendliest most adorable and loving little soul, we adore him beyond words. To keep him as happy as possible, Frankie requires a special kidney-supportive diet, which comes at quite the cost - so we came up with a sponsorship scheme to help with this - 6 generous people to donate £10 every 4 weeks would ensure we could purchase Frankie's food without delay. So far we've found 4 out of 6 lovely sponsors and we need 2 more 🥰 We are incredibly grateful for these special people - just look at the heartfelt messages they send us! If you're interested in helping Frankie by contributing towards his monthly food, please let us know!

Bobby the Bulldog's tumour removal surgery is just around the corner - 4 February - it's a very delicate procedure that can only be done in a specialised clinic. We've taken loans from 2 different amazing volunteers to make this surgery happen and we are actively fundraising to pay all the money back. This procedure will save Bobby's life and will offer him a fabulous quality of life. ❤️🐶

We've booked Skinny Minnie's dental procedure for 5 February - he will have his teeth cleaned + gums relieved of discomfort, some of his teeth will be extracted and hopefully he will feel so much better. ❤️🐈

We're also going to release our Valentine's razzle on 5 February; our team has been working hard behind the scenes to get some lovely prizes ready for you. 🎁

As always - thank you for the never ending support, we hope you're enjoying the amazing sunshine we're having right now. ☀


🐈 Charlotte & Frankie update 🐈

Following our recent appeal for sponsors to help our two amazing senior foster cats, Charlotte and Frankie, we have wonderful news.

🧡 An incredible soul, who wishes to remain anonymous, has generously offered to FULLY sponsor Charlotte! The £200 donation every 6 weeks will cover her special diet and regular vet visits for her steroid injections. Completely unexpected but extremely welcome surprise, huge relief for us, we are so thankful!

🖤 Three fantastic souls - Romaine Fulton-hart, Petunia Poppett and Naomi Hitchman - have also expressed their interest to help handsome Frankie, we are so grateful for their kind hearts. We’re still looking for 3 more lovely people to donate £10 every 4 weeks to help cover his special kidney function support diet (see previous post for more details). By the way - look how much fun Frankie's having in his foster home! 😂

As always - thank you so much to all of you for your never ending efforts to be there for animals in need. Only thanks to you, Tesa's Rescue is able to continue making a wonderful difference for the little souls who have nobody. Never in a million years did we think this would be possible - yet here we are going strong! ❤️❤️❤️

🐈 SPONSORS NEEDED FOR CHARLOTTE & FRANKIE 🐈We welcomed two incredibly adorable senior cats, Charlotte and Frankie, into ...


We welcomed two incredibly adorable senior cats, Charlotte and Frankie, into our rescue. Both require ongoing medical care and special diets to ensure their happiness and comfort. We’re thinking a sponsorship scheme will greatly help us cover their care costs while they’re in foster.

🧡 CHARLOTTE, 12 years old
She endured a severe flea infestation that caused baldness and significant skin damage. Thanks to her amazing foster family and amazing vet, she’s made fantastic progress. However, to stay comfortable, she requires:
🍣 Hair & skin wet food pouches
💉 Steroid injections
This combo prevents painful scratching and biting of the skin that would definitely cause further damage and distress. Her ongoing care costs total £200 every 6 weeks.
💸 We’re looking for 10 lovely sponsors to donate £20 each every 6 weeks.
---- (midnight :D ) UPDATE ON CHARLOTTE'S SPONSORSHIP: fully covered by an anonymous wonderful soul - thank you everyone so much - sponsors no longer needed for this girly.

🖤 FRANKIE, 16 years old
This handsome boy suffers with kidney troubles and heart disease. His heart medication is manageable, but aside from that he requires:
🍣 Urinary care wet food pouches
His food supply totals £60 every 4 weeks.
💸 We’re looking for 6 lovely sponsors to donate £10 each every 4 weeks.
1. Romaine Fulton-hart
2. Petunia Poppett
3. Naomi Hitchman

❤ Contributions can be sent to our usual accounts:
PayPal: [email protected]
Online Banking:
Tesa’s Rescue
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 76576962
❤ Please mention CHARLOTTE or FRANKIE in the payment reference box

Every donation makes a huge difference 😊 Let us know which cat you’d like to support and how much you’d like to donate, we’ll update our thermometer chart to reflect the sponsorship scheme progress.

Thank you so much for helping us give Charlotte and Frankie the happy, healthy and comfortable lives they absolutely deserve. They've been through so much, no animal should ever suffer the way they have; we adore them and we're determined to look after them for as long as needed. We can only do this together with you all ❤



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About Us

Tesa’s Rescue is a small team of volunteers who work tirelessly to provide rescue animals with a safe present and a bright future.

Tesa is my very own dog, the reason why the charity has started and the reason why it will go on forever. I found her on the harsh streets, running aimlessly, she was very skinny, had fur loss all over her body, her stomach had shrunk and she had broken teeth. We wanted to train her before finding her a forever home as she was unadoptable due to her behaviour issues. Little did we know we'd fall in love with her irrevocably! She teaches foster dogs how to love life, making amazing first impressions to anybody who might be interested in our work and making my life THE BEST with her sheer presence

We now foster cats and dogs, socialise them, train the dogs so that they become adoptable and watch them blossom in their forever homes!

We help cats and dogs from the UK, Romania, Cyprus -or wherever they might need assistance! We do our best to find them excellent homes and see them happy!