Hi all 👋 Happy sunny Friday! ☀
Our recent auction raised £465 - how wonderful is this! Many thanks to all our lovely volunteers working so hard to make this happen! ❤️ As our focus right now is paying off all the generous loans we've been offered for the emergency medical procedures, we've distributed the amount to all of our active fundraisers, boosting the funds beautifully.
Bobby's histology report has come back and frankly it has left the vet, owner and us in a bit of a shock. Although the perianal mass was easily 99% expected to be benign as it is with the vast majority of dogs suffering with this condition, the microscopic testing diagnosed it as a malignant tumour, deeming Bobby part of the extremely small percentage of cases where this mutation might happen. Thankfully, all problematic masses have been fully removed during his surgery; despite these cells having a bit more independence, they are still hormonally driven, and with their activity now suppressed, they're not meant to cause Bobby trouble, all we can do now is hope. Bobby's owner will keep a very close eye on this specific area for any signs of irritation or lumps forming. If very early stages of trouble appear, the veterinary team can perform a curative surgery, although everyone feels yet hopes this will not be the case. Aside from this not so good news, Bobby is doing well, he's attended his check up yesterday, the stitches will remain for a little while longer as the skin has stretched a bit more than the vets would like. Meanwhile, we continue fundraising to pay off for his vet bills! ❤️ https://gofund.me/af47ca6b ❤️
Freya's wrist correction surgery has now been booked for 17 March - the wait felt endless as the veterinary clinic looked for and booked a specialist orthopaedic surgeon to come in and perform this delicate procedure. The bill is going to be costly, her owner is actively fundraising, and so are we, hopefully between us we'll raise the needed amount before the surgery: ❤️ https://gofund.me/c0d2f5c3 ❤️
Dakota's surgery went as expected yesterday, the vet removed as much of the mass as possible without endangering her, and now we wait for the histology report. Once Dakota heals completely, life should be far more comfortable for her; the vet bill ended up being £977, so we're sharing her fundraiser again: ❤️ https://gofund.me/e4f87b07 ❤️
Last but not least - our enthusiastic volunteers REALLY want to go out in the community to spread the word about the charitable work we do and organise all sorts of events and collections on our behalf. We are overjoyed to see so much love for Tesa's Rescue! In order for our volunteers to venture out in the community, they need some equipment: small collection tins to hopefully place in shops, pubs, clinics; collection buckets to take with them during in-store fundraising; high vis jackets with our logo on to distinguish them and a bigger standing poster they can display containing all needed information about us. All the equipment will be reused until it cannot be used anymore ❤️ We would love to make this happen but as you know we're struggling with funds right now after taking several loans to cover emergency life saving surgeries for several medical cases and our foster cats. We've created this fundraiser to serve as our equipment fund - if you'd like to send a small contribution we would be very grateful ❤️ https://gofund.me/af55c0d9 ❤️
Huge heartfelt thanks to you all - it is clear that you love animals so much you wish to make a positive difference in their lives and overall when it comes to animal welfare. We appreciate everyone's efforts day after day for these amazing animals who have found themselves in not so ideal circumstances. We aim to help them as much as possible, but we would never be able to achieve any of this without you. And for this reason, we thank you wholeheartedly. ❤️