3D Veterinary Printing

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3D Veterinary Printing 3D Veterinary Printing è un progetto di ricerca del Dott. Matteo Zanfabro (http://bit.ly/2VNsYW7). Find out more at www.3dvet.eu

3D Veterinary Printing realizza modelli anatomici in 3D per la pianificazione pre-chirurgica.

3D Veterinary Printing provides surgeons with tri-dimensional true size anatomic models to be applied in pre-operative surgical planning. Il progetto si propone di indagare tutti gli aspetti relativi all’applicazione della stampa 3D alla medicina veterinaria.

3D VET realizza modelli anatomici in 3D pe

r la pianificazione pre-chirurgica, la didattica e l’insegnamento.

3D VET progetta e realizza in via sperimentale protesi e ortesi per gli animali domestici.

3D Veterinary Printing nasce a Parma, nel settembre del 2017. Scopri di più all’indirizzo www.3dvet.eu
3D Veterinary Printing is a research project by Dr. Matteo Zanfabro (http://bit.ly/2VNsYW7). The project is born in order to investigate all aspect of 3D printing application in veterinary medicine.

3D Veterinary Printing provides tri-dimensional true size anatomic models to be applied in pre-operative surgical planning, education and training.

3D VET designs and realizes experimentally prosthetics for pets.

3D Veterinary Printing is born in Parma, september 2017.

Finally is out! Enjoy!

Finally is out! Enjoy!

"Use of a customized 3D-printed external splint for the correction of a severe
pectus excavatum in a 3-month-old kitten" is finally out!

L'articolo "Utilizzo di uno splint personalizzato stampato in 3D per la correzione di un caso grave di Pectus Escavatum in un gatto di 3 mesi" è finalmente pubblicato!

Troverete tutte le informazioni relative agli step necessari per ottenere questo prodotto ed il workflow dall'inizio alla fine!

Ringraziamo tutti gli autori dell' Ospedale Veterinario Universitario Didattico di Parma per il lavoro svolto ed averci permesso di dare il nostro contributo in questo nuovo settore della medicina veterinaria personalizzata!

Dowload here:

Università di Parma

IT - Un'occasione per i Medici Veterinari di approfondire le applicazioni della stampa 3D nel settore, con casi clini ne...

IT - Un'occasione per i Medici Veterinari di approfondire le applicazioni della stampa 3D nel settore, con casi clini nel cane, nel gatto e negli animali esotici! Non mancate!

ENG - An opportunity for Veterinarians to deepen the applications of 3D printing in the sector, with clinical cases in dogs, cats and exotic animals! Do not miss it!

Un evento gratuito per tutti i Medici Veterinari su Cogito Ergo Vet, dove il Dott. Zanfabro insieme al Dott. Emilio Noviello Veterinario per Animali Esotici introdurranno la stampa 3D ed esporranno casi clinici trattati attraverso l'applicazione di questa tecnologia, nel Cane, nel Gatto e negli Animali Esotici.

Venerdì 19 Novembre, alle ore 20.30! Non mancate!

Registrazione disponibile qui:

🇮🇹🆕Il Dott. Matteo Zanfabro, medico veterinario e responsabile del progetto PlayVet per PlayCastast, sarà presente in qu...

🇮🇹🆕Il Dott. Matteo Zanfabro, medico veterinario e responsabile del progetto PlayVet per PlayCastast, sarà presente in qualità di speaker ad un evento online organizzato da 3dheals dal titolo:
"La stampa 3D per gli gli animali domestici".

In questo evento interverranno diversi esperti del settore ed il progetto PlayVet sarà protagonista nell'intervento del Dott. Zanfabro!

4 Novembre, ore 19.00, non perdetelo!

Registratevi qui:

🇺🇸🆕Dr. Matteo Zanfabro, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and manager of the PlayVet project for , is going to be present as speaker at an online event organized by , entitled:
"3D printing for Animals".

Several experts will contribute to this event and the PlayVet project will be the main subject of Dr. Zanfabro's speech!

November 4th, 7.00 PM, don't miss it!

Register here:


Exotic Animals 3D printing dedicated page! Enjoy!

Pagina dedicata alle applicazioni della stampa 3D nella Medicina degli Animali Esotici. Condivisione

Un video breve ma esplicativo del mio percorso nell'Università degli studi di Parma e soprattutto di quale è stato, ed è...

Un video breve ma esplicativo del mio percorso nell'Università degli studi di Parma e soprattutto di quale è stato, ed è tuttora, il mio ruolo in PlayCast !

Help saving both antibiotics and animals!

Help saving both antibiotics and animals!

Mancano ancora 5518 firme!

Take a look here 👇👇👇

Take a look here 👇👇👇

Questo il testo che suggeriamo di inviare al governo britannico perché aiuti le nostre colleghe afgane e il personale tecnico ad uscire dall'Afghanistan.
Gli indirizzi a cui inviare sono:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Oggetto: Appeal for emergency in Afghanistan

Hon. Wendy Morton MP
Hon. James Cleverly
Hon. Dominic Raab
Hon. Zac Goldsmith
Hon. Ben Wallace
Hon. Boris Johnson

As women and veterinarians is with deeply trouble that we all are following the situation of people in Afghanistan.
In these hours many of our colleagues are waiting to know if they can be boarded on a flight and brought to safety, just hiding and trying to protect themselves
Time is against them, their life is in danger.
We ask you to organize the recovery operations as soon as possible.
Thank you.


Afghan veterinarians desperately need our help. In particular many women have trained to be vets - they will not be permitted to work under the Taliban regime, and will likely be punished.

Here is a joint statement from RCVS - Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, British Veterinary Association - BVA the BVNA (The British Veterinary Nursing Association) regarding Afghan veterinarians.

“Like others we have seen with increasing horror the events unfolding in Afghanistan and our thoughts are with the Afghan people and their safety.

“Today we have written to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson asking for the UK Government to put Afghan veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals (and their families) who have worked with and for UK-affiliated charities and NGOs such as Nowzad and the Mayhew Afghanistan to be added to the emergency evacuation list.

“Under the current conditions, working for and being affiliated with western charities and NGOs may come with risks to the safety of Afghan veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals and their families, and so it is imperative that they are given the chance to evacuate and resettle in the UK as refugees as a matter of urgency, should they want to. These Afghan veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals have made an invaluable contribution to animal health and welfare, as well as public health, in Afghanistan, and, as fellow veterinary professionals, their safety is an utmost concern.

“Last year, the RCVS instituted a new financial support policy in partnership with The Refugee Council to help those who have veterinary degrees not recognised by the RCVS, but who have refugee status and are resident in the UK, undertake the Statutory Examination for Membership. This includes payment of the RCVS examination and English-language test fees and travel to examination sites. This means that there is a route for Afghan veterinarians who have been resettled in the UK to become UK-practising veterinary surgeons and contribute to animal health and welfare in their host country.”

Just Published!"Monolateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis treated with piezoelectric surgery employing 3D printed pr...

Just Published!

"Monolateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis treated with piezoelectric surgery employing 3D printed pre-operative surgical planning model in cat"


Matteo Zanfabro - 3D Veterinary Printing
Mirko Radice - Dentalvet
Marta Brusati - Centro TAC Malpensa
Fausto Quintavalla - Università di Parma

Limb Alignment models from CT

Limb Alignment models from CT

Sometimes it's funny to change species... Even if it is only for fun!

Sometimes it's funny to change species... Even if it is only for fun!

Happy World Veterinary Day Collegues"This year (2021), World Veterinary Day takes place on Saturday, April 24th. This ye...

Happy World Veterinary Day Collegues

"This year (2021), World Veterinary Day takes place on Saturday, April 24th. This year’s theme is The Veterinarian Response to the Covid-19 Crisis. Veterinary professionals were quite literally thrown into the fire when having to deal with the pandemic.

Of course, the dreaded Corona Virus wasn’t a new word for seasoned veterinary professionals, but COVID-19 was a whirlwind no one was expecting. Human nurses and doctors were faced with the impossible challenge of keeping up with the mental and physical wellbeing of the public and themselves.

We salute them and are forever in their debt. We felt we had to mention and give them a much-deserved shoutout before diving back into the veterinary world.

Veterinarians were also faced with an insanely new and demanding challenge—the challenge of dealing with the general public while trying to treat their fur babies and stay safe."

Find out more


Qui trovate la mia chiacchierata con Jenny Chen per 3dheals.
Sono stato onorato nell'essere scelto come contributor per questa rubrica e mi sono divertito moltissimo nel discutere con un Radiologo del settore umano (chi di voi mi conosce sa quanto io sia innamorato dell'Imaging, 3D o 2D).
Abbiamo quindi parlato di Diagnostica per immagini, di stampa 3D in Medicina Veterinaria, del progetto 3DVET (www.3dvet.eu) con qualche esempio clinico di applicazione e infine qualche parola su PlayVet.
Spero possa essere interessante per i colleghi, sia del settore umano che veterinario.
Per i più pigri, c'è anche il podcast (https://bit.ly/3sHuqs3)
P.S: il mio inglese è un pò alla "It's me, Mario!", quindi non molto "very very fluent", spero possiate sorvolare. Enjoy!


New adventures coming in!

Follow PlayVet to find out more!


Thursday 18 March - 18.00

We are going to speak about 3D VET project and 3D printing in Veterinary Medicine.


It has passed 2 moths from last post...Today, I am re-printing few old but gold cases... ready for being shown and discu...

It has passed 2 moths from last post...

Today, I am re-printing few old but gold cases... ready for being shown and discussed at some special interview that is going to take place in March.

I will also tell why I am now in Padua and why PlayCast has hired me for the new and fresh https://www.facebook.com/playvet3d project.

Stay tuned for updates

Thanks to you all for following me and 3DVET

See you soon

Dr Matteo Zanfabro, DVM

3D pre-operative surgical planning on an Ara Ararauna.Congrats to Emilio Noviello Veterinario per Animali Esotici for th...

3D pre-operative surgical planning on an Ara Ararauna.

Congrats to Emilio Noviello Veterinario per Animali Esotici for the modern and up-to-date surgical planning.

"The consequences of breeding for a shorter face are many, most notably that of BOAS. This is brachycephalic obstructive...

"The consequences of breeding for a shorter face are many, most notably that of BOAS. This is brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. These animals can have a variety of problems contributing to their breathing problems such as narrow nostrils, excessive soft tissue in the mouth and throat like the soft palate and relatively large tongues and they also tend to have very narrow tracheas (windpipes) compared to normal animals of a similar size.

The spectrum of severity is wide but recent studies suggest that more than half of bulldogs and around two thirds of pugs have clinical problems with breathing, often accepted as normal by their owners.

While snoring and snorting are seen as normal they are signs of problems and respiratory distress. Many of these animals collapse when exercising or take much longer than normal to recover from exercise. Many require surgery to make life possible."


"It is the opinion of the vets, nurses, related professionals and organisations from all over the world listed on this website that the breeding of extremely brachycephalic animals is fundamentally wrong on welfare grounds and should be stopped. We would urge policy-makers and veterinary organizations from far and wide to use the strength of opinion on this website to try to affect positive change for the future well-being of our pet animals."

➡️ bit.ly/36Ztp6O

Sign up Use the form below to submit your details. Please note your name will not appear immediately on the site but will be verified and will usually be added within 1-2 days. We are a small team and happily getting lots of submissions but it does take time! If you would like your practice or organ...



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Our Story

3D Veterinary Printing è un progetto di ricerca del Dott. Matteo Zanfabro (http://bit.ly/2VNsYW7).

Il progetto si propone di indagare tutti gli aspetti relativi all’applicazione della stampa 3D alla medicina veterinaria.

3D VET realizza modelli anatomici in 3D per la pianificazione pre-chirurgica, la didattica e l’insegnamento.

3D VET progetta e realizza in via sperimentale protesi e ortesi per gli animali domestici.