Northern Scent Dog Club

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Northern Scent Dog Club Training dogs in scent sports in Prince George, BC

⭐⭐ We have 1 spot left in our Intro to Odor workshop that we're happy to open to the public for anyone who has establish...

⭐⭐ We have 1 spot left in our Intro to Odor workshop that we're happy to open to the public for anyone who has established nosework foundation training with their dog and ideally has completed Intro to K9 Nosework classes ⭐⭐

The Intro to Odor workshop will progress on our dogs having learned to search independently and introduce them to essential oil scent. The workshop is on Sun, Jan 12 from 10:30 to 1:30pm at Ace's K-9 Care and the cost is $160. The back up date in case of bad weather is Sun, Jan 19.

Instructor Barb King from King Dog Sports Club is coming up from Quesnel as usual!

There is a lower cost for the workshop if joining our club and getting the member rate.

If interested or want to verify if you meet the pre-requisite for the workshop, please email us at [email protected] 🐾

Do you tend to lose your keys, cellphone, wallet, gloves, etc.? 🔑📱💳🧤Stay warm and play games finding lost items with you...

Do you tend to lose your keys, cellphone, wallet, gloves, etc.? 🔑📱💳🧤

Stay warm and play games finding lost items with your dog this winter!! It's arguably one of the most useful sports to train your dog in 😆

Freelife Canine and King Dog Sports Club have exciting news we've been waiting to share with you scent work fans!

Introducing a NASDA Hibernation Online Lost Item Title Challenge!

You can sign up between now and December 14th and then earn NASDA Online Lost Item Titles between December 15th and February 16th. Each title you earn gets you an entry into a draw for one of 3 amazing prize packs which includes entries for 2025 trials and some sweet dog swag from generous sponsors!

You will also earn rosettes for titles as well!

AAANNNDDDD for those of you that are brand new to NASDA, we'll have a private Facebook group just for entrants where we can share success, training tips, and there will be planned Facebook lives for you to ask questions and jumpstart your training.

We can't wait to grow interest for Lost Item in BC!

All information about the challenge, prizes and entry form can be found here:

The NASDA master handbook can be found here:

We had a great NASDA training session this morning with the rats! We don't post a lot about our club trainings but we ge...

We had a great NASDA training session this morning with the rats! We don't post a lot about our club trainings but we get together about once a week. One of our members shares a great warehouse for us to use and we practice urban locating (rat searches), lost item and nosework.

Some of our members have had successful events recently that we'd like to highlight.Jennifer and her GSD Barra earned bo...

Some of our members have had successful events recently that we'd like to highlight.

Jennifer and her GSD Barra earned both their Amateur and DS1 titles at a Canadian Detection Sport Association trial in Peachland on Oct 12 hosted by West Kelowna K9 Scent & Games!

One of our directors Kristy qualified in 6 out of 6 runs and placing in 5 of those with her GWP Artemis at a North American Sport Dog Association trial on Oct 19 hosted by Freelife Canine in Quesnel at the King Dog Sports Club grounds!

And me, our other director, earned a Canadian Kennel Club Tracking Dog title with my Australian Kelpie IV down in Armstrong at a test hosted by the North Okanagan Tracking & Obedience Club on Oct 20!

Congratulations to all 🐾

⭐🐾 Big shout out to our new sponsor Paw Street Market!! 🐾⭐They are generously donating necessary bedding and food for ou...

⭐🐾 Big shout out to our new sponsor Paw Street Market!! 🐾⭐

They are generously donating necessary bedding and food for our rats 🙌 Thank you SO much to this amazing local business for supporting the community with high quality pet products and regularly helping local organizations and rescues ❤️ Check them out next time you need to stock up!

We also had our first training session with the dogs last night and the rats did great! We rotated through all four, two at a time for only 30 mins each, and they were sleeping by the time we were ready to put them back 🐀🐀🐀🐀

We're very excited to announce that our little club has grown and we now have rats! Four boys from Alycia at Freelife Ca...

We're very excited to announce that our little club has grown and we now have rats! Four boys from Alycia at Freelife Canine, thank you for trusting us with them ☺️

We will soon start training for rat sports, starting with North American Sport Dog Association Urban Locate and Trailing & Locating games.

For those who aren't familiar, the proper care and ethical treatment of rats in dog scent sports is not just necessary but something we prioritize! From day to day, they live in a large multi level habitat filled with endless enrichments. When used as hides, they are securely contained and safe from the dogs. We don't let dogs physically work the quarry. Attention is paid to how long they are used for and the conditions at each time. We have four of them to be able to rotate as needed. They are still young and are being conditioned to their secure containers and being approached by dogs. It's important for us that they remain happy and stress free. It's not uncommon for well conditioned rats to sleep through sessions so that's what we'll strive for.

They are living with our club member Ally who is not just our rat keeper but also a Vet Tech, how lucky are we! We're very thankful for Ally and our new little friends 🐭🐭🐭🐭

We know there has been a lot of interest in rat sports in PG and not only are we still accepting new members, but our yearly membership is now only half the cost as we are more than halfway through year. Anyone interested in joining is welcome to email us at [email protected] 🐾

Some really great information and tips here!

Some really great information and tips here!

After judging at the 2024 Labrador Retriever National Specialty I saw a ton of things that I'd like to share with the scent work world at large. First among these is how lucky I am to get to judge so many dogs I've never seen, and then also a few I have.

When you're judging a two day event it's nice to judge Novice through Masters in Exteriors and Interiors, on Day #1 before judging Detective Day #2. Judging this way allows you to get a sense of the type of dogs, handlers, and teams present at the trial and then adjust your hide placements and expectations for Day #2.

The common theme from both days was Skills Development. Although there is no "AKC" way of training for trials, there are trial standards to assess teams against. What's missing is a connection between those standards and some of the skills necessary to succeed.

Here are some skills that can help along the path from Novice through Detective.

1. Handler situational awareness. Handlers must start to discern what productive search areas are and how to assess them from a 720 degree perspective (up, down, left, right, front, back, and all around). For example, if you are searching an Interior space the floor is the foundation of that productive area. What is it made of? Is it carpet, tile, cement? Is it cold to the touch? Don't forget; ***Cracks are in play!*** Floors meet with the Walls at 90 degree angles and create areas where odor comes to rest, channels, eddies, and gathers. Are there doors or windows on the walls? Do they seal completely or are the observable gaps? Up from those walls is the ceiling. Ceilings are where heat rises. The higher the ceiling, the more air it can take in and the more turbulent that air can be. What is the roof constructed of, metal, tile, wood, shingles? What its made of can absorb heat raising the heat and creating a turbulence moving and attracting odor. And final what's the weather outside and how does it effect the structures heat. Then there's the items and furniture in the space. Do you search from item to item or any number of potential search area strategies? All this can be assessed quickly from the start line. And all of this can't just happen. Trialing and trial success starts with hide placements that mimic trial expectations. Hides do two things at once, teach the dog and the handler. It's a two part reinforcement event, the team learns from them.

2. Start line behaviors. Having a process that lets the dog know what to do. This allows for you and your dog to take a moment to get your bearings. This is as much for you to breath and take in the air flow, and whole environment before you start. Your dog does the same thing. Choosing to switch from your obedience tools to a set of search tools can happen here to be sure however, give your dog a second to process the space and for your to breath and balance your thinking.

3. Leash work. Having good complimentary leash skills that don't interfere with what your dog is doing. Don't change leashes the day of trials. Use the same tools that you've habituated through training. Managing a leash starts with choosing the right leash for the task. Preferences aside different leashes have different applications. Long lines are nice for open spaces like Exteriors, or large Interior spaces. Near containers, a long line may get caught up on the boxes so be mindful of how you'll choke up on a leash. If you're going to loop in your hand like a lasso, just be prepared to manage it an real it in and out as needed. This takes a ton of practice. Also be mindful of what your leash is made of, Nylon and Biothane are my favorites now. If you're looking for one leash to rule them all, a 10' leash can be a good choice. Keeping the leash off the ground as best you can is a great goal. Truly you want to ensure the leash doesn't get hung up on things. You may even consider a "RETRACTABLE!" The horror!!! Also be mindful of leash pressure and its impact on dogs. When you're searching make sure you can see your dog and don't turn your back on them. The best position to handle a scent detection dog is behind the plane of the shoulder. This puts you in the best position to observe the dog and being able to see behaviors when they're offered. Learn how to match their speed, pace, and how not to impact their freedom to work.

4. Be open to seeing Mackenzie's Eight scent-work indicators. The only way to be open to these is to put yourself in the position to see them. The BEST way to do this is record training sessions and review them. Then you truly learn to read your dog. 1. Pull
2. Nose Height
3. Tail Carriage
5. Breathing Cadence
6. Circling
7. Crabbing
8. Head swing (Nose anchor)
Courtesy of Steve White and his Thousand Hours Eyes Presentation.

5. Be a supportive and good team mate. From the start line allow your dog to choose where to go. You may have an idea in your mind, but don't forget they have the nose. Be flexible enough to let them work things out. Search area management is the Fleshy part of the leashes job, the fuzzy part they're there to sniff. Work together. Our job is to plug the holes in the search with our influence. Dogs can't do it all on their own. Yes the BEST dogs can. However, sometimes even the best dogs need help.

6. Finally, be kind to your dog. LOVE your dog, and trust your training. If your dog is searching and showing avoidance behaviors during the search know this is a reinforced behavior. Don't forget that at the end of the day dog sports are supposed to be about sharing time with our dogs. Some competitors come to trials and forget that no one at the trial wants to join them in being mean to their dog. Having negative thoughts about what you did is one thing. Stating how your dog is dumb, the "B" team, and not any fun to work, doesn't endear you to the judges and staff. On the contrary, it makes us wish that you get the day and trial outcomes you deserve.

These are just a few thoughts from this weeks trial.

Now that it's fall, we wanted to share a recap of our summer! We've been quiet on socials, but busy getting together on ...

Now that it's fall, we wanted to share a recap of our summer! We've been quiet on socials, but busy getting together on training nights, hosting a workshop in August and some of us even attended some local scent trials over the past few months.

We'd like to highlight Kristy with her GWP Artemis and Jen with her GSD Barra who both attended the first ever Canadian Detection Sport Association trial in Quesnel hosted by King Dog Sports Club in August!

And Val with her Tamaskan Lark and Australian Kelpie IV who attended the first two North American Sport Dog Association trials in British Columbia, one in June and another just a couple weeks ago hosted by Freelife Canine in the Williams Lake area!

We've also been growing our club in a special way and will share some exciting updates soon so stay tuned 😉🐀

Update as of evening: we had multiple inquiries and quickly filled this last spot! Thanks to everyone who reached out 😊⚠...

Update as of evening: we had multiple inquiries and quickly filled this last spot! Thanks to everyone who reached out 😊

⚠️ We had one spot open up last min as one person had to drop out! Please email us if you'd like to join our workshop tomorrow ⚠️

Come play with us! [email protected]

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧? A 3-hour workshop this Sun Aug 4 from 9:30am to 12:30pm

𝐖𝐡𝐨? The wonderful Alycia Rogal, dog trainer and NASDA judge, is coming up from the south cariboo to host this with us!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭? Each dog will be introduced to NASDA’s four hunting and searching games: Urban Locate (rats in an urban setting), Trailing & Locating (rats at the end of a trail in a natural setting), Shed Antler Hunting and Lost Item Recovery. 🐀🔑🦌

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞? BCNE grounds

𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐭? $155 for non-member spots, less for NSDC members (inquire if interested in joining our club and paying a lower fee!)

We are accepting unlimited audit spots for $50 for anyone interested in watching and learning without their dog.

Alycia is from Freelife Canine and she's hosting a NASDA trial on September 14/15 in Williams Lake. This is the perfect training opportunity for anyone interested in registering for her event!

We filled up all remaining spots in our workshop! Thank you to everyone who signed up, we'll see you Sunday and can't wa...

We filled up all remaining spots in our workshop! Thank you to everyone who signed up, we'll see you Sunday and can't wait for all the fun 😃

⭐️NASDA TRAINING WORKSHOP⭐️Prince George! We are hosting our first ever NASDA workshop this weekend and have a few lucky...


Prince George! We are hosting our first ever NASDA workshop this weekend and have a few lucky spots left for anyone interested in learning about searching for rats, shed antlers and lost items with us! 🐀🔑🦌

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧? A 3-hour workshop this Sun Aug 4 from 9:30am to 12:30pm

𝐖𝐡𝐨? The wonderful Alycia Rogal, dog trainer and NASDA judge, is coming up from the south cariboo to host this with us!

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭? Each dog will be introduced to NASDA’s four hunting and searching games: Urban Locate (rats in an urban setting), Trailing & Locating (rats at the end of a trail in a natural setting), Shed Antler Hunting and Lost Item Recovery.

𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞? BCNE grounds

𝐂𝐨𝐬𝐭? $155 for non-member spots, less for NSDC members (inquire if interested in joining our club and paying a lower fee!)

We are accepting unlimited audit spots for $50 for anyone interested in watching and learning without their dog.

Alycia is from Freelife Canine and she's hosting a NASDA trial on September 14/15 in Williams Lake. This is the perfect training opportunity for anyone interested in registering for her event!

Please email us at [email protected] to snag one of our last spots! Payment required to reserve. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE‼️

Today we wrapped up the entirety of the Intro to K9 Nose Work course! Part 2 offered a few more challenges which all the...

Today we wrapped up the entirety of the Intro to K9 Nose Work course! Part 2 offered a few more challenges which all the dogs adjusted to without hesitation. Great job to every dog and handler 👏 We made lots of progress, no doubt they are going to sleep well tonight 🐾

Big thanks again to Barb King Enterprises from King Dog Sports Club for getting us started in scent sports and kicking off our new club with such success! And Ace's K-9 Care for sharing your wonderful location with us 😊

We look forward to progressing from here! Stay tuned to see what we're up to 😃

We are excited to be hosting our second seminar this weekend! It's the part 2 for those who attended our initial Intro t...

We are excited to be hosting our second seminar this weekend! It's the part 2 for those who attended our initial Intro to K9 Nose Work seminar. We look forward to seeing everyone again, stay tuned for photos 🐾

In good Easter weekend fashion, we went on a treat hunt with our dogs for our very first seminar with Barb King Enterpri...

In good Easter weekend fashion, we went on a treat hunt with our dogs for our very first seminar with Barb King Enterprises at Ace's K-9 Care! 😁🐣🐰

Our Intro to K9 Nose Work™️ event was a great success! Thank you to everyone who attended, including working spots and audit spots.

We learned a lot from Barb, all of our dogs had loads of fun and as a brand new club, it feels so great to have all this support in the early stages. We still can't believe how fast this event filled up and it's great to see how much dog owners in Prince George appreciate having a new dog scent club. We've only been official for a month, but we cannot wait to keep playing scent games with our dogs and planning our next events. Stay tuned!




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