Tank’s Journey Home

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Tank’s Journey Home Follow Tank’s journey from the dog meat trade in South Korea to recovery and a new life in the USA.

Hey guys!Long time no see. I’m sorry about that. I’m in Florida for two weeks, and Tank is staying with Molly back in Ma...

Hey guys!

Long time no see. I’m sorry about that.

I’m in Florida for two weeks, and Tank is staying with Molly back in Maryland.

He’s doing GREAT! Look how relaxed he is!

She says that he’s eating well and he even went on a walk, and seemed to enjoy it.

Molly has three other meat trade dogs, a male and female bonded Jindo pair, and a female lab mix. The hope is that Tank and her lab mix will bond together.

Same s*x aggression isn’t unusual in some dogs, so it seems like the perfect set up for him.

Most dogs are dog-selective, meaning that they get along with some dogs but not others. Kind of like us with people!

Tank wasn’t a fan of my dog, he yelled at Bort when he rushed over to try to play with him. That’s considered “rude” behavior in dog social etiquette.

Our dog is a puppy do**us, and is still learning manners with other dogs, as he only started to be social this past summer and Tank is the biggest dog he’s tried to be social with yet. I could go on and on about our dog… But I won’t. This isn’t his page!

Molly hasn’t put all the kids together yet, so we don’t know yet if they’ll get along.

Molly’s dogs trust her and she’s able to be affectionate with them without their fearing her, so that’s a really great thing for Tank to be able to observe.

When I get back, I’d like to start working with Tank on his grooming and veterinary care handling and skills.

😮‍💨 That is a huge relief! The vet came out today and tranquilized Tank, so we could get his gear on and take advantage ...


That is a huge relief!

The vet came out today and tranquilized Tank, so we could get his gear on and take advantage of the situation and trim his nails.

He’s in a very comfortable harness that he can’t escape from (even my escape artists haven’t gotten out of this kind of harness!) and two martingale collars.

There’s two leashes, one to the collars and another one to the harness. I taped the two leashes together so that he doesn’t get his leg trapped between them.

I’ve added a safety clip from the collars to extend it and make it longer than the leash to his harness. This way, any leash pressure will first go to his harness and only go to his collars if he pulls really hard, or manages to get the harness off.

I don’t know why there’s charcoal on the carpet by his feet, or where it came from. 🤯

Tank had a healthy appetite when he was coming out of the sedation and ate his breakfast that he didn’t eat before. He was also really gassy today, so I gave him something for that to make him more comfortable.

I haven’t been really training Tank for husbandry (animal care taking tasks) and handling, I’ve just been letting him decompress and get him used to daily life here.

When I come back, we’ll have to start working on those!

“Get me the heck out of this snow!”He’s become brave enough to come up onto the deck and go inside with me holding the d...

“Get me the heck out of this snow!”

He’s become brave enough to come up onto the deck and go inside with me holding the door open for him. Then he takes himself back downstairs.

Most of the time, my family and our dog are around, so it’s too soon for so many dogs and people to socialize.

Whew boy! Today was stressful for EVERYONE!It started off well enough, then I gave Tank his extra anxiety meds and Molly...

Whew boy!

Today was stressful for EVERYONE!

It started off well enough, then I gave Tank his extra anxiety meds and Molly came over.

We tried to get an escape proof harness and martingale collar on Tank with no success. Once we came so close! But then he moved and it was no longer aligned.

I think I can safely say that Tank is probably the most difficult dog to get into gear than I’ve experienced before. He’s even more difficult than a lot of the wild animals I’ve worked with! Although… Most are smaller than he is.

At one point, we just had to stop bc we were afraid that he was hurting himself. He whomped his noggin on the pool table, made his gums bleed (lightly) by biting the leash, and was choking himself. Enough was enough, we had to call it quits. We were out of ideas.

Tomorrow we have to call the vet and see if we can get something to immobilize him again. Only this time, he has anxiety medications on board, so it shouldn’t be so terrible for him as it was last time.

The harness and martingale are really important, bc Tank is going to be staying with Molly for two weeks when I’m away, and these are the most comfortable and the most secure things to have him in. The last thing anyone wants is to lose Tank!

If I had more time, I might have been able to train him to be geared up by shaping, but unfortunately I didn’t.

Shaping is breaking down the sequence of graduated steps that make up a behavior.

So instead of luring Tank right into a harness, you’d possibly start by rewarding him for just looking in the direction of the harness, then for taking a step in that direction, taking two steps in that direction, and so on.

So anyways, Tank looked beautiful out in the snow, his coat made him blend in just perfectly! The snow falling all around him was framing the sweet dog that we know is in there, but still has to find his way out of his fear.

He needs more time, more consistency, patience, and kindness, and he’ll come around.

Good evening everyone! Today was pretty boring. Which is better than bad experiences, so I’m happy. I’m still figuring M...

Good evening everyone!

Today was pretty boring. Which is better than bad experiences, so I’m happy.

I’m still figuring Mr. Tank out.

He does NOT like the cold! After going potty and having a quick sniff, he just kind of stands there on really cold days, and he’s learned to go back up onto the deck, where the doors inside are.

But he still hasn’t gotten past the point of coming up and past me to go inside on his own yet. Although, he tends to find his way back downstairs once we get into the house.

Tank will sometimes panic as we’re walking through the basement to head upstairs, so I tried taking the leash off of him and attaching it only when we get to the door to go out. That seems to really help! And vice versa when going back downstairs.

Tonight, he sampled some yogurt in the kitchen as I put away some dishes.

And then he had a really disgusting smelling bison tripe chew. Which he seemed to really like, at least until he got bored. Or overwhelmed with the stink. I’m not sure which.

I’ve been tossing a piece of meat to him every time I come into the room, but he’s still grumbling under his breath. So we’ll just stay patient and continue to give him space, and make some disengagement signals to let him know that I don’t want anything from him.

Disengagement signals are what dogs use to try to stop and separate themselves from an uncomfortable social situation. Such as looking away, turning their body away, giving a wide amount of space, etc. It means I don’t want any trouble.

If I punished Tank for growling, then the reason for his growling would still exist. But he’d be much more likely to skip right to biting in the future.

Additionally, punishing him for giving me a growl, which is a peaceful warning, would most likely make him feel even worse and he’d possibly become aggressive.

I hear from clients a lot that a dog bit for no reason, but dogs give smaller signals before a growl to warn that they’re uncomfortable. But unlike a growl, these signals are much easier to miss.

Dogs generally follow what we call The Ladder of Aggression. You can see it here:https://ontariospca.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Canine-ladder-of-aggression.pdf

Besides that, I feel like I’m really boring him because there’s not much going on, but it’s also a struggle to keep him from getting anxious from even small things in day-to-day life.

Tomorrow I hope to pick up his new prescription and I hope that will work better than what he’s on now. This one has a fast acting effect, but less sedation. Which may or may not be better for him. We’ll just have to see.

Peace out ✌️ .

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!Happy Valentine’s Day, I 🚂 🚂 🚂 oose you, puppies! They had a special dinner, fawn tenderl...

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!

Happy Valentine’s Day, I 🚂 🚂 🚂 oose you, puppies!

They had a special dinner, fawn tenderloin (from my roadkill hookup), oven baked potato, and eggplant with a yogurt dill sauce.

Bort and Tank were together in the backyard for a couple of minutes today. Our dog really wants to play and Tank is very unsure of Bort.

I hope that Bort will win him over, bc it would be so great for Tank to have the nurturing and fun that a friend can provide.

Tank is starting to expect me to throw him treats, and is grumbling under his breath less.

I gave Tank half a Xanax and am going to try to get his harness on tonight! Wish us luck!

Right before bed, after his last potty trip outside, Tank hung out in the kitchen with me as we made a bunch of meats fo...

Right before bed, after his last potty trip outside, Tank hung out in the kitchen with me as we made a bunch of meats for training- and a snack.

He started by pacing around me and the counter, but eventually slowed his pace and stopped nearby to beg for more!

It’s just so boring! Bc it’s so normal! 😃

By no means was he stress free, but it’s reducing.

And either he associates me with tossing meat to him… Or he associates me with yummy meat and he’s going to eat me.

I sure hope it’s the former!

😆 I kid, I kid. He’s great and really goes out of his way to avoid biting. I think he has a bright future ahead of him.

I’m excited to see what time and the medication changes will bring.

Good night everyone! I hope you’re all as safe, warm and dry as Tank is. One day, he’ll realize how good he has it now and that he no longer needs to worry. He’ll get there. 🙂


Last night right before bed, Tank got to see the kitchen for the first time and the world wonder called The Refrigerator...

Last night right before bed, Tank got to see the kitchen for the first time and the world wonder called The Refrigerator.

He was in awe when it produced a snack of cottage cheese, which he decided he adores.

So I’m off to the store tonight to get some low sodium, low fat cottage cheese for him, and other yummy things.

I can’t get him Chocolate for Valentine’s Day bc it’s toxic to dogs, so I’ll just get him meat instead. Do you think he’ll mind? 🤔

The top picture is catching him just as he’s licking his lips clean.

He had his appointment with Jessey from Mindful Mentor Behavior Consulting, https://www.mindfulmentorbehavior.com/. (She also has a FB page https://www.facebook.com/people/Mindful-Mentor-Behavior-Consulting/100094227082992/.)

I’ve always been impressed by Jessey, but this was my first appointment for one of my own foster dogs.

She suggested some medication changes that will make him less tired than what he’s currently taking. She explained why she suggested those specifically for him, and how they work. She really knows her stuff!

She’s realistic and very knowledgeable, a pleasure to work with to help Tank.

Tank is going through the house a lot calmer, so it’s becoming less stressful to take him outside.

And he ate almost an entire bowl of kibble when I was sleeping! With nothing on it to tempt him.

I really like that he’s not only eating super duper high value food anymore, it means progress!


Tank’s only interested in his dinner on one side of the gate and our dog, Bort, is only interested in his venison chew on the other side.

I’m the only one who doesn’t have food. 😭

I’m excited to have them out together, maybe in a few days.

I’m really hoping that Bort will help to bridge the gap between Tank and me, and also provide some social companionship and support to him.

Good evening!Today was a rainy, boring day. Which is great! No unpleasant surprises. Tank hates a lot of things and that...

Good evening!

Today was a rainy, boring day. Which is great! No unpleasant surprises.

Tank hates a lot of things and that definitely includes rain!

I asked him if he wants me to hang up his fur coat to dry too, but he gave me this dirty look.

I think my bad jokes make him like me even less. 😭

He’s done great today!

He explored the backyard when it wasn’t raining at that moment.

He has concerns about me following him, and he’s right about that, bc I have to hold the leash.

I can’t wait until he has a harness on and we can use a tether instead.

I want him to trust me, and it’s hard for him to do that if he wants space and I don’t listen. Which is why I’m using such a long leash in the meantime. It’s better than nothing.

He’s getting a lot calmer about going upstairs and through the house to get to the backyard, so I’m really happy to see that. This is SO much better than across the driveway to get to the backyard.

And tonight…. He told me he wasn’t ready to go back inside yet bc he had to go do something over in the corner… And he flushed a rabbit out of hiding! (Don’t worry, the rabbit was much faster.)

😱 This may not seem like it, but it’s actually a HUGE deal! It’s just so normal!

The more natural, “normal” behaviors he does, the better he’s getting.

Anxiety and fear can get in the way of all of that, and reach into so many different parts of your life, like it’s an infection that takes over your whole body.

Tomorrow he has an appointment with the behavior vet tech for medication management.

Part of this includes a pain assessment, which can help us to determine if he’s in any pain.

It’s thought that up to 80% of behavioral problems have a correlation to medical issues, like pain.

We’re going to turn in a lot earlier tonight. We’ve been staying up way too late!

Good night everyone!

As always, we appreciate your moral support and donations to help cover his care.



Hey everyone! We hope everyone is well.

Today, Tank had a MUCH better day!

He barely paced, grumbled under his breath less, didn’t try to throw himself at the door/windows, explored the backyard, and ate his food.

And probably most importantly, he took all his pills.

Never again will I let him not take them! Even if it has to be forced, he needs to take them.

The difference they make is like night and day.

The only bad thing was that I stupidly grabbed the end of his leash too quickly, and he tried to bite his way free by jumping up into the air.

This was completely my fault, I have a bad memory and forgot not to quickly grab the leash as it’s racing by, when trying to take him outside.

As such, I made the leashes he’s dragging longer, just in case I manage to forget again.

Taking him through the house to the backyard, instead of outside out of the fence to walk over to the fenced in backyard is really helping keep him calmer and also me calmer.

He also is eating most of the treats I toss him, and he even did some enrichment tonight! 😃

I scrunched up a towel and sprinkled cubes of apple smoked Gouda cheese on it that he likes.

This is really basic, easy enrichment with little to no frustration or challenge.

I hope that widely used enrichment will become therapeutic to him.

He’s going to have an appointment with a Behavior Vet Tech for his meds to be evaluated.

I don’t think that what/how much he’s taking now is the best that we can do for him.

If you’d like to donate to help Tank get the care he needs, Canine Humane Network is the rescue that he’s available with.


We’d like to thank you for donations, and every other kind of support! Tank has a lot of love behind him to prop him up.

Good night!

Hey everyone! 👋 I can’t believe it’s the weekend already! I hope everyone has a nice one. Tank is doing very well with e...

Hey everyone! 👋

I can’t believe it’s the weekend already! I hope everyone has a nice one.

Tank is doing very well with eating his meals, so I think I’ll leave off on writing about that unless something is worth saying.

There’s good news and bad news.

The bad news is that Tank’s trust in me has taken a hit.

With the fiasco yesterday where he got tangled up in his leash and dragged inside to safety, and this morning where I insisted on taping his two leashes together whether he wants it or not, he has hard feelings against me.

That’s OK, we’ll have our ups and downs.

After our quarrel over his leash being taped, he spent a pretty calm day on his bed with me nearby. I’m taking him outside more often to use the bathroom.

From now on, we have new a policy of getting collars, harnesses, and leashes on him in his crate with the door closed, so he can’t bite. I have long grabbers that can safely reach inside.

Getting him back inside is always pretty stressful for him which also stresses me out. It doesn’t feel nice to have to force him to do things that scare him.

It was easier in the past with other dogs like him, because we weren’t in the basement, and the upstairs doors open into the fenced in yard.

Molly is coming over tomorrow, and we’re going to see if we can use the crate system to get a harness on him. I’d feel a lot better with one, because he can’t escape from it.

It’s a mesh vest harness that hugs the body. I’ve used this kind in the past on dogs that escape every other kind of harness and collar, even martingale collars. There’s another kind of harness with a third strap around the belly that’s supposed to be escape proof, but I don’t have one for him.

I don’t know if it’ll fit though. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tonight he REALLY did not want me to grab his leash to take him out before bed. I can’t say I blame him after all the leash fiascos(😭), so eventually I gave up bc it wasn’t worth chasing him around.

Then he went and laid down on his bed, so I calmly picked it up, clipped on the long leash, and out we went.

Now he’s laying outside the room in the hallway, because he doesn’t want to come in with me. That’s OK, I’d rather he creates space if he needs it, instead of approaching if he’s uncomfortable. Because that’s how bites happen. Listening to them builds true lasting trust.

Finally, for the good news! Tank is starting to accept treats right away. This allows me to do a lot more with him.

Tomorrow, I’ll do a video on a training technique that I like with fearful dogs. I like it so much, because it keeps everyone safe.

I hope everyone is well and had a great week!Here’s Tank’s day:Tank started off the day well, but then he paced around m...

I hope everyone is well and had a great week!

Here’s Tank’s day:

Tank started off the day well, but then he paced around moaning in distress and kept trying to jump and scratch at the windows in the door to get outside.

It was really sad and all I could do was try to cover them up, talk to him in a soothing voice and wait for him to calm down, which he eventually did.

I wish he was at the point of using treats to help, but we’re not there yet.

Then later, Molly came over and we hung out.

We tried to get a harness onto him, but were unable to. I could kick myself for taking off the harness that he came in when we bathed him!!!!! I wasn’t thinking about how we’d get it back on when I did that! 😩

I didn’t want to stress him too much, so we didn’t force it.

But it’s a project to work on in the near future, bc it’s more secure and safer for him.

Tank was calmly laying in his bed as Molly and I talked. She brought him some treats, but he wouldn’t take them. He’s not interested in dried treats yet. But he did take cream cheese from her hand!

Molly will have to give him his anxiety medications when I have to go out of town for two weeks, so it’s important that he accept food from her.

I’m not worried, bc he’ll be in excellent and capable hands. But I might make her put Tank on video, so he and I can have video calls.

You guys probably think I’m joking about that, I’m not! 🤪 We’ll probably gossip about Molly. 😉

He also ate all his dinner. He seems to be a big fan of rice!

😩😩😩 But then the end of his day ended badly.

His two leashes (for extra security) caught his leg between them and I couldn’t get it loose, and he was panicking.

I had to drag him back inside forcibly while he desperately fought with the leash, bc I was so afraid that he was going to manage to slip them over his head and escape. He even managed to make his gums bleed by biting it.

I felt, well, I still feel absolutely horrible for that traumatic experience making him so upset. Which is exactly what he doesn’t need!!!

I’m going to have to tape the two leashes together to prevent it in the future.

Poor little guy. I laid down on the floor and told him how sorry I was and asked if he’d forgive me. He laid down by me, but still panting from stress.

Some people mentioned wanting to donate to help fund his care, and that’s amazing! I can’t tell you how much we appreciate it!

The vet said that he’s going to need to see a veterinary dental specialist for treatment, and also the Veterinary Behaviorist. This is going to cost a lot.

Canine Humane Network is the wonderful rescue that said “Yes” to Tank. He’s here now bc of their making it possible.

Here’s their donation page if you’d like to contribute towards his care.


Did I mention that Tank has the best fan club of people?! It’s so nice to know that so many people care about him and are rooting for him to get better. ❤️ Tank for President! Well, maybe it’s a little too soon for that kind of demanding job.

These are getting long! He does more stuff every day, so there’s more to cover. Today, I had to go out for a few hours t...

These are getting long!

He does more stuff every day, so there’s more to cover.

Today, I had to go out for a few hours to the vet with our crazy kid (seen here tasting my Ring Pop).

He ate all his breakfast. In fact, he liked it so much that he growled at me!

I gave him his breakfast and took a step closer to toss a chew to him for while I was out, but he was concerned that I might try to take his food.

I actually really like that, because he at least felt safe enough to communicate such a normal dog concern to me! 😃

I showed him that I listen to him, and gave him more space. It’s easy enough to just give him space when he’s eating now, and to work on it later on when he’s ready, if it’s still even around by that point.

Dogs who have had an unreliable food supply or had to compete with other dogs for food, often have resource guarding at the beginning. It usually goes away on its own if you show them that you’re not going to take it, by giving them more space.

Growls mean, “I’m uncomfortable. Please stop.”

Listening to their growl means that you can avoid a bite, and now you know what their issue is so you can work on it at a better time.

When the camera was actually working, I kept getting alerts that Tank was getting up and moving around the two rooms! He was also sitting and staring at the door to the room he was in.

While it’s unfortunate that he was probably pacing, it’s still better than lying around almost comatose in fear.

My brother checked on him a few times, and Tank heard him coming and came out to greet him. My brother said he saw it wasn’t me, and he turned right back around again. 😆 And then didn’t come out to greet him the second time.

To be fair, I’m his caretaker and spend the most time with him.

Later on, I put on Dog TV for him on my laptop, and then I laid down on the floor. He came and laid down near me, and we both fell asleep.

Later tonight, he went on a small walk exploring part of our property, and he ran back which me, without too much stress until it was time to go back in.

He gets really stressed at this point, he prefers to be outside. I give him a lot of calming signals like slow blinking, and give him space, which I assumed would be his preference.

But I think I’m coming to learn that he recovers better if I stay with him instead.

Tonight, I was bringing him some really special treats, and he came out to greet me. He was really stressed out, and I noticed that he took the curtain off the door to the outside.

We’ll have to work on some relaxation techniques. Like this one for biofeedback.


And maybe long walks in the woods, to increase his serotonin. He doesn’t like to be out in the open, so I’m hoping he’ll feel better about this.

So then I laid down on the floor (It always makes him really curious) and he started to get distracted by the weird human and trying to figure out what she’s doing, and he calmed down enough to eat his treats. Deli meat and baked chicken breast very *lightly* brushed with butter.

It’s really important to be careful about fats and oils, bc dogs can be prone to getting pancreatitis from it.

He ate most of his dinner, and none of his lunch.

I get the feeling that having more to do might help to give him some activities that he can feel safe and positive about. I’ve found that it’s really helpful for building up stress resilience and optimism.

We’re going to start off with some very easy enrichment.

So I’m going to start to hide some small pieces of high value foods around for him to find when, or if he feels like it. And maybe bunch up a towel and sprinkle treats and interesting smelling things from outside on it.

I tried to give him a licky bowl today (silicone with a raised surface), bc licking can be soothing, but he wasn’t into it.

And now he’s asleep on his bed next to mine.

But I think that I’m going to start to sleep on the floor, because I’ve found that co-sleeping helps a lot with dogs like Tank.

Tomorrow, I need to figure out how to get this collar on him without traumatizing him. 😩

He has too many leashes on now, and it sometimes tangles around his legs, which also freaks him out.

He’s approaching me more and more, even touching me to some small degrees, but we’re really not at the point where I can start to put my hands on him to do stuff like getting a harness or collar on him.

We need to work on handling starting tomorrow.

He’s very skittish, but since he’s approaching me now, and because we need to be able to leash him, it’s something that we need to get going.

Nighty night!


I like to gently let him know that I’m coming in, so that I don’t catch him by surprise.

Unfortunately, he then gets anxious and paces around while making his upset moaning sounds. :(

I’ve brought him some deli meat and some chicken breast *lightly* brushed with butter and then baked. (We need the good stuff for this level of stress!)

It looks like he’s been trying to escape, so that’s unfortunate.

Today was pretty amazing! Tank ate all his breakfast.I took him potty and I had a bucket of raw venison in the garage. S...

Today was pretty amazing!

Tank ate all his breakfast.

I took him potty and I had a bucket of raw venison in the garage. So I pulled a bag out while Tank was using the facilities. Then I called him over to check it out and he spent a long time smelling it. It was nice to see him so interested in something in such a healthy way.

He’s going to have a lot of venison treats in the future. I mean if he wants them, he hasn’t taken them yet.

Then later, after I took him back inside from a potty trip, I laid face down on the floor and Tank came over. I told him I was dead, and he smelled my face. His face was right in my face!

That’s really not the safest thing in the world(!!!) so I don’t recommend anyone doing that! I wouldn’t have, but I really wasn’t expecting it to happen, and he strongly prefers moving away when uncomfortable.

Then he was sleeping and I took a picture on the monitoring camera of him with his feet all tucked up. Adorable! 🥹

Then I was coming downstairs to give him dinner and before I got to his area, I told him “num nums!”, so he could hear me coming and not get startled. I stopped to pick up a long leash that was on the floor and move it over to the side.

I heard feet on the carpet and I looked up very surprised to see that Tank had come out of the bedroom and up to me.

I gave the brave good boy his dinner right away. Tank ate the whole thing and not very fast, like when dogs feel vulnerable eating and try to gobble it down so they can move away.

Then he looked up at me and calmly turned and walked back to the bedroom, and laid back down on the bed in front of the crate. He spending a lot less time in his crate.

I came downstairs again a little while after that, and he came out and greeted me again! But he told me that he was very disappointed in me for not having another bowl of food for him.

When I took him potty for the last time tonight, he was flicking his tail almost like a wag. I’m not quite sure if this is the beginning of tail wags, or something else yet.

(Different tail wags mean different things. Their tail held up high means that they’re agitated or very excited. Their tail very low means that they’re scared. Their tail at medium height, and wagging back-and-forth or to the right means they feel good about something, but when their tail wags to the left, it means that they don’t feel good about something.)

So that was extremely surprising progress in so little amount of time. It’s unusual and it must be because of how much good work people did with him in Korea, after he was rescued. And also because Tank is really something special!

It’s very late, and I have to get up at the crack of dawn 😭, so I’ll catch up on replies tomorrow.

Today’s Tank Talk!First, I want to state that this is a bully free zone and trolling will not be permitted. I apologize ...

Today’s Tank Talk!

First, I want to state that this is a bully free zone and trolling will not be permitted. I apologize to our followers, especially anyone who has been targeted, you don’t deserve that.

I didn’t have the foresight to anticipate it here of all places, but from now on, we’re not giving it an audience.

Tank is supposed to have the focus here! This poor dog has been through so much already, he doesn’t need people detracting from his spotlight and making it about themselves.

If people have critical questions or concerns about my choices or the rescue’s, and they can be respectful, then I’d be happy to discuss it in the privacy of Facebook messenger, in order to leave Tank’s page all about him.

I welcome polite suggestions, and general good faith questions in the comments. Those don’t need to be sent by private messenger.


Tank is continuing to be somewhat social towards me, but not today as much as yesterday.

That’s the frustrating reality of it, progress kind of toggles back and forth a bit, until you start to see good days more often. And eventually, the bad ones are far and few between. 😮‍💨

Tank started the day with not going back into his crate yet, and instead staying on the big orthopedic foam bed in front of his crate. But eventually, he did go back into his crate.

If that’s what he needs to do to feel safe, I’m all for it!

We’re working up to more potty trips outside to prevent his feeling like he’s going to explode, and to prevent him from making himself sick. (Reminder that he won’t use the potty patch inside.)

He seems to feel most comfortable in the woods. There’s a lot of cover there for him to feel less exposed. I’m told that he’s never lived fully inside before, so just being in a house can be stressful for him. We try to quickly get to the woods and avoid the open parts.

He does a lot of sniffing in the woods, which is part stress, but also part exploring. We have a lot of little wild animals that get over and under the fence for him to catch the scents of. I hope that at least sometimes, he can distract himself and lose himself in the moment.

When we got back, he did significantly less pacing than yesterday. He also went back into his crate, but it was done in a normal speed, and not dashing in.

His appetite has dipped from very good to moderate since we started the anxiety meds. I suspect that he has some nausea, so we are riding it out with treatment so that we don’t have to lose the progress of the meds building up in his system, even though it’s only been a couple of days.

It’s not uncommon to have side effects when new medications are started, and then to have them go away the longer you’re on it. Which we hope will be the case!

In the meantime, we have to try different things to see what he responds to, and what we need to avoid. For example, he prefers to go outside during the day and much less so at night when it’s dark. He really likes cream cheese, and a fancy applewood smoked Gouda we have. He kept throwing a marshmallow out of his crate (hey you never know, and a little bit of a treat shouldn’t hurt him. I’m just happy if he eats.)

He’s still really digging the fish and rice stew I made him, but not eating as much of his fully nutritionally balanced food. If I have to cook for him and buy a nutrient supplement, then that’s what we’ll do. I like the website www.balanceit.com, the recipes are formulated by a board certified Veterinary Nutritionist (DACVN). And the recipes are free!

When the camera picked up his stress panting in his crate, it was really hard to watch knowing that there’s nothing more I could do to make him feel better. And that it’s just going to take time and work.

Tomorrow, I’ll do a gear post where I recommend security equipment and tidbits about using them. Such as steel cable leashes that are supposed to be bite proof.

None of the gear is especially expensive, so it’s mostly obtainable even on a budget.

I’m sorry for the quality of my night pictures, I’m terrible at photography!




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