Barbara and Rosie are still waiting patiently for the final forever home.
They are very fun and interact a lot with us.
They are incredibly loud when it’s veg time. As soon as the back door opens the shed starts making a weird squeaky noise that cannot be mistaken 😂.
As you can see Barbara is the boss, with Rosie just brushing the snide comments off and running away laughing. Such a comedy double act. This is a common scene and has really helped their relationship flourish into an amazing bond. They are so lucky to have found each other.
Now they just need a nice family and indoor home.
Sorry about the video quality everyone, could have done with an extra hand. I will definitely not be winning any filming awards😂
This is why having secure lids on runs is so important.
They came out of nowhere. There were actually 4 of them.
Many years ago before the boarding, we had a bird of prey that actually came down and was hanging, flapping on the wire while my piggies were in the run.
It only takes a second 😱
Lovely piggie people.
We seem to have a newspaper shortage 😅
We use them to line the cages to help with cleaning and our box is running very low, with lots of beds to clean over the next few weeks.
If anyone has any to go to recycle but could possibly drop them off to us instead we would very much appreciate them.
Thank you very much
Excitement over sunshine and grass. Bless them 🥰
Definitely one of the best feelings. When we have piggies come to stay that don’t have the luxury of their own garden. To watch them enjoying the sun and grass is great 😁
Lice also known as running lice.
These are easily visible with the naked eye.
They run around on the skin, are cream/white in colour and look a lot like hatchling maggots but are a lot faster.
Burrowing mites.
They live in the skin so cannot be seen with the naked eye. Usually you only know your guinea pig has them when they start to show symptoms.
For both-
They generally arrive on new Guinea pigs that unfortunately have been bred or kept in crowded and/or unclean conditions. They spread amongst a group quickly and can make animals very unwell.
They make the guinea pig itchy and generally run down and unwell.
They can cause a guinea pig to develop hair loss and open wounds where they have been scratching and chewing themselves. The wounds are generally across the shoulders and are often mistaken for bites from companions.
The guinea pig will be less happy with handling and will chew the air or area when tickled anywhere on the body.
Guinea pigs with heavy infestations will often be mistaken for being really happy.
They jump around a lot as if popcorning but to a much more constant degree. This is where they are incredibly itchy and is NOT a happy, normal behaviour.
Some can be so severely itchy it can lead to seizures. These animals may not show any signs of hair loss.
Treatment is via a spot on ivermectin. We find the 2 best to use are Xeno and Beauphar.
Make sure your guinea pig is weighed accurately to give the correct dose.
You will need to apply every 2 weeks for a cycle of 3-4 treatments to get on top of the issue. You will need to treat ALL guineas within the group as they are highly contagious.
As with the hay mites, the treatment does not kill off the eggs.
WARNING skin crawling video of lice attached🤢