So when we moved out here almost 14 years ago there were lots of moments of silence where you didn't hear cars driving by or heavy equipment or planes. In the last few years that has changed a lot, and now there are times that I take video and can't use it cause a noisy vehicle ran by, but today-ahhhhh! Silence! Enjoy the serenity while it lasts....
It's Christmas time at the McKinney Farmer's Market and the vendors are ready. Come visit Santa, see our vintage model train display and our gingerbread village and stay for the best shopping in the metroplex. We're here today from 8-noon at Chestnut Square Heritage Village
It's a beautiful and busy day at the McKinney Farmer's Market! We have all kinds of fun family events, the fire department is here for up close visits with a fire truck, we have a library event with story telling, and we have local authors to visit with! At the farm booth the first peppers are ready, we've pickled the last of our beets, there is a full flat of farm flower bouquets, and lots of fun plants available. Come on out today from 8-Noon
It's lovely and cool and most importantly, not raining! Come on out for our fresh green, beets, turnips, and flowers as well as all our other farm raised goodies! See you at 8-Noon at the McKinney Farmer's Market
More parkour challenges from Penny. Gilly's triplets gave it a go, but no one beats the princess.
Penny is our daredevil doeling from this years kid group. She's been riding our donkey for weeks and I finally got it on camera today. Thanks again to @stonyglenstables for letting us have the bestest nanny donkey around, Miss Daisy Mae. Apologies for Abel Turkey photo bombing, if he sees a camera he assumes it's for him.
The farmers market is open! Spend your Saturday morning with us from 8-12 today at Chestnut Square Historic Village.
Rainy day fun! Our large clutch of Serama chicks are out and on the move with all three mother hens on guard and ready to demonstrate the "scratch and examine" technique of finding your own food.
Easter surprise! The large clutch of Serama eggs began hatching. We moved the nest box with all three hens, dozen chicks and a few eggs still hatching to a coop on the ground so the mothers could hop off for a second to eat and drink. It's not uncommon for hens to go without for days once hatching begins and that includes potty breaks as well as food and water. You'd think with this many hens they'd tag team, and that is how they started sitting, but once hatching began each hen wanted ALL the chicks and would steal chicks if I lifted a hen to check under her. They are out of their 2 story hen house now and the chicks should be ready to leave the nest box tomorrow to start eating and drinking.
It didn't last for long, and the farm dog was underwhelmed, but it was pretty while it lasted. (The whole 30 minutes ☺️)
What do farm kids do during Christmas break? Applied physics problems! How do you move an 8 x 12 chicken coop 100 ft from current location without tractor or other pulling vehicle, and without pulling it apart? Lots of PVC pipe, wood track and levers! Chicken coop is moved and now we can start assembling the new caterpillar tunnel.