Vita May, you are that “one great dog” ❤️
"In this life, you're meant to have one great dog," I said.
"One that shifts something deep inside you, in a way you never saw coming. He shows up maybe when you need him most, maybe when you're too lost to see it. And in the smallest, most ordinary moments, he changes you."
I paused thinking of all the nights, I trudged through, feeling like I was carrying the weight of the world alone.
"He's the one who brings you back, makes it bearable when you're tethering on the edge. He doesn't try to explain or preach. He just stays there, showing you a kind of love you didn't think existed."
And that's the thing about that one great dog, he makes you question how you ever got by without him. You look at him, lying there, and realize he's given you more than any person ever has - no big speeches, just a presence, that says I'm here with you. And somehow that's enough to change everything.
~ R. M. Drake from 'Dog People'
Artist Credit: Irina Kryuchkova. Latvian pet portrait painter.