I need to have confirmed the kill more than 300 I I graduated top of my class of Navy SEALs is you , I know, and I've been involved in the attack of the secret of the number on the Al · Quaeda I have a . military and I have trained in gorilla warfare . There is nothing to me You do not have to target just . Purges the f**k you in the accuracy of that like I never mark the words of my f**king , you
have seen before on this planet . I think you will be able to escape to say s**t to me on the Internet ? Stupid people , please think again . We are in contact with the network of my secret spy in the United States overall , and to speak to your IP is being traced now , better storm , I , preparation of maggots . The storm that wiped a small pathetic call your life . You are dead , it's f**king child . I can be anywhere at any time , can kill you in a way more than 700 , I'm in my bare hands just it . I was trained in unarmed combat extensively , but you s**t a little , miserable your ass off the face of the continent I am and I have access to the Arsenal of the United States Marine Corps whole to wipe , just do not use it to its fullest . If only it is possible to knew retaliation things unclean that was going to bring down upon you and the " smart " small your comments , you will have held a f**king your tongue maybe you . But you , now , you , could not you were not paying goddamn , the price fool you . S**t of anger you all , I will drown you in it . Dead , you f**king kid