Newest Rescue Pup!
Female. 14 lbs. Blue with white pied. 9 month old. According to prior owners and landlord she is a french bulldog but I think she is a Frenchton. (Designer breed which is a French bulldog -Boston Terrier cross). She was taken into animal control after her owners were evicted. She was found left in the house in a nasty crate filled with p**p. She is a little underweight. Her owners were notified and said they would go to animal control to reclaim but never showed up. She is heartworm negative and is now on the monthly preventative. She has been spayed, given rabies vaccine, Dhpp vaccine, Bordetella vaccine, dewormed, microchipped, f***l, and overall exam. She is very playful, sweet, but a little shy when she first meets new people although she warms up fast. She loves other dogs. She goes in her crate with no problems. We are still perfecting her house training but she is catching on fast. If you are interested in this sweet girl, please send me a DM. Thanks