Hoof Analysis Sept 2020
I did one of these hoof studys in June. It was the basis for finding out exactly the imbalance in his stride. He has been getting frequent trims to keep his toe short. These slow motion up close videos of the hoof are really helpful. It is hard to see exactly what is going on in motion. The feedback from this will be used to do his trim. It seems to be more telling that just looking at a stationary hoof.
Chico's Recovery
So here we are. Starting a little training again. Chico hasn't been doing any work for 9 months. He has been extremely sore and with no diagnosis. The last vet visit did some xrays on the left fore (as a result of a flexion test). No answer there. He's had another bout of cellulitis as well. His hoof balance was a bit off on the left fore, so have fixed that and trimming regularly to keep toes from getting long (but leaving good clearance on the wall and some heels to keep the frog from taking too much impact). It was either this change or something else we've been doing that has improved his condition. What else we've done is to modifiy his nutrition for more immunity, and the use of Sure Foot pads. He's not yet sound at trot, and just last night has run into something on the left shoulder getting a bit bruised and a scrape there. I think he's out of woods enough to put a little work in to help him recover further. The lunging was just to assess him. We will be doing some inhand work at walk to build up his weak areas.
Chico's Hoof Study
Ground level videos from back, front and side of Chico in walk and trot.
Chico doing liberty lunging
Playing with Chico today at liberty, and having a go at lunging without a rope. He seems to know what to do. This is something we haven't practiced too much, so keeping the attempts short. Nice to see that he keeps his forward down position and stepping under with his inside hind on the circle.
Chico Foundation Training
This video was taken a few days ago. Chico has not been ridden very much over the past few months. He is just getting back into training now, so my contact here is very light, and he is able to carry himself quite well without having to push into the bit. As training increases, I would add more contact so the reins are not floppy, but still keeping him carrying himself in balance. This is hard work to get a horse to do this - I have worked on it diligently. He is not a finished product for dressage or taking out to a show yet after his retraining to work in a snaffle bit with soft aids, but we have achieved some good foundations, and that is in the close horizon (if he does not sell in the next months, I have plans to take him out to a low level competition).
Classical Training
This is Chico back in January doing straightness (classical) training. He is very tuned into ground work and tries his best.
The gorgeous Chico is going to be for sale. He is not needed for vaulting with the Waimauku Vaulting club closing and a move south in the future for us. I will put more pictures and videos up in the next weeks. Here is one taken back in November of us playing with some liberty work. He bonds very well and would be great for someone interested in a more relaxed type of horse ownership.
Chico is doing very well with his work on the lunge. Today he was very relaxed and doing a lovely rhythmic slow trot. We are using poles to give him a task. The poles are put in a different configuration each lunging session for a new mental and coordination challenge.
I have put up a video of a training day that didn't go so well. These are the challenging ones where you have to grit your teeth (patiently), stay onboard and persevere until you get one little ounce of progress. We spent 3 hours at the arena today! My assessment of Chico is that he is very reactive and has little patience. After he completed the exercise of 10m circling acceptably at walk we went to do it at trot and that's where the trouble started. My goal was to get a slow trot under saddle. We used poles and many methods...but in the end I was not satisfied so we switched to lunging. At last we ended on a good note...both of us sweaty and tired!
Going back a few days, we were doing vaulting training in better weather. After the big rain weve just had, the facility where he is staying was at risk of flooding so Chico has gone for a couple of days vacation at a very nice Equestrian property further away.
Here was the result of our training session today. Chico reacts when the vaulter puts weight just behind the seat. We are using his stomach to get to his brain with some treats as he is extremely food motivated. His panicky reaction is all in his head now rather than the result of any pain. After many repetitions of leaning a hand down on this sensitive area and then coming up to kneeling, Chico had improved to a point of very little reaction. We will continue rewarding him when not reacting to reinforce the behaviour that we need from him.