Gigolo Von Euroline
He has a whooping (2lb) lots of cheese today for his birthday. And lots of treats.
Today would be baba’s birthday. 🥳 😢
#doberman #dobie #dog #europeandoberman #birthday #rip
#doberman #dobie #dog #dogs #animal #animals #pets #pet #weekend #europeandoberman #americandoberman
Checking out sheep 🐑 with shiva
#shiva #sheep #doberman
Who is a good girl
#doberman #europeandoberman #dobie #dog #dogs #vancouver #bc #wa #puppy
Socializing Cameron
#doberman #dobie #dog #europeandoberman #dog #dogs #sneak #bc #fortlangley #animal #pet #pets
Took Cammy for some drinks :)
Isabella x Gigolo
Embark COI 32%
#doberman #dobie #dog #dogs
You know my favourite Dooowg breed. This is my favourite flower.
Video sent by my sister. I wish they grew like this in the wild in Canada.
#canada #flower #spring #tulips #tulip #upsidedowntulips #bc #shiraz
Sabo + Cameron
#doberman #dobie #dog #dogs #europeandoberman #sunday #relax
Tokyo is lucky to have a grandma she can annoy
#europeandoberman #doberman #dobie #dog #dogs
Isabella kisses 😘
#doberman #dobie #dog #dogs #animal #animals #europeandoberman #amercandoberman