The Kolorful K9s

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The Kolorful K9s Kolorful Canine Training is working towards CGC and other AKC Titles on personal dogs, as well as helping clients reach their goals!

This what 28 bags of dog food looks like 😂 the other 12 bags are already in the house. I think it's safe to say I'm set ...

This what 28 bags of dog food looks like 😂 the other 12 bags are already in the house. I think it's safe to say I'm set on dog food for a while. Thanks Tractor Supply Co. For the 4Health! The dogs love it and we love that it's affordable in bulk 🤣

Thanks for hanging out for a few days Hurley! See you next week for another relaxing vacation. 💜

Thanks for hanging out for a few days Hurley! See you next week for another relaxing vacation. 💜

Forgot to post these last week. Mar-Vell and Mori got some Pond Time in! Mori learned that she really likes to swim than...

Forgot to post these last week. Mar-Vell and Mori got some Pond Time in! Mori learned that she really likes to swim thanks to big cousin Noodle the Poodle!

Mar-Vell also got to have so much fun at the Canine Confidence Course! We did a lot of training in 2020 with similar sty...

Mar-Vell also got to have so much fun at the Canine Confidence Course! We did a lot of training in 2020 with similar style (ups, throughs, unders, overs) so some of these were second nature to her, so much so she got sloppy and rushed them haha! We had to go back a few times on the 'easy' ones so she could put on the breaks and focus on her foot placements. Her only 'hold up' moment was when the wobble board wobbled. 😂 She hasn't seen one of those since she was about 10months old, so it was WEIRD (her words). I'm pretty sure her favorite was the water walk.

📸 Credit to Chris at CCC

Lots of work to do, but we got this!

🩷 Cosmic Caliber's Majesty Novella RN DCAT CGC TKN RATO ICN 🩷

🧡 Mori got to have a super fun filled day! We headed over to the Canine Confidence Course in the Camden area (with big s...

🧡 Mori got to have a super fun filled day! We headed over to the Canine Confidence Course in the Camden area (with big sister Mar-Vell) and got to play on all the fun obstacles for the puppy course. We mastered some right away, like the weird surfaces and walking over the plank. The water was a big NOPE at first, but we got there. We are iffy about the tires and sitting on the wobble board. We'll get there!

📸 Credit to Chris owner of the CCC!

Soon we will start working on some Tricks and CGC work. 🧡

🧡 Karasar's Copestone Evermore 🧡

The faces this child makes 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Had a good run around today. 🧡

The faces this child makes 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ Had a good run around today. 🧡

🥰 Today's adventures.

🥰 Today's adventures.

Little Mori got some play/work time today too! We are working on Sit/Come with distraction... and what more perfect a di...

Little Mori got some play/work time today too! We are working on Sit/Come with distraction... and what more perfect a distraction than ducks!? She did wonderful and never once tried to play with them. We were definitely intrigued by them though! Nice short session with lots of progress. 🧡

Mar-vell heewr. Mum said I could updates yew all about today since SHE wasn't the won who messed up today. I wuz. First ...

Mar-vell heewr. Mum said I could updates yew all about today since SHE wasn't the won who messed up today. I wuz. First wound I had what you hoomas call the ZOOMIES. I just callz them havinz fun... and there wuz this dood by the fence who smelled good. I tunneled, and didn't find wats. Next try, the wind weeeeeeally messed me up and I awerted on pile of straw NEXT to the wrat(like a foot and a half away). Dis wind sucks. But mom still gave me wots of cookies and cuddles.

(We also made sure that at the end of each try today that we brought her to a rat and made it SUPER fun to find. Over all, this was an amazing learning experience for her and I. 🩷 We're gunna take a month off and let this all sink into her two brain cells and hope her next practice goes even better!)

Round two was super fun! While we didn't Q, we did ALL THE THINGS. As soon as we got in, she found rat one and threw it ...

Round two was super fun! While we didn't Q, we did ALL THE THINGS. As soon as we got in, she found rat one and threw it a good foot and a half away with her dig alert. 🤣 We had lots of praise and then went on to do a few laps around the ring. She caught a wiff of rat 2 while running and had to double back to show mom. We dug at it a little bit and then bounded off. The next two were a little harder. She caught a wiff on top of some bales but couldn't find the right pile. Once she went into the tunnel on her own, it told me the rat was on top of the tunnel somewhere. I said a quick hailmary and looked at the judge saying "I'm probably wrong but I'm gunna call Rat on that pile" and she says RAT3!

While we were looking for rat 3, she had also stopped on some other areas so I took her back trying to get her to alert on one of them and just as I was about to do another hailmary call the Judge called time and goes "and yes, that was it. 😂" we had a good laugh and got some great feedback from the judge of 'she found them all VERY quickly, and I love how bouncy she is' 🤣 yeah thats my girl. At least we didn't parkour up all 3 levels today 🤷🏼‍♀️

Tomorrow we try again! 🩷🩷

Welp. Round 1 didn't go as planned. First, Mar-Vell found a rat! Sniffed hard, then came back and alerted! Wooo! Theeeee...

Welp. Round 1 didn't go as planned. First, Mar-Vell found a rat! Sniffed hard, then came back and alerted! Wooo! Theeeeeen Mom fudged up and walked into a distance challenge cause the mat was yellow and covered in straw, making it hardly visible. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and then Pood sniffed reeeeeeeal hard at a litter tube so mom called it. That's okay tho. We get another shot here in an hour ish. At least everyone is LOVING my rare Peruvian Purple Poodle 😂💜🩷

Who's that Pokémon!? 😂🤷🏼‍♀️🩷 Purple Poodle! Mar-Vell got all dolled up in a Georgette trim for our Barn Hunt Regionals t...

Who's that Pokémon!? 😂🤷🏼‍♀️🩷 Purple Poodle! Mar-Vell got all dolled up in a Georgette trim for our Barn Hunt Regionals this weekend. 🩷 Wish us luck!

As always, Connie over at C4 Pet Photography knocked it out of the park with her FastCAT images of Iwa this past weekend...

As always, Connie over at C4 Pet Photography knocked it out of the park with her FastCAT images of Iwa this past weekend. We hadn't planned on running this weekend, just visiting some friends and exposing the puppy to the sights, sounds and smells of the FastCAT/CAT courses but...

When I found out they were accepting Day Of entries I couldn't say no to letting her get one run in. These pictures prove to me she still loves to run! At the start of 2023, I chose to pull her from the coursing fields after she got her CAX title due to some behavioral changes I'd noticed with her such as stopping mid run for her FastCATs and peeing on the field for her CATs. She was getting bored. So we took a year off all sports for her.

This weekend, after seeing the bunny for the first time again she not only started barking at the line and lunging for the lure while waiting, she then ran a solid 8.2! I think we'll stick to single runs once every few months just to keep her enjoying the game.

Again, thank you to everyone over at Time To Fly - Performance Dog Sports for all you do to put on these events! We miss yall and hope to see you again very soon!

Gotta love this crazy life. 🥰 I will always be grateful for the dogs in my life. Even if they drive me mad some days 🤣 L...

Gotta love this crazy life. 🥰 I will always be grateful for the dogs in my life. Even if they drive me mad some days 🤣 Like Mar-Vell pulling a dead fish outta the pond 🤦🏼‍♀️

Two amazing images from Beau & Arrow Images ! Thank you so much for these first two images in a long road ahead of fun a...

Two amazing images from Beau & Arrow Images ! Thank you so much for these first two images in a long road ahead of fun and games! Safe to say she's super excited about chasing those 'bunnies' and I can't wait for her to get a bit older and get to play for real!

Karasar's Copestone Evermore "Mori"

Whooo! Was today a fun one!!! We officially have a tiny clown car. 4 pups on an adventure today. First stop was to visit...

Whooo! Was today a fun one!!! We officially have a tiny clown car. 4 pups on an adventure today. First stop was to visit Auntie Shea for some Barn Hunt Practice for Mar-vell and Simi. Simi found the ratties, tunneled, and climbed! (She also pooped in the ring but 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️) Mar-vell thought tunnels were the BEST ever today and refused to alert to the rat 😂

Next we headed over to Aikens FastCAT event with Time To Fly - Performance Dog Sports for Iwa to do a quick FastCAT run and for Mori Puppy to see all the sights and sounds, plus run a quick 50 yard straight away on the CAT field for a puppy bump. With all the rain yesterday the ground was nice and soft. Iwa ran an 8.2 which isn't half bad for her first run in over a year! Puppy got to learn that bunnies are FUN. She loved it and wanted more 🤣 Cannot wait for her to be older and ready to RUN.

5. How on earth are you already 5 years old? 🩷 From that little puppy who screamed at me for taking too long talking to ...

5. How on earth are you already 5 years old? 🩷 From that little puppy who screamed at me for taking too long talking to Jordan at Cosmic Caliber Standard Poodles to now being my little FOMO child who is always ready for adventure and mischief. 🐩 You're such an enthusiastic girl and I love that about you. Now let's get a little more enthusiastic about telling mom where the rats are at Barn Hunt okay? 🐀 Not just cataloging them while you have the zoomies 😂

Happiest Birthday to you and the whole Cosmic Caliber Guardians of the Galaxy litter 🩷🧡💛💚💙💜

Cosmic Caliber's Majesty Novella RN DCAT ICN TKN CGC RATO "Mar-Vell"

Hey everyone! Many of you know that I've started up a side business (with my current boss being aware and supportive). T...

Hey everyone! Many of you know that I've started up a side business (with my current boss being aware and supportive). To get my business off the ground, I've created a Rover account. I am specializing in Geriatric Pet Care for overnight boarding! While I -can- host some younger dogs, my main focus is elderly pups who don't do well in a boarding facility and prefer to be in a home style setting. I can also house sit for short periods of time each month for ANY age.

I am insured for pet sitting and house sitting, and have certifications in pet care from multiple sources.

Below are 2 links. One is to my Rover account to view reviews and book through a secured site if you're unsure about booking with me. The 2nd is my personal website created for this business. If you, or someone you know needs pet care for their older pup, please share this with them! 💜


💙💜💚 Some great info will be shared.

💙💜💚 Some great info will be shared.

Join us September 12th at 12pm EST for a webinar about dealing with pet loss and grief. It will be presented by Erica Messer, Founder of Wolfie's Wish (

After a little looking and finalizing some details, I found out that I am one of only SIX Certified Professionals in Sou...

After a little looking and finalizing some details, I found out that I am one of only SIX Certified Professionals in South Carolina, and I am the ✨️Only✨️ one in the Columbia area. 🙌🏻 I cannot thank those of you who supported all my crazy dog dreams. Especially my Husband ❤️

I could -not- have done this without my partners in crime.

My little white fluffy heart dog, Mo. My Momiji boy. My one and only bestest bub. Handsomest derp. You challenged me every day of your short life. We would have gone so far. You taught me so much. To be a better handler and person.

My double trouble crew. Nyru and Iwa. My crazy girls. You taught me that it doesn't have to be perfect. It just has to work. You taught me to understand each dog as an individual. How to work with the dog, and that training isn't 'one size fits all'.

Daisy 🌼 Dooblie. Silly Shepherd girl. You taught me that dogs can be afraid of the weirdest things... like garbage cans. 🙃 You give me a new challenge every day, and that's okay. You helped me further my understanding of how to read body language.

Lastly, my little summer child. ☀️ Mar-Vell. My poodle doo. The weirdest of them all. You teach me every day to smile, even in the rain. You taught me that even dogs have off days. You had legs in Rally before you were a year old, yet once I took that show collar off you derped around like you'd never known the word sit in your life.

And of course, all of my passed oldies. Okami, Yuki, Yagi, and Piper. You all taught me so much about end of life care for the geriatrics. You are why I specialize in senior pet care.

✨️✨️ Local Columbia Peoples ✨️✨️ Do you or someone you know like monstrous crazies, tiny gremlins, and bathroom cats? If...

✨️✨️ Local Columbia Peoples ✨️✨️ Do you or someone you know like monstrous crazies, tiny gremlins, and bathroom cats? If so, we have a job opening that fits just that! We are currently in search of a hard working, independent individual who is looking for a long-term position in a fast-paced, growing kennel. We, on average, handle a minimum of 40 dogs per day, with weekends getting into the lower 60s. You -MUST- not be scared of Large dogs, or cats as we handle both regularly. Starting pay based on experience and your ability to show up. 🤷🏼‍♀️ We've had lots of people no-show on interviews and working interviews. No sugar coating - there is a lot of 💩 and it gets stinky. If you think you or your friend or your aunts cousins kid can handle it? Send us an email at [email protected]

P.s. Must be 18 to apply. Previous kennel experience preferred but not required. Recommended to have customer service experience or ability to communicate well!

This was just too good of a shot to not get its own picture. Credit to:Wonderfur Photography

This was just too good of a shot to not get its own picture.

Credit to:Wonderfur Photography

Second on todays agenda, crazy little Kolorful's Rocky Start FCAT CGC TKN and officially CAX!! Iwa started out this year...

Second on todays agenda, crazy little Kolorful's Rocky Start FCAT CGC TKN and officially CAX!! Iwa started out this year with a BANG, doing her first run of the year by peeing on the course before hitting 200 yards. Cause why not? An hour later, we got out on the field and she finished her 300 yards, earning her the CAX title on her 25th run in CABT. To say I am proud of this girl is an understatement. I share her story all the time, but this girl was ABANDONED at 8 months old at a boarding kennel. This crazy, silly, loving, happy girl. She's quickly become a staple at TTF events and half of the event goers know her name (even if I don't remember theirs. Sorry guys!).

Iwa is officially semi-retired from high impact sports due to her age and unknown medical background. We're going to look into some less impact-focused events like Barn hunt to see if she has any interest, or if she just wants to become a couch potato.

Photo Credits: Wonderfur Photography

First up on today's post, our little miss Kolorful's New Beginnings AKA Daisy. Due to some reactivity with Daisy, and Co...

First up on today's post, our little miss Kolorful's New Beginnings AKA Daisy. Due to some reactivity with Daisy, and Covid making us take steps backward in our training, we've had a slow going process with her. Early in January, we had the opportunity to bring her with to a FastCAT event in Camden SC and let her have a try at running after those 'bunnies'. If the look on her face says anything - I think she enjoyed it! This is a huge step forward for us because not only did she have to run 100 yards to Mom (Which she loves to play catch me if you can when shes 'loose'), but she had to do so with someone else holding her leash at the start line. I'm so proud of her and we are officially working on her BCAT title now that we know she enjoys the game!

I also want to give a HUGE Shout out to Chris Frodsham and Laurie Feichter Frodsham for having these Time to Fly Events. Because of you, I was able to find a 'dog family' in the amazing volunteers and the competitors who join us for FastCAT and CABT's. Thank you so much.

Photo Credits: Wonderfur Photography



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