You know we love when you share posts like these with your babies enjoying our products. 💚💚💚
Repost from
"I got my package from today (and like way faster than I expected too which was amazing!) and that meant I was able to give Myshka the new addition to his pyramid cat toy collection ! These have seriously been the only toys that get him so active and excited. I kid you not, like nothing has appealed to him the way these have so I've been working on buying more as time goes on so that he can plenty of them to scatter and be pleasantly happy later when he rediscovers where they went. 😂 Pro tip for anyone considering purchasing some: make sure you give the new toy a couple of really good squeezes and shakes! That really gets the catnip smell super potent and then your cat will go wild!
Thank you for having such an amazing online shop dedicated to low waste living where I found some new zero/low waste goodies to help my eco conscious journey that I am excited to incorporate into my daily living! And also thank you for having these cat toys available because Myshka got a nice surprise to enjoy as well!!
And thank you for making amazing, minimal, safe and FUNCTIONAL cat toys where they don't just sit in a basket and accumulate over time but instead they're flung, chomped and chased by my furbaby ❤ As you can tell by the last slide, these really get him excited and active to the point he plays until he decides it is nap time 😂"