Cows of Kos

Cows of Kos To raise awareness about the suffering Cows of Kos. Tied, exposed to the burning sun without water

How is it possible that, while TUI Group and Giorgos Hatzimarkos who is responsibl...

How is it possible that, while TUI Group and Giorgos Hatzimarkos who is responsible for tourism on the Greek Southern Aegean islands collaborated to create an example of sustainable tourism, serious abuse of cows on a large scale still continues on Kos, one of the Southern Aegean islands?

This cow abuse is the opposite of sustainable tourism and many tourists are shocked by what they see on the island of Kos.
Urge TUI to stop the abuse!
Please send a message to TUI Care Foundation or to [email protected]
Read about how TUI and the Southern Aegean Region work together:

How is it possible that, while TUI Group and Γιώργος Χατζημάρκος of the Greek Southern Aegean islands collaborated to cr...

How is it possible that, while TUI Group and Γιώργος Χατζημάρκος of the Greek Southern Aegean islands collaborated to create an example of sustainable tourism, cow abuse on a large scale still continues on Kos, one of the Southern Aegean islands?
This cow abuse is the opposite of sustainable tourism and many tourists are shocked by what they see on the island of Kos.
Urge TUI that you want them to stop the abuse.
Please send a message to TUI Care Foundation or to [email protected]

Read about how TUI and the Southern Aegean Region work together:

How is it possible that, while TUI and the Southern Aegean islands collaborated to create an example of sustainable tour...

How is it possible that, while TUI and the Southern Aegean islands collaborated to create an example of sustainable tourism, cow abuse on a large scale still continues on Kos island?

This cow abuse is the opposite of sustainable tourism and many tourists are shocked by what they see on the island of Kos.

Urge TUI that you want them to stop the abuse.
Please send a message to TUI Care Foundation or to [email protected]

Read about how TUI and the Southern Aegean Region work together:


Αν δεν είναι η φωτιά είναι το νερό….
Αν δεν είναι η φωτιά και το νερό είναι ο άνθρωπος…. πάντα ο άνθρωπος….
Αυτες είναι οι αγελάδες της Κω…
Που ψήνονται καλοκαίρια ολόκληρα πριν ψηθούν για να γίνουν η μπριζόλα σου….
Που καίγονται από τη δίψα περισσότερο από ότι μπορεί να κάψει οποιαδήποτε φωτιά….
Που πνίγονται από τα σχοινιά ,το παστουρωμα και το δίκιο τους πριν τα πνίξει το νερό….
Κι αν με το νερό και τη φωτιά και τις φυσικές καταστροφές μπορεί να υπάρξει κάπου μία ελπίδα μάλλον με τον άνθρωπο δεν υπάρχει καμιά….
Αν νομίζεις οτι κάνουμε λάθος η ομάδα που στο νησί της Κω αγωνίζεται για τις αγελαδιτσες του νησιού λέγεται Cows of Kos Και ζητούν την ευαισθητοποίηση και την βοήθεια σου….

If it weren't for the fires it would be for the water...
If not for the fire and the water it's mankind itself...always mankind itself...
These are the cows of Kos...
Cooking up in the sun endlessly until they cook up to become your steak...
Burning up out of thirst more than any sort of fire can burn them up...
Choking up by ropes, pasteurization, and their own point that never got represented
And if with water and fire and natural disasters there can be some hope then maybe with mankind there is absolutely none...
If you think we are wrong, the team that fights for cows in Kos is called Cows of Kos and they seek your sensitization and help...

If you're on holiday on the Greek island of Kos you will see suffering cows tied up all over the island, in the blazing ...

If you're on holiday on the Greek island of Kos you will see suffering cows tied up all over the island, in the blazing sun without any water. It could even be the view from your hotel room.

Many people on holiday on Kos make complaints about the suffering cows tied up in the sun, to hotel owners and to the police.

If you do not wish to see this animal cruelty on your holiday, please let the Kos Tourism Office know: via Kos Island Greece or via [email protected]

"THE DOUBLE FACE OF KOS, BEAUTIFUL BEACHES AND NEGLECTED COWS"People who have been on holiday on Kos and have seen the s...


People who have been on holiday on Kos and have seen the suffering cows on the island have written an article about it and hope for more signatures for the petition.

The island of Kos and Greece in general must understand that if you want to continue to benefit from tourism, you must make changes.
Please sign and share ❤️

De Griekse vakantiebestemming Kos heeft twee gezichten: paradijselijke stranden versus verwaarloosde koeien, waar niemand iets voor wil doen.

This is what you see on the Greek holiday island of Kos. Suffering cows everywhere on the island. Why suffer, well they ...

This is what you see on the Greek holiday island of Kos.
Suffering cows everywhere on the island. Why suffer, well they have no shelter from the scorching sun and they get a small bucket of water if they are lucky. They are often pregnant and left to suffer so that the owners can get EU subsidies.

If you do not wish to see this animal cruelty on your holiday and you don't want to visit Kos Island in Greece as long as this animal abuse is going on, please let them know: via Kos Island Greece or via [email protected]


This is how people keep cows on the Greek island of Kos, on a rope in the sun all day without the water a cow needs every day.

They are lucky if they get a few liters in a small bucket.

Think carefully about whether you want to go on holiday to the Greek island of Kos. You will see suffering cows tied up ...

Think carefully about whether you want to go on holiday to the Greek island of Kos.
You will see suffering cows tied up in the blazing sun without any water all over the island, also next to your hotel. Many people on holiday on Kos complain about the cows tied up in the sun to the hotel owners and to the police.

If you do not wish to see this animal cruelty on your holiday and you don't want to visit Kos Island in Greece as long as this animal abuse is going on, please let them know: via Kos Island Greece or via [email protected]


Think carefully about whether you want to go on holiday to the Greek island of Kos.
You will see cows tied up in the blazing sun without any water all over the island, also next to your hotel. Many people on holiday on Kos complain about the cows tied up in the sun to the hotel owners and also to the police. Because it is heartbreaking to see those animals suffer.

If you do not wish to see this animal cruelty on your holiday and you don't want to visit Kos Island Greece as long as this animal abuse is going on, please let them know: or via [email protected]

To raise awareness about the suffering Cows of Kos. Tied, exposed to the burning sun without water

In this article, residents of Kos clarify where the problems in the system are that cause animal suffering to continue.R...

In this article, residents of Kos clarify where the problems in the system are that cause animal suffering to continue.

Resolving these issues would be a big step for Kos and an example for other places in Greece where animal suffering continues...

Κως: Ακόμα μια αγελάδα σκελετωμένη βασανίζεται από κτηνοτρόφο – Έκκληση για τον εντοπισμό του ζώου στο Πυλί


On holiday on Kos you will see the miserable sight of cows tied up all over the island. They spend their lives suffering in the sun without any shelter and without acces to water and sufficient food.
They are used as 'breeding machines' until they collapse. The calves are sold.

If fires break out like elsewhere in Greece, all the thousands of tied cows on Kos will burn alive.
Local authorities look the other way because there is of course money involved.

Pressure from outside Kos and Greece is needed to change this situation. Any input to get that done is welcome.....

Sharing is Caring 🐮

To raise awareness about the suffering Cows of Kos. Tied, exposed to the burning sun without water

THIS IS THE GREEK HOLIDAY ISLAND OF KOS.where cows spend their miserable lives on a rope in the sun without water. Imagi...

where cows spend their miserable lives on a rope in the sun without water. Imagine how that feels?
Because this is against the Greek law 4830/2021 and because it is very hot, the Kos police receives almost daily reports from residents and from tourists.
3 cows have been reported 3 times in the last days to the Kos police. Police officers have been to the field to take photos and the cows are still there today, in the burning sun on a rope and without water.
The owner is known to the police and because this is animal abuse and a crime, the police must arrest the owner. Which the Kos police doesn't.
To help the cows on Kos, please let the Kos police know that this can not continue: [email protected]
This is the only way we can make the changes for these cows on Kos

THIS IS THE GREEK HOLIDAY ISLAND KOS These photos were taken yesterday. The cows are together with 7 other cows in the h...


These photos were taken yesterday. The cows are together with 7 other cows in the hot sun without water. It was 39 degrees.

It has been reported to the Kos Police who came to the site yesterday and confirmed that this is not allowed. According to Greek law, this is a criminal act and the owner of the cows must be arrested. The Kos police does not do that.

Please help these cows by sending an email to the Kos police ([email protected]) and urging them to arrest the owner of these 9 cows and take the cows away from their terrible situation. Today the weather will be at least 38 degrees on Kos.

There are hundreds of cows on Kos in the same situation and an example for all owners is needed.
If fires break out on Kos, all these tied up animals will burn alive
Police Kos: [email protected]

We are still hard at work in our fight against animal cruelty of cows on the Greek island of Kos. They stand day after d...

We are still hard at work in our fight against animal cruelty of cows on the Greek island of Kos.
They stand day after day in the blazing sun, tied up and without water and without shelter for the sun with temperatures around 39 degrees.


This email below can be sent to the Greek Ministry of Tourism ([email protected]) with some personal observations to ensure that this animal abuse becomes widely known and also that people on holiday in Kos hate to see how these cows suffer.
Thank you very much!! 🐮

[email protected]

Spending my holidays in Kos island of Greece, I had the misfortune to witness local people abuse their animals and specifically their cows. This cruelty to cows ruined my holidays completely to the point I don't want to come back to Greece ever again. In my country, treating animals this way is considered a felony and would never go unpunished.
It made me realize the picture I had about Greece is completely wrong. I will not come back because I don't want to have more nightmarish experience of animal abuse.


Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωική Ομοσπονδία - Hellenic Animal Welfare Federation: a first cruelty case was successfully brought to J...

Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωική Ομοσπονδία - Hellenic Animal Welfare Federation: a first cruelty case was successfully brought to Justice in Feb 2022, which led to the removal of 29 cows from their abusive owner. With your help we can ensure that more cattle are treated decently.

We will need a precise description of the situation, time/date and location, clear pictures of the animals showing their ear tag number and documenting their condition (wounds/emaciation/no water/tethered, etc).

Email us at [email protected]

This campaign is FOR ANIMALS, it is NOT AGAINST FARMERS.

Helping the cows of Kos Witnessing neglected cattle on the island of Kos & want to help? We are collecting evidence and taking legal action.

Can you even imagine the suffering of this animal? Standing in the burning sun, pregnant and on a short piece of rope wi...

Can you even imagine the suffering of this animal? Standing in the burning sun, pregnant and on a short piece of rope without any shelter, sufficient food or water.
Only being abused as a breeding machine so that the calves can be sold and people can make money.
This is the life of many cows on Kos.

Both people on holiday and many local people hate this situation.

Please help the cows by signing this petition and let the public services on Kos know that this has to change:

Together we can create awareness about this horrible situation on Kos.

No creature can be exposed to the burning sun and will try to find shade.  Owners of the poor cows on Kos think that the...

No creature can be exposed to the burning sun and will try to find shade.

Owners of the poor cows on Kos think that their cows love the sun.
The poor suffering creatures are tied up day after day without any possibility to find some shade.
This barbaric way of keeping livestock is going on for too many years and it is against the law. It should stop.
Please raise your voice for these suffering animals and sign the petition:

Witnessing neglected cows on the island of Kos and want to help?Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωική Ομοσπονδία - Hellenic Animal Welfar...

Witnessing neglected cows on the island of Kos and want to help?

Πανελλήνια Φιλοζωική Ομοσπονδία - Hellenic Animal Welfare Federation is collecting evidence and taking legal action.
A first cruelty case was successfully brought to Justice in February 2022, which led to the removal of 29 cows from their abusive owner.
With your help they can ensure that more cows are treated decently.
You can send photos of cows in a bad situation, in the sun without water and food to: [email protected]
They will need a precise description of the situation, time, date and location, good pictures of the animals showing their ear tag with number and how their condition is (wounds/no food/no water/tethered, etc).

Thank you so much for your help and caring!

Helping the cows of Kos Witnessing neglected cattle on the island of Kos & want to help? We are collecting evidence and taking legal action.



Friday 4th of Februari there will be a court case on Kos against 2 people who are accused of animal abuse. The cows are ...

Friday 4th of Februari there will be a court case on Kos against 2 people who are accused of animal abuse.

The cows are tied up during winter and summer without any shelter, food or water.
One after the other dies of neglection

How much longer will this terrible situation with cows tied up all over Kos Island continue?  Another animal that spends...

How much longer will this terrible situation with cows tied up all over Kos Island continue? Another animal that spends its days and nights on a rope surrounded by garbage without shelter and without access to food and water.

The responsible authorities can no longer look away and allow the poor treatment of these animals!

Please sign the petition if you want to help:

How much longer will this terrible situation with cows tied up all over Kos Island go on? So many local people and touri...

How much longer will this terrible situation with cows tied up all over Kos Island go on? So many local people and tourists have complained to the police about the tied up animals. The responsible authorities can no longer look away and allow the poor treatment of these animals to continue.

This animal spends its days on a rope in the garbage
They need shelter, water and food. Please sign the petition if you want to help:

There was rain and thunderstorms for days on Kos. After having to stand in that weather all day without any shelter, the...

There was rain and thunderstorms for days on Kos. After having to stand in that weather all day without any shelter, these cows are still tied up and standing in the mud.

In the Greek law is stated that no animal can be tied up and exposed to extreme weather conditions without shelter.

We don't give up fighting for better living conditions for these poor animals on Kos.
Please if you haven't done it yet, sign this petition:

You can tell the mayor of Kos that he needs to take action: [email protected]


In the Greek law is stated that no animal can be tied up and exposed to extreme weather conditions without shelter.

The sound you hear is the pouring rain that this mother and her baby are in 😠

We don't give up fighting for better life conditions for these poor animals on Kos.
Please if you haven't done it yet, sign this petition:

You can tell the mayor of Kos that he needs to take action: [email protected]

Summer and winter you find these poor cows all over Kos Island, chained and exposed to extreme weather conditions If you...

Summer and winter you find these poor cows all over Kos Island, chained and exposed to extreme weather conditions

If you don't agree with how these animals suffer, please leave a comment underneath the post on
This has to come to an end

ΕιδήσειςΔημόσιας Κρίσης ΦΩΤΟ & ΒΙΝΤΕΟ Απίστευτες εικόνες με κτηνοτροφικά ζώα παρατημένα εν μέσω κακοκαιρίας σε χωράφια λίμνες στην Κω! Από aegeanews - 10 Ιαν 2022 4 597 Κοινο....



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