We are at PetSmart in Taylors until 4
This is not Bobby. This is Greg. Good grief.
Greg and a few other black and white dogs will be at PetSmart Saturday we are thinking 12-4.
That's right. We have a theme for Saturday.
Come by to see us. January has been long and tough. Let's kick off February with some fun and puppy kisses.
We might have to start a go fund me for Sean's shoe situation 🤣🤣🤣
Update on the babies. We are best guessing them to be 10 weeks old. They have had two puppy vaccines. We will wait for the third until they are 12 weeks and can have their rabies as well.
We are super excited. We have ZERO idea on breed (s).
We know they are cute. We know they are Very helpful. We know they are safe.
It takes a village, a metropolitan and an old dirt road to rescue dogs.
Here she is!!! She is up. She is almost back to normal.
Thank you all so much for helping with her care. We have raised about a third of her vet cost.
We just cannot tell you how much we appreciate you all stepping up.
Wow. I sound Very MUCH like I am from Tennessee in this video. I do get more red neck when I am exhausted.
This snow storm and super cold weather is fun. No one gets to go in day pens. Everyone is under foot.
Eggnog and Wednesday are both close to 12 weeks. Both are just super good babies.
We think Wednesday is a beagle mix. Who knows with Eggnog. He is definitely a brown dog.
I am absolutely feeling my Wednesday afternoon fall today. Thankfully, we are mostly ready for the snow storm.
AND, I get some morning cuddles with my coffee! Also, he tried to drink my coffee.
He has no idea how big he is. He tried to be gentle. He just gets excited. He does have a very gentle mouth. He can tell the difference between fingers and toy.
Reba update. She is fantastic.
We could not have done this without you guys.
Update on Captain Jack Sparrow!!
Yay!! Looks like we are keeping the leg!!
Happy New Year.
They say whatever you do on New Year's Day is what you will be doing the entire year. There you have it.
We appreciate everyone's patience. Here is what we have been dealing with.
Three weeks ago, on the way home from the adoption event one of the vans we use for transport died on the side of 385. Good times. We were able to get back together, get the tow truck and get home safely (a plus to using 2 vans and a truck to get to an event). Hopefully, we will get that van back next week.
Right before Christmas, Clifford The Big Red Truck decided to explode. Not really, that is what it felt was happening!!!
New hoses and a new water pump seems to have the old boy back on the road.
We know exactly how blessed we are. We know these are first world problems. We are just so thankful to be close to the other side of these.
We are thankful for tow truck drivers who risk their lives every single day.
We are devastated by the New Orleans event. We are overwhelmed by the evil in this world.
Again, we are thankful for everyone who keeps picking us up and dusting us off.
Keeping them alive in 2025!!
Spay and neuter your pets.