As we close out 2024, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the farmers for your unwavering love and support. It’s been a challenging year for many, but through it all, we can’t forget to thank God for how far we’ve come. A special thanks to the incredible brands that believed in me — media services, Inooro TV , Farmer's Choice Limited , Airport View Kaoyeni Gardens Farmer on Fire, and Aberdare Gardens and Resort Charis FARM NVS KENYA , Mugambo wa Murimi Inooro TV The County Business Week Catherine Wambugu Kijana Msafi Hotel , and every other brand that we have patnered— for your trust and partnership. As we step into 2025, I am filled with hope and excitement, knowing that with my amazing team, we will make farmer education more accessible and affordable. Here’s to a brighter future ahead!