Athena has done it again, check out Chapter 3 where she describes how she died. STUPID HUMANS
Chapter 3
Narrated by Athena the Wonder Cat
Those events took place in earth time over 40 years ago! My human, back in the day was dealing with life’s ups and downs and getting exhausted because whatever she did to improve herself, she would find herself right back in the soup once again. You see, humans are programmed even before birth by their earth parents (genes, emotions), then those things turn into beliefs eventually. How does that work?
When you find yourself here in a costume called a body with a name and given an identity, the child is watching and learning and absorbing what it looks like to be a human, from those around them, so yes, environment is everything. They mimic the humans around them, of course, but in this earth school, life it feels just like survival of the fittest, doesn’t it? A small child, given the world they were born into may experience heaven or hell. My person had a big dose of both growing up, her parents were welder and waitress, two opposing races, Italian Dad and German Mom, who were struggling to help their little family survive. On the other hand, her best friend was wealthy by comparison, she had her own bedroom, playroom with a piano parents with money, by today’s standards so naturally my student spent all her free time “down the road”. It turned out to be a very good escape for her.
Being an Intuitive and psychic child, she felt everything everyone around her. She knew when someone was going to die, she felt what the animals were feeling/saying, as well as visits with angels and saints alike. But when her uncle took away her innocence, she fell into a dark place. Her beliefs became dark, she turned away from most humans and tuned in to her invisible friends on the side of Spirit and animals like me. Lucky for her, she had a beautiful Italian Grandma, who adored her and brought her back with her constant rosaries and great Italian food. Her other Grandma was a fortune teller and taught her some of her skills. So well versed intuitively, she could make her way through this world protected by Spirit while at the same time, living life.
Thank Goddess she had me to help her back then and even now! I spent six long years on earth with her before I was killed, yes, a car ran over my earth body, mind you it wouldn’t have happened on my watch, but I had this condition called Narcolepsy, excessive daytime sleepiness. I must have fallen asleep in the driveway and before I knew it, I was thrown out of my cat body! She found me in the parking lot, her teacher, dead. I couldn’t believe it either. In fact that night after hours of tears on her part, she fell asleep and had a dream, I was angry, she woke up her partner to tell him about it… “She’s angry because she can’t get into her body”! Darn right, I was angry, I couldn’t figure out what happened, going from earth to spirit in a blink of an eye. She got up came over to my body and gave me Reiki healing energy as her tears fell on my dead body. I even felt heat for a few minutes mostly because I was still close by the body, but after a while she gave up to sleep. Still in shock the next day she just laid around the house unsure of what to do with my body. Late afternoon, while resting, she glanced to her right and saw a streak of light, like a fireworks sparkler, she tuned in, “OMG Athena’s trying to jump back into the physical”! I had to let her know Spirit really does go on after death, right? A few days later, after taking care of my body, she called on me to talk to her, “will you please come back to me in another cat body, Athena, I miss you so much?” A definite NO came from me, I was happy to return home once again to my Spirit body so I showed her a picture of me returning to “The Great Central Sun”, otherwise known as the world of Spirit, but I promised to help her on her earth journey from here from now here on. And here we are sharing our unique story. Stay tuned for more!