The reason we stay in our lane, mind our business, and don’t pay attention or chase to much of the hype… There isn’t a dog ever die or get sold here we can’t reproduce or out produce… Hostile from the legendary breeding Bolow x Jenga will go heads up wit his daughter Baby J clone of his mom Jenga the twist is Baby J is not just any Hostile daughter she comes from Hostile bred to 4 Eva…What makes 4 Eva sooooo special is she comes off Bahda Bing, (Hostiles littermate) bred back to his mom Jenga Smfh yeah we back wit that type of energy, you ni**as breed we do chemistry, Lil Timothy watch how I cook… Expecting more Hostile, Bing and Jenga’s outta this one, on a shorter more compact frame…. Tottyline we somethin like the best in the world tho 💯
Hostile x Baby J