Naomi Rose Mustangs

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Naomi Rose Mustangs I give conscious horse owners a clear path to an unbreakable connection at liberty✨

When connection turns to chaos…😫You’re doing liberty with your horse—-or maybe even simply your regular groundwork some ...

When connection turns to chaos…😫

You’re doing liberty with your horse—-or maybe even simply your regular groundwork some days…

They are technically doing what you ask, but they are:

•High headed
•and Tense

Keeping them moving works as a Band-Aid, but relaxation seems out of the question🚫

Your whole interaction with your horse just feels CHAOTIC🌪️

You devote time to spend with your horse because you value your relationship with them.✨

You want it to feel at ease and nurturing to both you you and your horse🦄

But right now it just feels tense and uncomfortable. 😣

The good news is that the solution is actually simple.

Training energy WITH relaxation⚡️🧘‍♀️

Often times we focus so much on the various behaviors we are training that we accidentally create a horse that filled with anticipation and worry😟

Practice rewarding relaxation throughout your session to find the balance.

There are two easy ways to start:

1. Reward moments of stillness with positive reinforcement—Click and treat when their feet are still and/or they show some signs of relaxation

2. If using pressure and release-
1️⃣For a short duration ask for a higher energy behavior first. E.I. Lunging
2️⃣Next ask for something lower energy. E.I. a hindquarter yield.
4️⃣Release all pressure and relax your energy when they are still.
5️⃣Repeat until your horse understands they can stand quietly.

Practicing rewarding both your normal maneuvers AND for moments of intentional relaxation—-your horse will start to experience energy WITH relaxation:

…Bringing more ease and fertile ground for connection to your session🌱

Drop your questions in the comments below👇

I’d love to help💕

I bet you tried to build a skyscraper with no tools.🛠️Well, you wouldn’t be the first.In fact most people end up taking ...

I bet you tried to build a skyscraper with no tools.🛠️

Well, you wouldn’t be the first.

In fact most people end up taking this approach to liberty work. 😬

You see someone’s horse matching them step for step, attuned to their every cue…and with no ropes in sight😮

It speaks to you!

You know you want that expression of connection with your horse, so you go home and give it a try.

Unfortunately, it isn’t quite as magical as you imagined…

Your horse is distracted, confused, maybe even frustrated😩

The complete opposite of what you desired!

You feel like you have a pretty good connection with your horse overall…

…So why didn’t it *work*

The answer is simply that you lacked the tools to navigate this new (and challenging) criteria.

So what are these “tools”🤔

Body Control!

The ability to create movement through the different parts of your horses body is 🔑 to navigating this higher level “ask”.

The good news is that there are ✋ essential behaviors to set your liberty work up for success.

1. Hindquarter/hip Yield
Your horses hindquarters typically move in opposition to their head. Hip moves away=head comes towards you. Responsiveness through the HQ is your tool for FOCUS🧘‍♀️

2. Forequarter/shoulder Yield
The ability to fluidly move your horses shoulder is your tool for STEERING🚗

3. Forward Motion From Leading Position
Having your Horse responsive to a queue not involving your lead rope is your tool for SYNCHRONICITY 💃

4. Forward Motion From Driving Position
This one may seem counterintuitive, but your horses ability to move forward softly from a driving queue is your key to DRAW.
You must have energy before you can direct it.⚡️

5. Back Up🛟
An easy back up is your tool for TROUBLESHOOTING AND SAFETY when your horse gets:
• a little too close to you
•in a situation you need to maneuver out of
•or confused about one of the other behaviors

With these five tools in place you will set both you and your horse up to truly enjoy your liberty work and reap the full benefits of the experience🙌

Which of these are you:
1. Feeling strong in right now?
2. Realizing could use some work?

Let’s connect in the comments😊

If you want to train with compassion this should be your number one priority…You are someone that genuinely wants to do ...

If you want to train with compassion this should be your number one priority…

You are someone that genuinely wants to do right by your horse.💜

You put a lot of consideration and care into their lifestyle and the way you are training them…

While seeking out the best practices and techniques….you’re realizing there is soooo much information about what you should or shouldn’t be doing👍👎

Yet so little is actually CLEAR.

It is both frustrating and overwhelming😩

How do you decide where to direct your focus?

👉By choosing one lense you are going to filter ALL the different information through

When you are standing in front of your horse trying to remember all of the details you researched AND attempting to actually execute it… *this* should be your focus👇


I believe that one of the most compassionate things we can do for our horse is provide clarity.

Remember that frustration and confusion I mentioned above…

That is exactly what our horses experience when our training and actions are vague😔

Whatever behavior you are training

Whatever method you are using

The goal should always to be abundantly understandable.

Start by reflecting on:

•What EXACTLY am I asking for?
•How am I going to ask EVERY time?
•How will my horse know they have done what I want?
•How can I break this down to an achievable level?

When we talk about compassionate training—improving our horses experience through this clarity should be our top priority💯

Leave a 💜 if you agree!

How to BULLETPROOF your liberty work…💪I know you’ve seen those people performing liberty in wide open spaces with their ...

How to BULLETPROOF your liberty work…💪

I know you’ve seen those people performing liberty in wide open spaces with their horses🤩

•Liberty circles on the beach 🏝️

•Riding bridle-less in filled stadiums🏟️

•Horse glued to their side, loping through a field with that stunning backdrop🏔️

Yearn to experience this kind of interaction with your horse…

Yet every time you approach liberty work with your horse it feels ….fragile😞

You’re enjoying the time with your horse, but struggling to feel at ease and confident that they will stick with you.

You have to be on “high alert” and it feels like at any moment they might decide to exit stage left🎭

So what is the secret those “other” people seem to have🤫


“Those people” know that inevitably either:

1. external stressors
2. pressure within training will occur

Your goal should NOT be to avoid these situations, but to make sure you and your horse are ready to handle them💪

When your horse starts to look TO you instead of away from you in moments of stress, that is where the magic happens!🪄

Once your horse already has the basic tools to understand your communication in place…

This👇is the easiest exercise to start building bulletproof connection

1. Start with a simple behavior and use more energy than you normally would to ask for it (my favorite to start with is the hindquarter yield)

2. If your horse gets confused/concerned simply maintain the energy+cue until they bring their focus to you and make an effort to process what you are asking (even if the behavior itself is less than perfect)

Building resiliency is such a frequently overlooked step in liberty training—yet is key to confident liberty work for you as an owner and for your horse💫

Follow my page for a more in-depth overview in the future.

Or drop any questions below I’d love to connect!😊

Come support the Mustang Challenge!!  Watch Dracarys and I compete along aside many other incredible Mustang trainers, s...

Come support the Mustang Challenge!! Watch Dracarys and I compete along aside many other incredible Mustang trainers, starting July 11th.

This is the perfect opportunity to get inspired in your own horsemanship —and to support the movement bringing more attention to Mustangs in the competitive world.🏆

Annnd as a bonus we now have a discount code to share! Grab your tickets today🤩

- $5 Off Promo Code: Mustang5

- Direct Link to purchase with discount:

They’re not a horse godHave you ever worked with someone that made you feel like they were just something extra special....

They’re not a horse god

Have you ever worked with someone that made you feel like they were just something extra special.😇

Maybe it started out as a good thing.

Finally someone was able to help you make progress with your horse!

You asked them for help and your horse responded great to them

…but every time you tried to recreate what they told you. What they “showed” you. You weren’t able to😕

They gave a few quick pointers and then grabbed the lead rope and took over.

“See he does it fine with me”

Their intention may have been good,
But it hurt💔

You reached out to someone genuinely wanting to learn and do right by your horse

Yet you were left feeling discouraged and directionless😔

Now, don’t get me wrong most of the time these people have a great heart, they care about the horse and want to take the easiest route for their sake.

The horse industry has made plenty of space for horses to be trained and for individuals to learn to “ride”.

But what about to people like you?

The ones that want to truly understand their horse and are invested in wholisticly improving their horsemanship🌱

Unfortunately, interactions like the one above are common and just leave you feeling ostracized, disheartened, and confused.

👉Trainers are not always teachers.

👉You are not incapable.

👉You are simply learning.

I believe deeply that the way to gift more horses (including yours!!) with long term clarity and quality training is through supporting YOU and your learning process.💜

And if you are here you already have the three most important qualities for success🏆

1. Desire
2. Openmindedness
3. Willingness to take action.

Follow along if you have a desire to learn and feel empowered in your own horsemanship abilities❤️


Dracarys update!🐉

I am so happy with her progression. She truly gives me her 100% and at every step of her development steps up to the plate💕

She went to her second show last weekend.

It was the perfect chance to see what is working well and where our holes are in preparation as we head to Vegas for the Mustang Challenge… just three weeks3️⃣😱🤩

Why does liberty training REALLY matter?🤨You’ve seen liberty work and are inspired✨It looks magical, the epitome of a re...

Why does liberty training REALLY matter?🤨

You’ve seen liberty work and are inspired✨

It looks magical, the epitome of a relationship with your horse.

But the depth of your yearning feels like more than just a simple “horse girl”dream.🦄

So why does liberty work actually matter so much to compassionate horse owners like you?🤔

It goes beyond our horses.

For a moment I want you to think….

How many hours out of your day would you say you are present?🧘‍♀️

—-Fully aware of the person, place, or thing in front of you…

Truly “in the moment” …without your mind racing onto the next thing on your to do list or that thing you said last week😅

My guess is it’s not many😔

In a world where you are constantly doing and rarely being, liberty work touches you because it looks like a pocket of complete peace and presence amongst the daily chaos🌊

Of course you crave it

For a fragment of time liberty work forces you to be attuned and wholly focused on:

-Your own body and energy⚡️
-Simultaneously the energy and body language of another living breathing creature…your horse 🐴

Leaving no room for the “noise”💥

THIS is a huge reason I have a passion for sharing liberty work! ✨

When the pieces come together it allows you to be in a flow state that is so rare to achieve. Yet holds the power to both ground and energize. 😌

Leave a heart if this perspective on liberty work resonates with you❤️

How to actually make PROGRESS with your horse?I see you, I know you want to enjoy to time with your horse…AND you have g...

How to actually make PROGRESS with your horse?

I see you, I know you want to enjoy to time with your horse…AND you have goals⛰️

Part of your joy and enthusiasm for your sessions with your horse is held in those breakthrough moments.🎇

You are motivated by seeing growth!🌱

But as you meet your horse in the pasture and walk to the arena your mind ping pongs back and forth— trying to decide what to work on that day…

You know your time is valuable⏳

…but you’re lost when it comes to prioritizing your precious time in a way that brings you closer to your goals😩

Fortunately, there are 5 simple steps to consider when planing your sessions that will maximize your time‼️

1️⃣ Work with your horse’s energy: Chose to work on things that will require more of your horses physical energy at the beginning of your session—-save lower energy activities for the end

2️⃣To avoid the sessions that feel rushed and prone to errors—-Decide the length of your session in advance to set a structure and ALWAYS overestimate if you are on a schedule

3️⃣ Look at your larger goal and pick a few small behaviors to work on that are directly related to your bigger goal—-this practice will also encourage you to get creative in breaking down higher level behaviors!

4️⃣ Have multiple behaviors planned to work on- if you don’t get to them all, no worries! However, planning for small wins is always better than drilling or getting stuck fighting with your horse

5️⃣Choose your criteria ahead of time—knowing why you are working on something is just as important as what.
Decide what specific criteria you want to improve in that session. Within a behavior this may be—
• Or Accuracy

As you navigate each of these steps allow for flexibility, expect that things usually *won’t* go exactly to plan.😅

The important piece is that you HAD a plan in the first place. You. Were. Intentional.

When you start steering your sessions with your horse confidently and intentionally you will reap the rewards through:

A. Your horse’s growth🌱


B. An increase in your own motivation because you are finally seeing the progress you desire!💫

Comment your questions below. Let’s connect!

The TWO pillars to improve your horsemanship mindset🧠Your horse is something you care about deeply. Which means inevitab...

The TWO pillars to improve your horsemanship mindset🧠

Your horse is something you care about deeply. Which means inevitably every interaction with them has an emotional tie.

Whether you walk away from your session labeling it “positive” or “negative”.
Or a “good” or “bad”👎👍

Each interaction you are experiencing involves another living creature with dynamic experiences and reactions. 🦋

There are two crucial pillars to implement in order to maintain a healthy attitude towards your horsemanship—-even throughout the inevitable ups and downs.

1. Growth Mindset🌱
2. Objective Reflection🤔

Applying a growth mindset to horses is truly key. 🔑

☝️Hold onto the belief that your “talents” are not innate, but that you have the ability through dedication.

☝️AND embrace the challenges along your journey as catalysts for growth

What if instead of each training session being a black and white success or failure, it was an opportunity for improvement and growth…EITHER WAY.

When that session with your horse did not go to plan and you are feeling drained and defeated, instead of beating yourself up or letting self doubt take over, ask questions:

❓Why is my horse responding this way?
❓Why am *I* feeling this way?
❓How is my communication/energy effecting my horse?
❓What can I change next time to set us both up for success?

Disheartenment dissolves when we make a habit of shifting from frustration to curiosity.🧐

Now—Pairing this growth mindset with pillar 2 is just as important.

A growth mindset doesn’t exist fully without reflection🪞

Often times we think we’re in a growth mindset…yet are quick to simply label/judge our experience and move on—-missing out on this huge opportunity for transformation🌅

Intentional reflection is what gives us TIME to lean further into curiosity and allows us to👉

•Get in touch with our own patterns
•Notice our horses habits
•Asses what worked well and what didn’t
•And cultivate a clear vision for where we can adjust

At the end of each training session, practice pausing to intentionally reflect on the details before moving on with the rest of the demands of your day.

Leave a heart if this is something you’re going to work on❤️

Why your horse leaves you at liberty 😩This one (incredibly common) blind spot is the main reason people don’t find succe...

Why your horse leaves you at liberty 😩

This one (incredibly common) blind spot is the main reason people don’t find success with their liberty work.😔

You care deeply about your relationship with your horse and want them to genuinely enjoy their time with you, but this detail is holding you back:

Collectively, we don’t realize how much pressure we use on our horses day to day….🤔

•Pulling on the halter excessively
•Swinging the lead rope the whole time we lunge
•Continuous vocal clicking every time we ask for a behavior

When we do things like this, the FIRST thing horses want to do at liberty is just… Leave.

Horses are sensitive animals and have the ability to pick up on subtle cues, without the need for excessive pressure.

The good news is that creating subtle communication with your horse only requires a small adjustment-executed consistently🌱

It simply requires a process called:

Sequencing Your Cues

Always starting with your softest, most ideal cue BEFORE using much (if any) pressure.

Here are 5 Definitive Steps to Sequencing a Cue✋
Let’s say you want to teach your horse to back away from you.

Step One- Lean towards your horse and point your finger at their chest (Desired Cue)

Step Two-Click your tongue (Vocal warning)

Step Three- Wave your whip at their chest (Follow through/pressure)

Step Four- Tap their chest until they offer movement (Escalation if necessary )

Step Five- As soon as your horse takes a backward step release all pressure (Reinforcement)

Cue sequencing is one of the best tools to create precise communication and increase your horses DESIRE to be a part of the process.

Leave a comment with any questions about this, let’s chat :)

So you’re drowning🌊😩You have dreams of your horse greeting you excitedly at the paddock gate. During your sessions they ...

So you’re drowning🌊😩

You have dreams of your horse greeting you excitedly at the paddock gate. During your sessions they are fully engaging and sticking by your side at liberty.

You yearn deeply for the connection you know deep down can be had with your horse🌈

But you’ve tried to figure out the “secret” and are left confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed.😞

You’ve read the posts, watched the YouTube videos, and heard the conflicting advice from trainers…

There is simultaneously too much information and a stark deficit of clarity.

It’s not your fault.

As an industry, we place value on “shaping” or breaking things down for horses, yet we information dump for the human counterparts🚩

Training horses is a skill that must be taught and practiced, not simply told and executed🌱

With the former approach, devoted horse owners like you end up feeling inadequate and questioning your capability….When in reality you were never set up for success.😓

You value training your horse in a way that feels clear and achievable to them.✨

‼️You deserve to have that same expectation for your own learning journey‼️

I am here to prioritize your learning needs as an individual—-just as much as your horses💫

I encourage you to seek out a guide who makes you feel empowered and informed throughout your journey, whether you choose to learn from me or someone else.

Leave a ❤ if this resonates with you.

STOP using treats if you’re not doing this🛑So you’ve tried using positive reinforcement, but the stereotypes you heard a...

STOP using treats if you’re not doing this🛑

So you’ve tried using positive reinforcement, but the stereotypes you heard are starting to seem true😩

Your horse is getting

You are excited about using positive reinforcement to increase your horses understanding and motivation🤩—but it just seems to be adding more chaos to your sessions.🌪️

There is one thing you MUST be doing for successful +R training.

Utilizing a bridge signal🌉

A bridge signal is a specific and consistent sign that connects the reward to the behavior your horse is performing.

This is why you may have heard the terms “positive reinforcement training” and “clicker training” used synonymously.

In clicker training, the clicker device is used as the bridge. However, your bridge signal could be anything you desire! Chose a distinctive sound or word

To initially condition a bridge signal:

1. Stand next to your horse in a neutral position
2. Give your bridging queue
3. Immediately reach into treat pouch and deliver a food reward

Once your horse understands the correlation, you will use your bridge signal immediately when your horse performs your desired behavior, even if you’re food reward comes slightly later✨

Effectively being able to use positive reinforcement is an extremely valuable tool in liberty training. Utilizing a bridge signal allows +R to provide clarity and additional motivation instead of increasing stress and frustration.🦄

Follow along for more keys into incorporating stress free positive reinforcement!

So you don’t have ANY idea where to start liberty work…😩This wildly complex-looking practice is simpler than you may thi...

So you don’t have ANY idea where to start liberty work…😩

This wildly complex-looking practice is simpler than you may think. There are only 4 main steps to master before you’re well on your way.

You’ve seen the videos of the horses matching their handlers stride for stride, responding to unseen cues, it almost seems like they are speaking a whole other language.😱

It looks like the ultimate embodiment of connection…

And you want it.

But you’re at an absolute loss as to how to experience it.

The art of liberty can feel so elusive, mystical, or far-fetched when you are standing in the arena, lead rope in hand, feeling lost and confused. 😕

Thankfully… the basics to get started are simpler than you think🤗

The FOUR steps to set you up for successful liberty work are:

1. Sequencing cues☝️

Sequencing cues eliminates unnecessary pressure and increases your horses desire to stay with you. This requires ALWAYS cueing your horse with your softest possible cue first before escalating to a warning vocal cue or pressure to get desired result.

2. Increase your own awareness of body language✌️

Start bringing awareness to your own body first as you interact with your horse. Are my feet moving or still? Which direction are my shoulders facing? Is my posture slumped or strong? See if you see any changes in your horse as you adjust these areas of your body. Next bring your attention to your horses ears and eyes. Where are they facing? Do they seem relaxed or tense?

3. Setting up your environment for success3️⃣

Each time a behavior (desired or not) is repeated, a habit is being formed. Before putting taking the halter off your horse, ask yourself if the senario you are putting them in is more likely to cause repetition of a behavior you desire or one you would rather avoid

4. And break more complex behaviors into bite sized “wins”4️⃣

Find a behavior your horse is already successful at and build UP to your desired behavior—versus attempting your goal behavior in it’s entirety. This increases their motivation and confidence. It may require a little creativity!

Each of these steps is straightforward, yet holds a key to your horse WANTING to stay with you when the ropes are taken off🦄

I am here to demystify liberty work and give you action steps to experience the type of connection you deeply desire.💫

Follow my page for a deeper dive into each step🌟

I almost made a common mistake.Recently, I almost made a tiny mistake that could have created disconnection with my hors...

I almost made a common mistake.

Recently, I almost made a tiny mistake that could have created disconnection with my horse, but was actually a perfect example of attunement😌

What I remembered is the key to helping connection focused owners like you solve problems with your horse.🌱

The morning light was peeking through from behind the barn. I took the halter off of my mare to begin our liberty session. Dracarys was focused and completely tuned in.

Executing each maneuver I asked of her with brisk precision and awareness of my body language that makes each cue feel like magic🪄

That was, until I changed my gait into a cadenced skip and let the familiar kiss squeak through my lips. In theory, this would cue Dracarys to canter next to me.

However, in this instant my beautiful mare who had seconds before been matching me stride for stride started to quickly move further and further away from me.‼️

She had NEVER left my side before, not even once. Why in this perfect moment when I thought I had been so aware of her body language and energy would she choose to leave⁉️

In that moment I experienced a flash of panic that was familiar in my beginning days…..

The self doubt and catastrophization crept in.


Remember your systems

I called her back to me and reflected as I reached up to run my fingers through her forelock.

Ah ha!!!

She was just doing what I asked.

Thinking back, each time I cued her to canter she had drifted slightly away to balance before changing gait; her reward had come shortly after. I didn’t have a horse that WANTED to leave the liberty session at all. She was simply and beautifully attuned and engaged in the process🦄

In my earlier days of training I may have made my decision for problem solving in that initial moment of panic. This would have been misguided and led both Dracarys and I into confusion and frustration.

Now I am able to fall back on my systems and trust in my problem solving experience, but this didn’t happen by accident.

If we want attunement from our horses we first must develop it in ourselves🧘‍♀️

Developing the habit of assessing and reflecting holds so much power when we encounter a “problem” in our horsemanship.

This is especially important when certain situations leave you feeling fearful or otherwise emotionally charged😩

Staying grounded in these moments is KEY to effectively troubleshooting and solving issues you are having with your horse.

However, if you find this challenging, you are NOT alone.

When dedicated people like you truly care about something, there is inevitably complex emotions wrapped up in the experience. And this can be AMAZING!

I WANT you to care deeply about your progress and interactions with your horse🩷

The good news is approaching problem solving in this way is a skill. NOT a character trait. Intentionally practicing reflection WILL lead to habit creation.

Assess, reflect, Annnd give yourself grace along the journey😘

Have you experienced a moment like this before?

Dracarys takes on Vegas! Vol 1.🍾I haven’t given many updates on this special  mare, but it’s time!Last month we headed o...

Dracarys takes on Vegas! Vol 1.🍾

I haven’t given many updates on this special mare, but it’s time!

Last month we headed off to the Las Vegas Wild Showdown🐴 . My goal is ultimately to compete with her in the Las Vegas Mustang Challenge and Mustang Classic🤩

This trip was the perfect trial run to determine what she would need from a training, energy, and management wise to feel and perform her best at an event.

While we had our share of bobbles throughout the competition, I was proud of the way she handled everything and looked to me for guidance.😌

We ended up placing 3rd in Handling and Conditioning, 5th in pattern, 1st in Trail, 1st in freestyle, and 3rd overall! 🥉

This horse certainly has something special and is an absolute joy to work with. I am so excited to continue progressing with her!

Vegas Mustang Challenge here we come!💪

At first glance, some  in the horsemanship space may disagree with this… but I believe it’s essential–and overlooked. He...

At first glance, some in the horsemanship space may disagree with this… but I believe it’s essential–and overlooked. Hear me out:

It helps dissolve guilt, and builds a *mutually beneficial relationship* with horses; in a way that you probably wouldn’t expect:

The practice of acknowledging your own needs in your relationship with your horse.

I know. As an empathetic person, It feels *wrong* to imagine prioritizing your needs, but…

Would you want to be in a relationship where you felt guilty for having any desires–and were 100% focused on the other party?

… No?

You’ve heard about prioritizing the horse… which may have inadvertently caused you to ignore the other half of the relationship:


I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase "a horse is a mirror to you soul"

… yet we blatantly reject the yearning our souls have, and instead try to find solace and pride that we are "just trying to do what's best for our horse"

Don’t get me wrong. Doing everything you can to give your horse a healthy, happy life is incredible.

However, everyone comes to horses for a beautiful and unique reason, whether we are aware of it or not.

If our horse is a mirror to our soul yet we reject, dismiss, or are not even conscious of our desires, where does that leave our "mirrors"?

As my horsemanship philosophy has developed, I have come to realize the beauty and importance of validating and bringing awareness to your needs, just as much as the horses themselves. Could you be yearning for…

* gathering in a likeminded community
*have a place of peace in our day amidst the chaos
* feeling accomplished in a goal
* proving something to yourself or others
*or simply feeling connected to nature and something bigger than yourself

When we are in integrity with what we need from our interactions with our horse, we are actually able to be more focused and present in our sessions. Consciousness of our needs requires us to be in the moment in order to discover whether or not what we’re seeking from the experience is being met.

This heightened presence in turn encourages our awareness of our horse's needs and communication. Building a truly mutually beneficial and nurturing relationship with your horse is possible!

I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what you deeply desire to receive out of your sessions with your horse and share in the comments. Let's connect!💕

‼️ADOPTED‼️Look no further for your summer adventure buddy🐴‼️‼️Meet Kam! Kam is a 13yo, ~15hh, mustang gelding, from Ka...


Look no further for your summer adventure buddy🐴‼️‼️

Meet Kam! Kam is a 13yo, ~15hh, mustang gelding, from Kamma Mountains, NV HMA, looking for his next partner! This boy is an absolute pleasure to ride with his smooth as butter gaits!🧈 He is also a sweetheart on the ground who loves a good cuddle🥰

I would especially love to see someone explore ranch horse/reining events with this boy as his movement and temperament lend themselves to the style🐴 However, if that’s not your goal, don’t let that stop you from exploring if Kam may be a good fit, he has the potential to excel in any direction you point him↗️

Kam has all of his essential handling skills, such as standing for the farrier, grooming, tying, bathing, loading in a trailer, etc. ✅ As well as basic and advanced ground work skills. He has a confident walk, trot, lope, and woah undersaddle, can be ridden in or out of the arena and navigate the gate in between on top of it. Kam neck reins, he can be ridden one-handed, or in a snaffle. Kam is looking someone to be his next adventure partner! PM me if you think he could be the one for you🤩

Photo Credit: Amy Eicher



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My Story

I am striving to form the best possible relationship with our horses and help them become our willing partners. Working in mustang gentling, groundwork, starting, liberty and trick training. I first got involved with horses through taking lessons in Western and English pleasure for many years. When I found out about the mustangs and there grim situation I knew I wanted to get involved. When I was finally able to adopt my first mustang, I fell in love not just with my horse or the mustangs, but with the training process. I dove into researching many different training theories and methods and I am continually trying to learn and grow in my horsemanship. I have since begun competing in mustang training competitions as well.