The Cannoli Fund

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The Cannoli Fund All-volunteer nonprofit that assists with spay/neuter and vet expenses in King William and Lavaca. Details at

Our Spay/Neuter Reimbursement Program reimburses neighborhood pet owners for having their pets spayed or neutered. We also reimburse residents for the a variety of pet healthcare services including the the cost of vaccinations, heartworm testing for dogs, etc. We loan humane traps to residents and business owners and their employees, as well as offer assistance and advice on the TNR (trap, neuter,

return) method of controlling community cat populations. With TNR, cats are spayed or neutered, receive vaccinations, and their left ear is “tipped” to mark them as sterilized. The cats are then returned to their colonies. Our free Community Cat Carpool program shuttles groups of neighborhood cats to and from spay/neuter clinics. Cannolicare provides financial assistance to King William and Lavaca residents and those who find an animal within our service area to help pay for critical vet care for cats and dogs in their care. Types of medical care include basic vet care as well as illnesses with a positive prognosis. We have a microchip scanner to check a stray dog or cat for a microchip, and, if so, we help with locating the registered owner. Cannoli’s Kitchen provides free monthly delivery of pet food to neighbors who are caring for animals, often managed colonies of sterilized community cats. Cannoli’s Canteen provides neighbors with colorful water bowls to place along the sidewalk so that passing dogs and cats have frequent access to water.

Happy New Year Friends and Neighbors! Don't forget that we have a microchip scanner and can scan found pets who may have...

Happy New Year Friends and Neighbors! Don't forget that we have a microchip scanner and can scan found pets who may have fled the fireworks last night and been unable to get home. This is also a good time to make sure your pets' chips are updated with the manufacturer with your current contact information. We've already scanned a few dogs without tags and unfortunately some chips were never registered. Make it easy for a good Samaritan to return your pet!

The Cannoli Fund has a universal pet microchip scanner for use by those in our Southtown service area in order to find a found pet's home.

Meet Frankie Saturday! Frankie is a cheery tuxedo who got off to a rough start. He was found as a kitten near a Southtow...

Meet Frankie Saturday! Frankie is a cheery tuxedo who got off to a rough start. He was found as a kitten near a Southtown apartment complex with a broken leg. His compassionate finder deployed the CANNOLI SIGNAL and our caped crusaders leapt into action. We brought him to the kind souls at CityVet - Southtown who x-rayed and splinted his leg, de-wormed and de-flead him, fed him kibble, and thus allowed his true personality to shine as he healed completely from his fracture! Frankie greets the staff at CityVet daily with a songful collection of chirps, mews, and chortles that gave him his name, Frank Sinatra. He’s grown into a loving, playful, interactive adolescent cat who purrs when held, adores treats, and is strong enough to tackle common household menaces like rolls of paper towels and rambling ping pong balls. Come meet Frankie tomorrow, Saturday, December 21, 11-2 at Footbridge Foundation's Cat Cafe at Rose Hip Market and invite him into your home! You’ll be so glad to add his spirit and music to your family.

For thirteen years neighbors have helped dogs and cats in Southtown stay hydrated with a FREE pet water bowl. If you're ...

For thirteen years neighbors have helped dogs and cats in Southtown stay hydrated with a FREE pet water bowl. If you're in our KING WILLIAM and LAVACA service area, request a FREE Cannoli's Canteen pet water bowl to place along the sidewalk --> and we'll drop one off on your porch within a few days. If you need a replacement bowl we're happy to help. Neighbors who have reached out for help often say they learned about The Cannoli Fund from these water bowls so you're also helping us spread the word about our FREE spay/neuter and health and wellness services! Thanks from the dogs and cats of Southtown!

Saturday, 12-3 pm! Footbridge Foundation will be at the PetSmart at 281 and Bitters with lots of great dogs available fo...

Saturday, 12-3 pm! Footbridge Foundation will be at the PetSmart at 281 and Bitters with lots of great dogs available for adoption. Swing by and meet your new best friend!


I’ll be spending New Years Eve at home, in my pajamas, cuddled up with my dogs, as I always do.

Fireworks are something I dislike intensely. They are not only terrifying for so many different animals but are also dreaded by caring people, who have to watch, often helplessly as their dog suffers through the deafening bangs.

Shelters become overrun with lost dogs, dogs are knocked over by cars or go missing in their attempt to escape, they jump through glass windows, over high walls, have heart attacks, seizures or worse.

As there’s very little we can do to prevent other people from doing what they do, the best solution is to do all we can to minimize the impact this has on our dogs.

All dogs are different and there’s never a guarantee that these methods will work. Some dogs are just the way they are because of genetics, their experiences, learning history, health conditions, age etc.

Here are some helpful links if you’d like more information on some ideas that may help –

1. Counterconditioning / desensitization

2. Noise of fireworks for desensitization training –

3. Thunder phobia and sound sensitivities - Patricia McConnell

4. Dogs and fireworks (30+ proven techniques to eliminate noise phobia) – Karolina Westlund, PHD

5. Calming dog music – Pet Calming Maestro, Lisa Spector (Lisa’s music helps me relax and fall asleep quicker too!)

6. Thundershirt / anxiety wraps

Wishing you and your dogs a calm, peaceful, uneventful beginning to 2024

If you're looking for a great medium-sized dog who loves to spend time with her people, inside or outside, we've got the...

If you're looking for a great medium-sized dog who loves to spend time with her people, inside or outside, we've got the hound mix for you - Lucy! Today Lucy took a long walk along the river and through the neighborhood, with her nose leading the way. She would thrive in an active home. If you think Lucy could be the dog for you, read more about her personality and submit an application to adopt on Footbridge Foundation's website --->

It's not too late! Our Fiesta Medals with removable enamel pins make the best stocking stuffers! Buy right now in our sh...

It's not too late! Our Fiesta Medals with removable enamel pins make the best stocking stuffers! Buy right now in our shop or on eBay and we'll ship immediately! All proceeds go to support our free health and wellness programs for San Antonio dogs and cats in need. Thank you for your support!

And here is Scrappy, our One-Eared-Wonder, the spiritual mother to a Lavaca feral cat crew known as the Junkyard Gang (J...

And here is Scrappy, our One-Eared-Wonder, the spiritual mother to a Lavaca feral cat crew known as the Junkyard Gang (JYG)!

Scrappy, JYG’s founding member, came to her current yard after neighbors stopped feeding her during the height of COVID, summer 2020. Poor Scraps looked ready to meet her Maker: malnourished, her fur matted and scabby, her right ear showing a chronic, untreated hematoma and flopping about like a tired mudflap. Knowing she deserved better, Ms. Scrappy’s current family sought help from The Cannoli Fund. A trip to the vet through the Cannolicare program gave Scraps allergy injections to remedy her skin maladies and replenish her lost fur, as well as the prediction she’d need that “tired mud flap removed" in the future. Three years into her Junkyard domain, Scrappy’s mudflap inflated into a pulsing, cancerous mass. After a swift amputation, again through the Cannolicare Program, Scrappy recovered successfully and is more vital than ever!

Though she lives up to her name with a tenacious ability to survive, Scrappy takes her leadership role seriously in the JYG. She communicates regularly with her humans through frequent, melodic calls that diverge from the traditional “meow” and sound more like, “HEOW….HEOW?” in tone. Since her arrival, she’s recruited three other regular members to the JYG: Gustav, Scribbles, and Michael, and overseen the trap, neuter, and return (T-N-R) of three traveling Tom cats. A gifted diplomat, she’s maintained the group’s feline integrity while managing to welcome a series of possum visits to their food bowls and for naps in their cat tree, as well as the navigating the annual hi-jinx of the neighborhood’s itinerant raccoons.

Meet April. This gorgeous tortie went on a mysterious three-month adventure but eventually was returned home thanks to a...

Meet April. This gorgeous tortie went on a mysterious three-month adventure but eventually was returned home thanks to a registered microchip! In early fall, a frequent neighborhood visitor noticed a new cat was hanging around the home she visited. She started to feed it, and after a a few weeks reached out to us to get the cat spayed and vetted. A few days later, April was trapped and at the spay/neuter clinic. That's where they discovered the tattoo on her belly, marking her as spayed! And even better, she had a registered microchip! April's mom was so relieved when she got the call that April was alive in early November. April had been missing since August - from Leon Valley, more than a dozen miles away! Everyone was puzzled about how she got to King William – except the neighborhood visitor. She lived in the same complex as April! Somehow April must have hitched a ride on one of her visits!

The Cannoli Fund scans dogs (and the occasional cat) for microchips multiple times every week. Unfortunately the majority of pets we scan are not chipped, their chip was never registered, the contact info is no longer correct, there's no response from the owner, or, sadly, they do not want the pet back. Microchips make happy endings like this possible, but we can't emphasize enough the importance of a tag with a phone number on it! Make it easy for a good Samaritan to get your lost pet back to you! Microchips are backup, and shouldn't be considered a replacement for a tag. However, we understand keeping a tag on a cat is a near impossible task...!

We're happy we could play a part in getting April back to her family! If your pet needs a microchip, City of San Antonio Animal Care Services has free microchipping for residents, $5 for non-residents. Make an appointment --->

Meet the St Mary’s Six! A few months ago, the first of these community cats appeared at a neighbor's house on this very ...

Meet the St Mary’s Six! A few months ago, the first of these community cats appeared at a neighbor's house on this very busy street. The neighbor immediately saw she was starving and began feeding her regularly. It didn't take long for the word to get out. Soon five more cats joined her! Knowing her cat multiplication tables, the neighbor contacted us and we developed a spay/neuter plan. Within two weeks, and thanks to our free Community Cat Carpool and the availability of surgery at our amazing partner Footbridge Foundation, the job was done - and not too soon either! Five of the cats were female! We practice the only humane and scientifically-proven way to control community cat populations - TNR, or Trap, Neuter, Return. Each community cat was spayed or neutered, vaccinated, ear-tipped to permanently mark them as "fixed," and received flea preventative and deworming. The kitten pipeline was shut off, and these born-in-the-wild cats will now live out their lives as part of a healthy, stable community cat colony. And since they've all been sterilized, we help out with monthly deliveries of supplemental food through our Cannoli's Kitchen pet food pantry! We have been able to help every eligible person who's reached out to us for help with a dog or cat thanks in part to the generosity of our supporters. Thank you! Learn more about our free programs for King William and Lavaca pets in need -->

Meet Lucy, an 11-month-old medium-sized bloodhound/coonhound mix! This great gal was sadly dumped in the neighborhood an...

Meet Lucy, an 11-month-old medium-sized bloodhound/coonhound mix! This great gal was sadly dumped in the neighborhood and rescued and now fostered by a tenderhearted neighbor. The neighbor reached out to us, and we've again partnered with Footbridge Foundation to find her forever home by helping with her care and covering her intake fee.

Like her namesake, Lucille Ball, Lucy's a wonderful zany redhead! She has a lot of working dog puppy energy and loves walks (the more nature to sniff, the better!) and being a companion. Her ideal home would be full of outdoor fun and adventure so Lucy can run, play, and, do what she does best - sniff, with also lots of cuddle time! Her nose hits the ground the minute she goes anywhere, unless she's playing! She would probably love scent work or another activity suited for a hound or working dog. She already knows a few commands and is eager to learn more.

Lucy needs a daily walk (or two) and a large and secure yard with a six foot fence. She’d love to hike, run, or camp with you! A home with a friendly doggy companion would help build her confidence, keep her company, and entertain her. Lucy’s been enjoying nature walks along the San Antonio River and has shown a strong interest in water too! Lucy can't contain herself when she sees cats and will chase them so her forever home should be cat-free. She’s developed an interest in squirrel-watching but soon loses interest and goes back to sniffing. She loves to learn about her environment via her nose!

Lucy was dumped on the street and so her back story is unknown. She definitely likes other dogs, but she needs a little help learning doggie social cues. To help build her confidence, Lucy’s been attending small group (1-3 other dogs) daycare several days a week. Staff reports that Lucy is an extremely sweet girl who’s learning how to make friends with dogs and is extremely loving with the staff, providing lots of doggie kisses without hesitation. Several would adopt her in a heartbeat if they could!

She's young and needs help learning to control herself and her excitement at seeing her people. Because of this, a home with older children would be best. Lucy’s still into "testing everything with her mouth” and has chewed on quite a few things in her foster home. Her new home will need to be full of toys to play with, puzzles to exercise her brain, and bones to chew! Lucy is crate trained. She may whine when first kenneled, but settles down shortly after for nap, especially if she’s had enough exercise and mental stimulation. She’s most happy sleeping on the bed with her people at night.

She's been vetted, microchipped, and spayed through Footbridge Foundation, and they're now taking applications to meet her. If Lucy seems like a great fit for your active family, learn more about her here ---> and send in an application to meet her! --->

Meet Daisy. This sweet King William pup is enjoying unlimited couch time while being treated for heartworms. When Daisy ...

Meet Daisy. This sweet King William pup is enjoying unlimited couch time while being treated for heartworms. When Daisy was diagnosed at her annual exam, her owner didn’t know how she would afford the expensive but vital treatment. She reached out to us, and through our Cannolicare program, which covers part, or all, of critical veterinary expenses, we were able to cover her life-saving treatment. Daisy is responding well, and after a few more weeks of limited activity, she should be back to her lively self! We are happy to be able to help neighbors access veterinary care for their beloved dogs and cats. We have been able to assist every eligible pet owner who has contacted us for help with their pet's health needs thanks to the generosity of our neighbors and donors, as well as several vital grants. Thank you!

It's true - this gorgeous gal had been abandoned on the streets and was part of a community cat colony we have been trap...

It's true - this gorgeous gal had been abandoned on the streets and was part of a community cat colony we have been trapping to be spayed or neutered and vaccinated. We practice TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return), the only scientifically-proven, humane way to control outdoor cat populations! We have already taken dozens of cats to be "fixed" at Footbridge Foundation and this is just one of the many bonus successes we've had. Stay tuned to this page for more stories of lucky kitties we've helped recently! And please reach out to us if you know of any King William or Lavaca cats who could use this FREE service! We take groups of cats to be TNRed most weeks. More info -->

For twelve years neighbors have helped dogs and cats in King William and Lavaca stay hydrated with a FREE pet water bowl...

For twelve years neighbors have helped dogs and cats in King William and Lavaca stay hydrated with a FREE pet water bowl. If you're in our KING WILLIAM and LAVACA service area, request a FREE Cannoli's Canteen pet water bowl to place along the sidewalk --> and we'll drop one off on your porch within a few days. Neighbors who have reached out for help frequently say they learned about The Cannoli Fund from these water bowls so you're also helping us spread the word about our FREE services for King William and Lavaca pets. Thanks from the dogs and cats of Southtown!

Meet Ruby Jo. We don't know how this sweet young thing ended up on the streets, but thanks to the kindness of neighbors,...

Meet Ruby Jo. We don't know how this sweet young thing ended up on the streets, but thanks to the kindness of neighbors, our Community Cat Carpool, and our partnership with Footbridge Foundation, this kitty has been adopted into a great home. Ruby Jo appeared at a neighbor's porch at feeding time one day and never left. Although much younger and smaller than the other kitties, she immediately took charge of the situation. We scanned her for a microchip and checked for a spay scar but found neither. We took her to the spay/neuter clinic to be fixed and vaccinated, Footbridge gave her a microchip and additional vetting, and then she was off to Footbridge's area at PetSmart where she waited for her person. It did not take long! Although almost a year old, Ruby Jo's kitten-like looks, petite size, and loving personality surely got her adopted quickly. Thanks to Footbridge for helping us find homes for great dogs and cats in need! Learn more about our nonprofit's free services for King William and Lavaca pets -->



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Our Story

The Cannoli Fund, an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed by three neighbors in 2011 to improve the lives of cats and dogs in Lavaca and King William, offers a wide range of programs to residents and business owners. Visit for all the details. The Spay/Neuter Reimbursement Program reimburses (up to a set amount) those in The Cannoli Fund’s service area for having their pets spayed or neutered, in order to curb the animal population and to improve the overall well being of neighborhood cats and dogs. The Cannoli Fund will also reimburse residents for the a variety of pet healthcare services including the the cost of rabies shots, heartworm testing for dogs, and more. For all the details of the program, including how to submit a pet’s vet receipts and the current rates of reimbursement, visit the Spay/Neuter Reimbursement Program page of In order to control the population of feral or community cat colonies, The Cannoli Fund loans humane traps to residents and business owners and their employees, as well as offering advice on the highly effective TNR (trap, neuter, return) method of controlling community cat populations. With TNR, cats are spayed or neutered, they receive vaccinations, and their left ear is “tipped” to show they have been fixed and vaccinated. These outdoor cats are then returned to their colonies, no longer able to reproduce. The Community Cat Carpool program shuttles groups of cats to and from low cost spay/neuter clinics, which is particularly helpful for people who work during the times the clinics are open for drop off and pickup. Cannolicare provides financial assistance to King William and Lavaca residents and business owners (and their employees, if caring for an animal found in their service area) to help pay for critical medical care for cats and dogs in their care. Types of medical care include, but are not limited to, services such as surgical or other treatment for broken bones or umbilical hernias, mange, wounds, surgery, heartworm disease, or other life-threatening illness with a positive prognosis. More information on our website For those who find a pet in The Cannoli Fund’s service area, the nonprofit has a microchip scanner for use in determining if a stray dog or cat has a microchip, in order to help them find their way home. Message us on Facebook or visit to have a found cat or dog scanned for a microchip. La Cocina de Cannoli, or Cannoli’s Kitchen, provides pet food to individuals in the neighborhood who are caring for animals, often colonies of feral cats. Finally, Cannoli’s Canteen provides area neighbors with colorful water bowls to place along the sidewalk in front of their properties so that dogs may have frequent access to water during walks. To request a bowl, visit the Cannoli’s Canteen page of Our website also contains a variety of resources including but not limited to San Antonio’s animal laws, updated information on area grants for free spay/neuter, a list of dog parks, low cost spay/neuter and wellness clinics, a list of area shelters and rescue groups, tips for finding lost cats, and links to information about the humane treatment of animals.