Happy Earth Day friends! It's a couple days early, but I'm celebrating that this afternoon I FINALLY finished planting out the Spring Garden!! (after a million rainy weekends in a row!) Many thanks to Oscar, who worked with us in the Nursery during the pandemic years and now comes back to help me change the seasons. There's no way I could do it without him! The abundance of rain meant we had a major Nasturtium-filled "meadow" growing out there, and we practically needed a machete to even get to the containers.😜 Here's the count (everything in EarthBoxes, of course): Sweet Peppers, Persian Cucumbers, Pole Beans, Bush Beans, Eggplants, Herbs, Corn (3 EarthBoxes) and Heirloom Tomatoes (13 EarthBoxes). We still have Kale, Chard, Spinach & Strawberries in EarthBoxes producing well, and the Garlic is sizing up nicely! The 3 huge Blueberry bushes are LOADED with fruit, and we've already had one yummy Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie this year with more Rhubarb to come. The perennial Garden Sorrel is doing great in the Smart Pot, as are our 4 groupings of Sweet Peas (the most lovely fragrance in the world). "Evelyn Marie", our Weeping Santa Rosa Plum tree is flowering like mad, and our sweet, senior Meyer Lemon has already produced maybe a thousand of her famously juicy lemons. To everything there is a season ... it never stops in this amazing 12-month gardening season that is Southern California. As the Chard and Spinach go to seed, the next round of Corn and Pole Beans will be poised to occupy those EarthBoxes; and I'll harvest the Garlic just in time to plant out the Sweet Potatoes in those same Smart Pots. It's sort of like clock-work (except when we have a million rainy weekends in a row😅) and I love it. Happy Gardening everyone, and Happy Earth Day!❤🙏