Weather is perfect today to go for a walk. It is very important that the dogs know they need to listen to the tiny humans as well. Walking in a nice heel, not pulling and trying his best to listen to our 3yr old. Vulcan is turning 6yrs old this so he has more experience with walking manners than Theo does. They are using one of our many custom leash options for this journey. #Walking #Manners #LeashManners #CustomLeashes #TinyLeaderOfThePack #BlackLab#GrowingUpTogether #BullyTribe
Weather is perfect today to go for a walk. It is very important that the dogs know they need to listen to the tiny humans as well. Walking in a nice heel, not pulling and trying his best to listen to our 3yr old. Theo is just over 1yr old and has come along way with his walking skills. They are using one of our many custom leash options for this journey. #Walking #Manners #LeashManners #CustomLeashes #BullyBreed #TinyLeaderOfThePack #AmericanBully #GrowingUpTogethee #BullyTribe #Don'tBullyMyBreed
It's important for the 4 legged members of your tribe to listen to everyone in the house. Today on our walk we went some place new, we would stop every so often and both of us would take turn telling them to sit and stay. It is very important for them to listen to everyone in the house no matter the age or where you are, they should be able to focus on you not the things going on around them. #TeachingHowToBeAlpha #StructuredWalking #PractacingManners #LearningToListenToEveryone #LearningWithDistractions #FamilyWalks #AmericamBully #BlackLab #Don'tBullyMyBreed
Dog walking should be able to be done by everyone in the family. The dog should know that he/she should listen to whoever is walking them no matter the size of the person. He was learning how to control the walk by telling the puppy "no puppy" when the puppy would stop or try to pull him where the puppy wanted to go. #Walking #Training #BothAreLearning #BullyLife #BullyBreeds #AmericanBully #FamilyWalks