The largest of the domestic cat breed, the Maine C**n can measure up to 1 meter from muzzle to tail and up to 40 cm at the withers. Females are generally smaller and weigh an average of 5-6 kg.
It is a Native American breed, being the official state cat of Maine.
He has keen hunting instincts but is kind.
This large feline has a rectangular body with a strong boning, a flowing and silky coat and an extremely bushy tail.
He comes in a variety of coat colors and patterns and his neck fur is ruffled. The length of their coat can be long or medium.
It requires minimal grooming due to its light undercoat and its coat is thicker in winter. Its fur is water resistant and its paws are large to facilitate walking in the snow.
This cat has above-average intelligence; he is independent, loyal and affectionate. He is very vocal and has a fascination with water.