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福岡正信自然農園 農哲学の祖・福岡正信の意思を継ぐ三代目・大樹。世界に一石を投じた正信の考え方を基に、現代社会が直面する様々な問題に対しての答えを、農を通じて再び世に問う。






“Inherited traditions, land and people”

Happy Hill was created by Masanobu Fukuoka by crossbreeding Myanmar rice with Japanese rice. The third generation has taken over and continues to make it today.
We would like to introduce the taste of “Sake that is good for all four directions” brewed using Happy Hill carefully grown by the Fukuoka family. As autumn gradually approaches, please enjoy the time with this.

Comments on the taste sent in by our customers:
- Fresh sourness
- I can drink it slowly, feeling the original taste of the sake, even without snacks
- Citrus-like refreshing taste, with a sweetness
- Best served chilled
- Sweet and sour with a slight bitterness, the complexity of which gives it a deep flavor

#ハッピーヒル #日本酒 #米 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック








“A delicious relationship leads to the future”

Our citrus fruits are carefully grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Growing in harmony with nature can be tough and difficult.

The weather last fall was particularly dry with periods of drought. The fruit trees that had been grown for many years were weak, and some branches withered, affecting the next harvest.

When we finally saw the sight of the citrus fruits we had harvested lined up in baskets, we felt a mixture of joy and a desire to have them delivered to customers without being discarded.

However, in today's world, where people are increasingly turning away from citrus fruits, the fact is that consumption and production are decreasing.
We have mixed feelings about this, but in order to meet the needs of busy modern people, we make straight juice that allows you to easily enjoy the taste of the fruit itself so that you can enjoy the charm of citrus fruits even a little.

By drinking our straight juice, citrus production will increase, and there will be a future for connected agriculture.
We would be happy if our thoughts could be conveyed.

#柑橘 #ストレートジュース #農家 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック

「夏の涼を感じる キャンディスかき氷」酷暑が続く日々、皆さまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。この夏の農園での作業は、昨年の干ばつにより枯れてしまった枝整理にはじまり、地面を這いながら果樹の天敵「カミキリムシ」の防除も進めます。また衰え知らずの雑草...

「夏の涼を感じる キャンディスかき氷」






“Feel the coolness of summer with shaved ice with Kandis”
How are you all doing in the midst of these scorching hot days?
This summer's work on the farm began with clearing out the branches that died from last year's drought, and we are now working on eradicating the longhorn beetles, the natural enemy of fruit trees. We can't wait for the end of the fight against the never-ending weeds!
In between these tasks, it is essential to take a break in the shade of a tree to prevent heatstroke. After chatting with friends about trivial things and farm work, we get pumped up and start again, saying, “Okay, let's give it another go!”
To help you get through the scorching heat, why not try making your own shaved ice that spreads a pleasant coolness with just one bite, and has an irresistible cooling sensation? We recommend our original shaved ice made with processed products from our online shop.

Shaved ice with a bergamot scent:
Pour your desired amount of bergamot Kandis on the shaved ice. Cut the bergamot slices into small pieces and use as a topping.

Spicy shaved ice made with Tulsi tea:
Make ice with Tulsi tea. Simply shave the ice to create a refreshing, spicy flavor that's different from usual.

#かき氷 #キャンディス #マーマレード #冷凍果実 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック








“Refreshing and delicious, fermented foods to eat in the summer!”

Japanese fermented foods come in a variety of types, including seasonings such as sake, mirin, miso, and vinegar, Natto (fermented soybeans), and pickles. Fermented foods have a deep flavor, aroma, and rich nutritional value due to the action of microorganisms.

In recent years, it has become clear that fermented foods have excellent effects on maintaining human health, such as boosting immunity and improving allergy symptoms, and they have been attracting attention.

If you are conscious about your health and beauty, or if you get tired easily in the summer, why not try incorporating them into your diet?

Benefits for the body are as follows:
Miso (lactic acid bacteria): immune control and allergy suppression effect
Vinegar (acetic acid bacteria): suppresses cholesterol levels and promotes fat breakdown
Sake (aspergillus): beauty and blood circulation promotion effect
Recommended products are as follows:
Naked barley miso (made with black soybeans), Daikon radish pickles, Sake that is good for all sides “naturally”

#発酵食品 #味噌 #ピクルス #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック






染色を手掛けるのは、“自然と芸術を日常に取り入れる”をテーマとし、人間国宝である染織家 志村ふくみさんの意思を継ぐ、志村昌司さんが代表を務めるアトリエシムラです。


Experience tradition with the simple shape of the “Azuma bag”

Azuma bag is simple and easy to use, and are made by sewing together a single piece of cloth.
It is said that they started out as bags made by sewing together “Furoshiki” and “Tenugui” cloths in imitation of Western bags in the Edo period. Later, when they were brought to Kyoto, they came to be called “Azuma bags” because they were made by people from Azuma which means Edo.
Azuma bags we introduce are finished with vegetable dyeing, one by one, with a focus on environmental friendliness and gentleness on the skin.
The dyeing is done by Atelier Shimura, represented by Shoji Shimura, who inherits the will of Fukumi Shimura, a dyeing and weaving artist who is a Living National Treasure, with the theme of “incorporating nature and art into everyday life.”

Unlike chemical dyes, vegetable dyeing, which requires a lot of effort, is attractive for its natural texture and gentle colors. One of the joys is that the color changes little by little over time, and individuality emerges. When you incorporate it into your everyday life, it will make you feel a little more elegant and refined. Please enjoy the colors woven by nature.

#あずま袋 #草木染 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック



“Daikon peeking out from a citrus orchard”

Daikon peeking out from a corner of a citrus orchard or a side road of the farm as if to say “Hello!”

The sight of daikon radishes growing freely and coexisting with citrus orchards is probably rare even on farms.

If daikon radishes are left unharvested, they will bloom and then produce pods. Some years the seeds inside the pods are removed for planting, and some years they are left to their natural state, so the amount of fruit varies from year to year.

Daikon radishes contain a lot of Diastase, an enzyme that breaks down starch, which has a wonderful effect of aiding digestion. However, this enzyme is sensitive to heat, so its effect is weakened by heating. The best way to consume it effectively is to grate it!

Grating them releases spicy ingredients that are said to have antibacterial and antioxidant properties, and when combined with the sweetness, it creates a taste of just the right amount of spiciness.

We are carefully harvesting, processing, and selling daikon radishes that have grown in small quantities at our online shop in response to popular demand!

#大根 #柑橘 #おろし #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック







“Fleshly squeezed juice that you'll fall in love with its aroma”

This year's citrus season was blessed with great weather.
In these days when abnormal weather seems to be the norm, the farm's 30 varieties of citrus fruits have persevered and grown healthily. Among them are varieties that adapt easily to nature and varieties that inspire the farmer's spirit. However, unfortunately, there is a limited period in which citrus can be shipped for eating raw. In addition, with changes in lifestyle, it seems that many people do not have time to enjoy citrus at home. Therefore, we made straight juice with the desire to let as many people as possible enjoy citrus!

This season, we were able to harvest an unusually large amount of juice. Therefore, we are selling it for a limited time at “FOOD&COMPANY” (Tokyo and Kanagawa only), which sympathizes with our desire to let as many people as possible know about it.
Since it is sold in stores, there is no shipping fee. If you live nearby, we hope you will take this opportunity to visit us.

Products available:
Iyokan juice, Mishokan Citrus juice, Sweet Grapefruit juice, Citrus mixed juice 2024, Citrus mixed juice (300ml size)

#ジュース #柑橘 #ストレート #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック





企業の倉庫に眠るB品やデッドストック品、通常店舗で販売をしていない品も含めた、ものづくりの背景や過程、地域文化に光を当てる蚤の市。第16回となる今回は、倉庫に眠るTシャツをフィーチャーした「NEW ‘T’ OWN CLUB(ニュータウンクラブ)」と、北陸の古米を惣菜の力で動かす企画「米惣動」。アパレルやシューズ、鞄、アクセサリーに加えて、夏に嬉しいサンダルや帽子、籠バックなども勢ぞろい。長く大切にしたい逸品と出会う、宝探しのような2日間をお楽しみください。

●場所:コクヨ東京品川オフィス THE CAMPUS
●選べる入場料:通常の入場料300円/寄付金込みのオウエン入場料500円、1000円  ※小学生以下無料 

“Event Notice”

There are many wonderful producers all over Japan.
You can try our juice at the following event where all these people will gather together.

Enjoy it with other farmers' wonderful juices at the outdoor juice stand.
Take this opportunity to discover the differences between citrus types and production areas!


A flea market that sheds light on the background and process of manufacturing, as well as local culture, by selling B-grade and dead stock items lying in corporate warehouses, and items not normally sold in stores. This is the 16th time event, features “NEW ‘T’ OWN CLUB (New Town Club),” T-shirts lying in warehouses, and “Kome Sodo,” a project to promote the old rice from the Hokuriku region through the power of prepared foods. In addition to apparel, shoes, bags, and accessories, there are also plenty of sandals, hats, and basket bags perfect for the summer.
Enjoy two days like a treasure hunt, to find a masterpiece cherish for a long time.

●Date and time: July 20th (Sat) ~ July 21st (Sun) 11:00~19:00
※Ends at 6pm on the last day/Will proceed rain or shine/Last entrance 30 min before closing
●Location: KOKUYO Tokyo Shinagawa Office THE CAMPUS
●Choice of entrance fees: Regular entrance fee 300 yen / Owen entrance fee including donation 500 yen, 1000 yen  ※Free for elementary school students and younger
●Payment: Transportation IC and Credit card only
#パスザバトン #パスザバトンマーケット
#福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック




【甘夏ナチュレル 2022.6】

[おすすめの食事:白身魚のカルパッチョ グレープフルーツマーマレード(ピンクペッパー入り)添え]

【美生柑ナチュレル 2023.2】



“Citrus wine and food pairing”

We propose a combination of citrus wine, fermented only with the natural power of the fruit, and food.
Perfect for those who want to spend a slightly elegant time or enjoy a more casual meal.

Amanatsu Naturel 2022.6
Recommended meal: White fish carpaccio with grapefruit marmalade with pink pepper

Put fillets of sea bream, sliced onions, and cherry tomatoes on a plate and top with a dressing made of olive oil and marmalade. The spicy taste and sourness of the marmalade go well with the white fish.

Mishokan Citrus Naturel 2023.2
Recommended meal: Cream cheese and salted fish on batard

A simple snack of cream cheese and salted fish on thinly sliced and toasted batard. Mishokan Citrus Naturel, with its moderate sourness and floral aroma, makes the saltiness of the cheese and salted fish milder and makes you want to eat more.

#果実酒 #柑橘 #自然派 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック






“Sweet and sour blueberry and lemon marmalade”
We have made a sweet and sour marmalade by combining blueberries and lemons that have been carefully grown on our farm. We will be offering it in limited quantities.

Lemons grown in the sea breeze and sunshine of the Seto Inland Sea. Every year, the fruits and whole squeezed juice are so popular that we receive many inquiries, and they are known for their good aroma. They are rich in vitamins and citric acid, making them perfect for preventing summer fatigue.

In addition to citrus fruits, we also carefully grow small amounts of plums, loquats, blueberries, and other fruits.

The blueberry trees that we have been growing for many years have grown so large that they feel a little tall to harvest. We carefully select the ripe ones one by one and harvest them by hand.

When you put the lemon and blueberry marmalade into your mouth, the moderate texture of the lemon peel and the refreshing taste spread. The gentle sweetness of the blueberries lingers in your mouth, making it perfect as a topping for toasted bread or ice cream. Mix it with carbonated water to create a sweet and sour drink that is easy to drink.
Please take this opportunity to try it!

#マーマレード #ブルーベリー #レモン #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック







Our commitment to creating “rice snacks with a simple taste” that you can eat with peace of mind
These simple snacks are made using our own rice, and are made with simple ingredients and a simple manufacturing process. They have a crispy texture and a gentle rice flavor. They are a great product that has many fans because they are safe to eat.

“Our commitment to rice cultivation”
We do not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides during the cultivation period, so weeds grow vigorously. We are especially amazed at the vitality of the weeds, which grow surprisingly fast after it rains. However, if we leave them as they are, the rice will not receive enough nutrients. Therefore, it is essential to carefully remove them. We watch over the growth of the rice, paying attention to natural disasters such as the hot summer sun and typhoons, and in the fall when the rice ears droop, we start harvesting. “Hazakake”, which has become rare in recent years, is also very important to us. The continuous hard work leaves us exhausted both physically and mentally, but we believe it is important to sometimes “not change” so as not to lose the “aroma, luster, and flavor” of our rice by neglecting our regular work.
Therefore, in order for people to enjoy rice, we have created sweets that are “easy, casual, and delicious!”
#米菓子 #米 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック






“Not only citrus! Naked barley is also a big producer in Ehime Prefecture”

Ehime Prefecture has warm temperatures and many sunny days throughout the year, and the salt breezes from the sea give it fertile soil.

As a result, Ehime is the number one producer of not only citrus fruits but also nutritious naked barley in Japan. Naked barley prefers dry conditions and is vulnerable to moisture damage and frost, so it is best grown in areas along the Seto Inland Sea coast, such as Ehime and Kagawa prefectures, which have little rain.

Our farm also grows naked barley of the Haruhimeboshi variety.

Naked barley has long been an important second crop in rice paddies and fields in Japan.

Since ancient times, it has been used as an ingredient in barley rice, shochu, miso, barley tea, and more. In the early Showa period, it accounted for about 40% of domestically produced barley, but due to the popularization of white rice and increased barley imports, its production has now decreased to about 2%.
Being such a rare ingredient, naked barley has endless ways to cook it!
It can be used not only in shochu and miso products, but also in bread and sweets. When heated, it has a crunchy texture and is easy to eat with no strong flavor, so we recommend you try it with naked barley rice.

#はだか麦 #柑橘 #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック

「マーマレード 人気ランキング」こんなマーマレード、初めて!果肉感がすごい!嬉しいお声を頂戴することが多い、私たちのマーマレード。思い返せば、何のノウハウもないところからスタート当初は、困難の連続でした。ただ、目の前にあるたくさんの甘夏を見...

「マーマレード 人気ランキング」








“This is the best marmalade I've ever had!” “The texture of the fruit is amazing!”
We often get comments like this about our marmalade.

Looking back, it was a lot of difficulty at first because we had no skills in making marmalade.It feels like just yesterday when we ware gazing at a lot of Amanatsu citrus in front of us and concentrating on making marmalade.

Thanks to these efforts, the product was awarded the honor of Gold at the World Marmalade Awards held in Dalemain, the UK. We will introduce the many marmalades that were created with the spirit of “Let's just give it a try!”

■Top-selling Marmalade
【1st place: Bergamot】
Bergamot marmalade is a citrus fruit that is enjoyed for its aroma, and is well known as an ingredient in Earl Grey tea. This type of marmalade does not contain fruit pulp, but it is popular because it is easy to arrange, not only to add it to bread or yogurt, but also to mix it into tea or enjoy it as a mocktail!
【2nd place: Amanatsu Fresh】
Amanatsu is the representative citrus fruit of our farm. The pulp and gentle sweetness are popular with a wide range of people!
【3rd place: Amanatsu Classic】
This marmalade has a good balance of sweetness and richness with bitterness. It is also popular as a gift.

#柑橘 #マーマレード #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック


「We want you to know the deliciousness and seasonality of each variety!」
The harvest season for yellow and orange citrus fruits is upon us from winter to spring at our farm. we grow 30 kinds of fruits and deliver them to you, including sweet oranges, grapefruits, and Mishokan citrus.
We will introduce the characteristics of only a few of the many types of citrus fruits.
The most representative variety of mandarin orange is the Unshu mandarin orange. It is a familiar variety in Japan! There are also other varieties such as Ponkan, which have a low sourness and a refreshing taste that is easy to eat. Unshu mandarins are harvested every year from November to the end of December.
It is said that the name grapefruit was given because the appearance of many fruits growing on one branch resembles grapes. There is a variety called marsh, which has cream-colored flesh, and a variety called ruby, which has pink flesh. Our farm grows varieties such as marsh, ruby, and green grapefruit, and harvests them from November to May.
The domestic grapefruit that we grow is very rare.
#柑橘 #ストレートジュース #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック








Herbal tea with a unique spicy and sweet aroma!

Citrus trees that have been standing for decades, relatively new and youthful trees, kiwis with vines that spread across the sky, flowers and vegetables at our feet, and rice seedlings that will be planted gently on the water surface.

The farm offers a variety of different views, one of which is the fragrant herb field.
We farmers have a bottomless spirit of inquiry.
As a new initiative, last summer we grew herbs called Oya Tulsi (holy basil). It is characterized by purple spots on the underside of the leaves and purple flower spikes.

We carefully picked the basil, dried it in a mountain hut, powdered it, and made herbal tea.

Effects of holy basil:
The biggest feature of herbs is their “aroma”. The aroma has a relaxing effect and acts to regulate the autonomic nervous system.

Easy and delicious! Herbal tea to enjoy the aroma:
Holy basil has a strong aroma even when cooled, so we recommend drinking it as iced tea.
If you carry it in the bottle, you can easily refresh yourself when you want to change your mood.

We hope that we can provide you with a refreshing time to take a breather from your busy daily life.

#ハーブ #トゥルシーティー #福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック






The documentary won an award

The documentary program on Masanobu Fukuoka Natural Farm, which was broadcast on NHK, won the Agricultural Journalist Award. This award recognizes journalists who have achieved outstanding results through their reporting on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food issues, rural areas, and the environment in the chaotic primary industry.

We would like to express our gratitude to the director, cameraman, and other people involved who have worked with the farm with passion and love from the beginning of filming.

The word “sustainable” is more difficult than we think, and it is by no means a smooth road. However, we would like to continue opening the door to the future while cherishing the time we spend each day to pass on our message to future generations and our reverence for nature.

Thank you!

#福岡正信自然農園 #福岡正信 #農園 #わら一本の革命 #自然農法 #粘土団子 #シードボール #無農薬 #無化学肥料 #パーマカルチャー #愛媛 #自然食 #オーガニック


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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