The first thing you see when looking at a dog is his skin and coat — a window into his overall health. Dogs vary dramatically in their coat types, length, colour, and texture. Some breeds even come in hairless varieties, such as the Xoloitzcuintli, the Mexican Hairless dog.
Whether your dog is long or short-haired, sleek or shaggy, his coat health is entirely linked to the health of his skin. In turn, his skin can be a good indicator of his internal health too.
Here is some essential skin knowledge and some of your most frequently asked skin questions to help you care for your dog’s skin and coat, and support his health and appearance.
Q- How can I care for my dog’s dry skin?
🐶 If your dog has dry skin, ruling out potential infections or allergies is important, so have a chat with your vet in the first instance. If all is otherwise well, it could be that your dog might benefit from enhanced nutrition to support skin health, in the form of omega 3 fatty acids, typically available from oily fish, or via specific supplements.
Q- My dog has light-coloured hair that often looks pink or red on his feet and round his mouth; why is this?
🐶 Dogs with light-coloured hair can often get staining on their coats if they have been licking certain areas. This is a result of compounds in the saliva, some of which are pigmented and can cause staining of light hair. This can sometimes be seen as tear stains, saliva staining around the mouth, and also on contact areas such as the elbows. In most cases, the staining is harmless and is just unsightly.
Q- What should I do if my dog is scratching a lot?
🐶 While some scratching is perfectly normal for all dogs, if your dog is scratching excessively, rubbing himself, shaking his head, and perhaps even causing injury to himself, always seek advice from your vet. This is critical to rule out obvious causes and also to minimise distress to your dog, as well as harm to his skin and coat.
You can read the full article inside the July issue of Your Dog. There are two ways to read this issue:
1️⃣ Buy the July issue for £4.99 (free UK p&p) - www.yourdog.co.uk/store/back-issues/your-dog/your-dog-july-2023
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