Lubochnia Arabians

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Lubochnia Arabians Lubochnia Arabians was born in Poland in 2021 out of the love and passion for Arabian horses and achieving a long time dream.

The stud managed to collect their first important descendants from the best bloodlines and some of the best farms in the world.

🌟🌟🌟D Dawaly 🌟🌟🌟( FA EL RASHEEM x D DANAT ) 2017 Purebred Bay Mare Here are the results of the latest photo session in . ...

🌟🌟🌟D Dawaly 🌟🌟🌟

( FA EL RASHEEM x D DANAT ) 2017 Purebred Bay Mare
Here are the results of the latest photo session in .
I wonder what he will show at the upcoming shows!
And so far:

🏆GOLD CH. at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Senior Mares Championship

🏆GOLD CH. at Arabian Dream 2023 - Senior Mares Championship

🏆GOLD CH. at Sopot Arabian Horse Show 2023 - Senior Female Championship

🏆GOLD CH. at Montefalco in Tour 2023 - Senior Mares Championship

🏆GOLD CH. at Palermo Arabian Horse Cup 2023 - Senior Mares Championship

We are already looking forward to further successes!

⭐️⭐️⭐️The 2024 foaling season is underway!!!See what the daughter of the mare JUWANDA OS and the stallion FA EL RASHEEM ...


The 2024 foaling season is underway!!!

See what the daughter of the mare JUWANDA OS and the stallion FA EL RASHEEM looks like 🤩🤩🤩

We can’t wait to see what he will show next year?

See you soon 🔜

🌟D Leen⭐️(D SERAJ x D MAHA) 2020 Grey Mare Here are the results of the latest photo session in   Our stunning SILVER CH....

🌟D Leen⭐️
(D SERAJ x D MAHA) 2020 Grey Mare
Here are the results of the latest photo session in
Our stunning SILVER CH. at 39th All Nations Cup - Aachen 2023 - Junior Fillies Championship.
I wonder what he will show at the upcoming shows!
We can’t wait.

Thank You and

🌟 🌟 🌟 SANA OS 🌟 🌟 🌟(EXAGON OS x PANAMERA OS) 2023 Arabians Gray Yearling FillyThis amazing filly is just now showing her...

🌟 🌟 🌟 SANA OS 🌟 🌟 🌟

2023 Arabians Gray Yearling Filly

This amazing filly is just now showing herself to the world.

It will surprise us again and again.

First show and unanimous gold.

🥇1st at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Yearling Fillies

🏆GOLD CH. at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Yearling Fillies Championship

We can’t wait for the next shows.

Thank you

D Dawaly ( FA EL RASHEEM x D DANAT ) 2017 Purebred Bay Mare 🥇 1st at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Mares 7+...

D Dawaly ( FA EL RASHEEM x D DANAT ) 2017 Purebred Bay Mare

🥇 1st at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Mares 7+ Years Old

🏆 GOLD CH. at Vesuvio Trophy 2024 - International Show - Senior Mares Championship

Thank you to the great

I wonder what the next shows will bring us...

See you soon :)))


We wtorek 16 stycznia 2024 przedstawiciele Polski Związek Hodowców Koni Arabskich - PZHKA spotkali się z Ministrem Rolnictwa 𝗖𝘇𝗲𝘀ł𝗮𝘄𝗲𝗺 𝗦𝗶𝗲𝗸𝗶𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗺 w Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi.

Przede wszystkim dziękujemy za poświęcony nam czas, jak i uważne i pełne troski wysłuchanie naszych postulatów. Jesteśmy gotowi na podjęcie wspólnych działań i pozostajemy oczywiście do dyspozycji Pana Ministra.

Na spotkaniu poruszyliśmy kilka istotnych tematów związanych z hodowlą koni arabskich i wyścigami koni tej rasy. Do najważniejszych z nich należały:
1️⃣ analiza obecnej sytuacji i trendów na polskim rynku
2️⃣ państwowe stadniny koni arabskich – ich przyszłość jako fundament światowej hodowli koni czystej krwi
3️⃣ Pokaz Narodowy oraz nagrody finansowe w wymiarze długoterminowym
4️⃣ zasadność i konieczność kontynuowania organizacji aukcji Pride of Poland jako wydarzenia ponadczasowego i zakorzenionego w historii i tradycji
5️⃣ wspieranie pozostałych pokazów koni arabskich organizowanych w Polsce
6️⃣ popularyzacja koni arabskich w Polsce i za granicą w mediach
7️⃣ potencjalne inicjatywy podejmowane przez hodowców w stadninach państwowych i hodowców prywatnych wspólnie z Ministerstwem Rolnictwa – cel takich wysiłków jest jasny: podniesienie jakości i odbudowa znaczenia marki polskich koni arabskich na świecie
8️⃣ Rada PKWK – propozycja ze strony PZHKA, aby przedstawiciel Związku zasiadał również w Radzie Polish Jockey Club z uwagi na fakt, iż araby wyhodowane w Polsce biorą również czynny udział w wyścigach konnych na Tor Wyścigów Konnych Służewiec i Wyścigi konne. Wrocław

W spotkaniu udział wzięli:
🔹 Minister Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi Czesław Siekierski
🔹 z ramienia PZHKA
🔸 Mateusz Leniewicz-Jaworski – Prezes Zarządu
🔸 Tomasz Tarczyński – Członek Zarządu
🔸 Łukasz Goździalski – Członek Związku
🔸 Dobrochna Perz-Wawrzyńczyk – Członkini Związku
🔸 Przemysław Wawrzyńczyk – Członek Związku


🇬🇧 Tuesday 16th January 2024, the Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Association (PAHBA) met with Minister of Agriculture 𝗖𝘇𝗲𝘀ł𝗮𝘄 𝗦𝗶𝗲𝗸𝗶𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗸𝗶 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

We would like to extend our thanks to Minister Siekierski for meeting with us and discussing our ideas and postulates. Ready to undertake joint action, we remain at the Ministry's disposal.

Several topics of key importance to Arabian horse breeding and horse races were discussed at yesterday's meeting, amongst them:
1️⃣ the current state of affairs and trends on the Polish market
2️⃣ Arabian horse state studs – their future as the foundation of global breeding of purebred horses
3️⃣ the Polish Nationals and financial awards in the long term
4️⃣ the validity and necessity to continue to organise the Pride of Poland auction as a timeless event rooted in history and tradition
5️⃣ support for other Arabian horse shows organised in Poland
6️⃣ popularisation of Arabian horses in Poland and abroad in media
7️⃣ potential initiatives undertaken by breeders in state stud farms and private breeders in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture – their goal would be clear: to improve the quality and rebuild the significance of the Polish Arabian brand worldwide
8️⃣ Polish Jockey Club – PAHBA proposes a representative of the Association be awarded a seat on the Council of the Polish Jockey Club due to the fact that Arabians bred in Poland participate in horse races organised at Tor Służewiec in Warszawa and Tor Partynice in Wrocław

The meeting was attended by:
🔹 Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Czesław Siekierski
🔹 on behalf of PAHBA
🔸 Mateusz Leniewicz-Jaworski – President of the Management Board
🔸 Tomasz Tarczyński – Member of the Management Board
🔸 Łukasz Goździalski – Member of the Association
🔸 Dobrochna Perz-Wawrzyńczyk – Member of the Association
🔸 Przemysław Wawrzyńczyk – Member of the Association



Tłumaczenie: Joanna Krawczyk Błyskawiczny awans stadniny Lubochnia Arabians na najwyższe szczeble arabskiej sceny pokazowej to nie przypadek ani zrządzenie ...

„Luck is not enough”The Story of Lubochnia Arabians by Caroline ReidIn the latest issue of Tutto ArabiWe would like to t...

„Luck is not enough”
The Story of Lubochnia Arabians by Caroline Reid

In the latest issue of Tutto Arabi

We would like to thank everyone involved in our project, we invite you to read this article.

✨✨ D DAWALY ✨✨( FA EL RASHEEM x D DANAT ) 2017 Purebred Bay MareFirst in the class at Arabian Dream 2023 🥇🥇🥇UNANIMOUS GO...

✨✨ D DAWALY ✨✨

2017 Purebred Bay Mare

First in the class at Arabian Dream 2023


UNANIMOUS GOLD CHAMPION at Arabian Dream 2023 - B International Fieracavalli Verona


Thank you for the great involvement of the entire team



W niedzielę 12 listopada oczy części z nas zwrócone były w kierunku zabytkowej Werony, gdzie odbywał się pokaz "Arabian Dream 2023" w ramach Fieracavalli Verona. Polskę na tym międzynarodowym pokazie klasy B reprezentowała Lubochnia Arabians. Występująca w biało-czerwonych barwach 𝗗 𝗗𝗔𝗪𝗔𝗟𝗬, wyhodowana w Dubai Arabian Horse Stud, została przez sędziów jednomyślnie wybrana Czempionką Klaczy Starszych 🏆 Gratulacje! 👏🏼



D Dawaly
Unanimous Gold Champion senior mare
Arabian Dream - Fiera Cavalli Verona 2023



🌟🌟D.Leen 🌟🌟(D SERAJ x D MAHA) 2020 Gray Filly Memories from the past All Nations Cup Aachen 2023. 🏆SILVER CH. at 39th Al...

🌟🌟D.Leen 🌟🌟
(D SERAJ x D MAHA) 2020 Gray Filly
Memories from the past All Nations Cup Aachen 2023.
🏆SILVER CH. at 39th All Nations Cup - Aachen 2023 - Junior Fillies Championship (Class JFC)

🥈2nd at 39th All Nations Cup - Aachen 2023 - Fillies 3 Years Old (Class 5B)
Congratulations and many thanks to the entire team that worked for this success!!
Thank you Susi, Paolo, Toader and all , Krzysztof and



SS RAWNAQ ( KAHIL AL SHAQAB x ASH RANYA ) 2019 Purebred Bay Mare  Today the mare enjoys the paddocks in Poland, but earl...

2019 Purebred Bay Mare
Today the mare enjoys the paddocks in Poland, but earlier...
BRONZE CH. at Italian Nationals 2020 - San Giovanni In Marignano - Yearling Fillies Championship
BRONZE CH. at Milan 2020 Arabian Horse Show - Ecaho Yearling Fillies Championship

✨✨ D LEEEN ✨✨Silver Champion Junior Filly at 39th All Nation Cup Aachen Junior Fillies Championship 2023 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆Luboc...

✨✨ D LEEEN ✨✨

Silver Champion Junior Filly at 39th All Nation Cup Aachen Junior Fillies Championship 2023


Lubochnia Arabians did it again!!!

Thank you for the great involvement of the entire team and our family and friends.


Lubochnia Arabians welcomes!!!! 🥂🥂🥂Sana OS 🥂🥂🥂Exagon OS X Panamera OS by Psytadel2023 Grey FillyThank You .osterhof     ...

Lubochnia Arabians welcomes!!!!

🥂🥂🥂Sana OS 🥂🥂🥂

Exagon OS X Panamera OS by Psytadel

2023 Grey Filly

Thank You .osterhof



(FA El Rasheem x D Danat)

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
from Vision To Reality: Making Your Dreams A Certainty

Extraordinary Dubai Stud bred mare - D Dawaly sired by FA El Rasheem, out of D Danat by SG Labib. She is owned by Lubochnia Arabians from Poland who after importing Dawaly to Europe brought streak of huge success into her career!

Dawaly has been shown 4 times this season winning 3 times Gold Medal Senior Mare Champion title:
Palermo Arabian Horse Cup 2023
Montefalco in Tour 2023
Sopot Arabian Horse Show 2023
And one 1st place at the Prague Int.Cup 2023

Her mother is a daughter of one of the highly recognisable mares in Dubai Stud - Angeliccah by Marwan Al Shaqab, who produced among others D Ibn Rasheem (by FA El Rasheem) - Bronze Medal Junior C**t Paris World Championship, Bronze Medal Junior C**t Aachen All Nations Cup, Bronze Medal Ajman Int. Show, Gold Medal Verona Int. Show, Gold Medal Milan Int. Show

Take your chance and place the winning bit for the Embryo Right of this stunning mare in Aachen or online from home!

23rd September 2023
Aachen - Germany
Live & online auction

Limited tickets available!



✨✨ D DAWALY ✨✨Gold Champion Senior Mare at Arabian Horse Show Sopot 2023 Thank you for the great involvement of the enti...

✨✨ D DAWALY ✨✨

Gold Champion Senior Mare at Arabian Horse Show Sopot 2023

Thank you for the great involvement of the entire team and our family and friends.


D Leen (D Seraj - D Maha/Eden C)
Lubochnia Arabians
Capecci Arabian Training Center

Sopot Arabian Horse Show 2023





D Dawaly
Sopot 2023

⭐️⭐️⭐️Let's see what was born this year in the stable.😁😁😁C**t by D Seraj x Juwanda OS (WH JUSTICE x SHAK LAVANDA)Photo: ...


Let's see what was born this year in the stable.


C**t by D Seraj x Juwanda OS (WH JUSTICE x SHAK LAVANDA)


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻On July 1 and 2, Lubochnia Arabians had the honor to take part in an amazing event organized by  in Tarnów —> All ...


On July 1 and 2, Lubochnia Arabians had the honor to take part in an amazing event organized by in Tarnów —> All Polish Arabian Horse Championship 2023.

We won the breeding of D Mezyan and thanks to that we helped children in need. 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

Congratulations to the organizers and the winners and see you next year!!


⭐️⭐️⭐️Let's see what was born this year in the stable.😁😁😁We start with Filly by ES Harir x WASHA ( KAHIL AL SHAQAB x WAS...


Let's see what was born this year in the stable.


We start with Filly by ES Harir x WASHA ( KAHIL AL SHAQAB x WASA )



Gdy w pierwszy weekend lipca polscy hodowcy cieszyli się wynikami swoich koni i doborową atmosferą podczas pokazu w Tarnowie, jedna z klaczy należących do s ...

🏆🏆🏆International show in Arezzo (Italy) 01-02 July 2023The bay D Dawaly (FA El Rasheem – D Danat by SG Labib) at the Mon...


International show in Arezzo (Italy) 01-02 July 2023

The bay D Dawaly (FA El Rasheem – D Danat by SG Labib) at the Montefalco in Tour 2023 show, after winning the 4-6 year old mares class with an impressive score of 92.80 points (including 5 x 20), competed a day later for a medal in the senior mare championship.


We keep our fingers crossed for her and support her greatly, in a few days we will see them in the ring with Paolo Capecci in Sopot!



Lubochnia 25B



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