Saturday January 4. Something special about this day. I have know idea what. A friend just had an old dog cross the rainbow bridge. I don’t know why they refer to this rainbow bridge. They got two new puppies. Hard to find old puppies. Of course they are cute. I was cute when I was a puppy. There is a movie, Ugly Benny, not ugly of course. It is about Benny, a stray dog that saves the day or week. Job had dogs out watching his flocks. Pyrenees? Did Noah have Pyrenees, Newfies, labs, black, yellow, white, green with algae. No room for unicorns. I Think it best to get a dog soon after loosing one. Dogs need homes, homes need dogs. A house with out a dog, is just a house with out a dog. Solomon must have had a dog, he was wize. Who do you think made him wize? All dogs go to heaven, no need of a rainbow bridge. Hugo thinks going to heaven is my taking him for a walk. And my taking him for a walk. And another walk.