EDDAC is dedicated to saving the lives of dogs (& other animals) in need from the UK & abroad. The rescue is the baby of Debbie Singleton & now there are more people who help to run the rescue. EDDAC started back in 2014. We secured the safety of a Spanish Podenco mum & 5 puppies. These furbabies were taken care of in Spain by the lovely Andrea Johnson until they were ready to travel to the UK. T
he mum & one pup were very kindly taken on by Swindon Needy Dogs & we worked together at that time to bring them all to the UK & find them loving homes. Our first 2 dogs that arrived were Lola & her daughter Morci, who were also from Spain under the care of the very wonderful Pamela Kerr. Since then we have homed many UK & foreign dogs who are now living very happily with their new families. All of our dogs have full RBU from us so their lives are secure. Our aim is to continue to save as many lives as possible & hopefully one day (funds permitting) have a larger base to enable us to rescue more.