Very true!
So, you’re looking for a track livery for your beloved horse to call home. What are some things you should consider before taking the plunge and moving?
• Is the owner of the track livery willing to support you through any bumps in the road or potential challenges to overcome?
It’s very common to experience weight gain or weight loss, abscesses, self-trimming of the hoofs and a change in behaviour when a horse is first introduced to the lifestyle that accompanies track living, particular if it’s somewhat different to how they’ve previously been kept. A sudden change in diet, movement, social surroundings or trim can present some challenges that can be scary or unsettling for the owner of the horse. Therefore, it’s important to share a mutual level of trust and understanding so both yard owner and horse owner can help the horse to overcome any issues that may arise in the best way. You should feel comfortable approaching the yard owner for advice and help should you need it.
• Is the track livery able to offer my horse the support and care it needs?
If your horse is elderly or has complex needs as a result of various medical conditions, it’s important that you pick a yard that has the experience and the environment to cater for your horse properly and professionally. For example, if your horse struggles with Laminitis or Equine Metabolic Syndrome, then a livery that has areas of grazing available may not be suitable for your particular horse. This may also apply to the type of livery packages they offer, whether the yard owner has single s*x or mixed herd turnout or if they are able to cater to horses in need of extra care in their old age.
• Do I feel relaxed in this environment?
Whilst your horse needs to be happy, healthy and content in their environment, it’s important that you also feel supported and at ease too - you shouldn’t feel dread or anxiety when visiting your horse. If you’re unsure whether a particular yard is for you, the majority of yard owners will be more than happy to point you in the direction of a pre-existing or current livery for an honest review of their care and the yard's atmosphere.
• Does the track livery offer the facilities you need?
This may seem somewhat obvious but if you’re someone who would like use of a surfaced track, barn and arena, it’s a good idea to factor those wants into your decision. Some track liveries will be unsurfaced with different specialities, whilst others will be more suited to horses in ridden work. Each track is vastly different and will attract different people with different wants and needs.
• Does the track livery cater to your horse’s current ‘hoof’ status?
Some track liveries have a barefoot only policy, meaning you may need to explore your options if you have other requirements. Be sure to ask what their policy is when searching for the right track livery for you and your horse.