Happy November. Mom says the only good thing about fall is the entertainment it provides us Puddycats watching the leaves. As mew can see it has been very windy the last couple days. Mom is doing a little better but she still tires easily so shes not moving much and dad is being her slave and ours too of course. ~TIPI~ 🐾💕🐾
Oh my its another Wacky Wednesday here. We will work backwards from this video. Dad is crusing along 55 or so mph when this tree comes down right in front of him. Needless to say he almost 💩himself. Well dad doesn't drive much anymore because of his spells so they just can't take a chance cuz they will come on with no warning. But today they had an appt and mom was unable to drive because she had a very difficult night in the ER 🩺and she just is not able to move around much. Mom has been having issues the last couple weeks. She thought she was having a heart attack a week ago Caturday night but the pains went away after about 10 mins so being stubborn as she is she just decided to wait and see how things went. She followed up with the doctor on Meowday and everything looked okay. Well it may have been then but yesterday she was have lots of pain again all day but still being stubborn she didn't want to go in but about 5 she decided she had to. Well turns out her Afib came back compounded with her COPD she was in rough shape. They treated her and the heart seemed to be better after many doses of meds, so they sent her home but no sooner she started moving around the pitter patter started again, but they said to follow up with her doctor today and the heart specialist asap. Well long story short too late, its dark now and because dad isn't suppose to drive to start with but at night with those lights which are triggers she drove them home. They made it okay but today she is still struggling with the Afib and breathing so she is staying purrty still. So if mew would please keep mom in your prayers that her heartbeat will get back into its normal beat very soon we sure would appurrciate it. ~The Puddycats~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Furday. This is how I walk dad or is he walking me??? Whichever he sure isn't listening to me. I want him to sit down and let me on his lap so I can get some scritches. How do you kitties help mew exercise? ~MISSY~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Mewsday. I was lucky enough to be sleeping on the carrier when dad started vacuuming so I gave him the look and yep I got vacuumed again. Oh my fur is so nice and clean now. I hope mew have a purrtastic day. ~SAMANTHA~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Mewsday. Who doesn't like a good vacuuming. Well surely not Conner cuz he is in moms office in the corner shaking. MOL He doesn't know how good this feels. I was good with the vacuum but once I saw mom with the camera I was gone. MOL Can't have any evidence. ~SAMANTHA~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Mewsday. Sorry we have been MIA. The purrarents are both lacking sleep the last few days. Dad finally has an appt tomorrow morning to see the Ortho doctor. Mom says this is the craziest thing ever that they can't fix a broken bone at the hospital. She says Its just one of those new scam rules so doctors can fill up their schedules and charge extra money. Grrrr So she hasn't taken any new pictures of us but she did this video of Jake yesterday to send to his mom so we thought we would share it so mew all can see how well he is doing. Mom thinks as long as he can avoid any jumping particularly going down while the bone continues to heal he will hopefully be okay and not need the surgery. Kinda like dad just let the bone heal and knit on its own. Well we don't know about dad for sure yet but we sure pray thats going to be the answer for him too. When he was a foster here we knew he was one of the special ones and mom said if we could have we would have kept him but he sure did get a good meowmy who loves him very much. We hope he will be able to go home in the next few days once the purrarents know whats going to be happening with dad. Thank mew all for your support and prayers for Jake and now dad too. ~The PUDDYCATS~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Father's Day. Do mew remember when I thought daddy was all mine. I took him for a walk cuz I wanted him to come downstairs so I could have him all to myself. I still think he is mine but sometimes I do share him. I hope all our uncles and your daddies have a very Blessed Day. ~GINGER~ 🐾💕🐾
Can mew see me. I was down in the yard with dad but decided I haven't had a roll in the sand yet this year so I ran out there. I was chasing some bugs then I showed dad my speed. MOL The fishies were out there but I didn't care about them. Otherwise not much going on here. Mom is trying to help the lady who adopted Scallop get in to get surgery cuz he broke his hip last week. It so sad he can't get fixed up until she can come up with the $1500 so mom put together a little fundraiser which is pinned to the top of our page. We know money is tight for most these days but if you can help even with a few dollars it all adds up and Scallop can get fixed up sooner and get off the pain pills he is on right now. We love mew all. ~GINGER~
Happy Purrsday Night. I love to be combed and have my belly rubbed but mom says I am such a squirmy worm its hard to get the job done. I don't care I was enjoying. I hope mew had a purrtastic day. ~APPLEJACK~ 🐾💕🐾
Happy Purrsday. While the rest of us were sunning and watching birdies yesterday Siena had other ways to entertain herself. She is so silly but she will do this whenever she sees a shadow. No shadows today cuz the clouds have been here all day and temps dropped. We hope mew had a purrtastic day. ~SIENA~ 🐾💕🐾 Well darn the video cut off the beginning while I was really spinning.