Lyra learning to hug!
Most people only show the finished trick, so today I'm showing you our FIRST session teaching a new trick! Hazel is so good about letting Lyra bounce around all over her.
I should note that this trick is only meant for dogs with a good bond, and if your sitting dog is uncomfortable, this trick isn't for them!
Hazels hardest novice tricks fir her title " doggy push ups " and "hold the treat on your nose " PLUS watch till the last second to catch the amazing flip and catch of the treat off her nose!!!
The walking stomach is not such a walking stomach right now. This is from her dinner last night. This is the 3rd time I've offered it back to her. Third times the charm, she just needed some encouragement lol. This is one of those true signs of pregnancy in every girl I've had. They tend to go off their food around 3 weeks in.
Woops, I forgot to finish posting Hazel's Novice tricks 😅 🙃. Here's a couple more! I am still waiting for her title to arrive in the mail, but she has earned her title and is moving on to intermediate trick dog!
Two more of Hazels novice title tricks. Ring bell to go outside and kennel up!