Important: Proposed new citywide TNR rules and restrictions report needs your review and comments since they will affect YOU if you do TNR in L.A!
Remember the Audubon vs City of LA court case that banned the city's promotion of TNR until City determines the impact of their actions on the environment and wildlife? After many years of bureaucratic red tape and financing issues, the City has finally generated the court-ordered report (Environmental Impact Report) that hopefully will lift the court-mandated restrictions which hurt community cats and ban the City's promotion of and financial support for TNR (e.g. spay-neuter vouchers, public awareness campaigns, etc).
Please take a look at the City of LA's Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) entitled "Citywide Cat Program":
The city is asking for your help in reviewing this draft pdf document (an 18-page executive summary outlining their new cat program) and providing public comments by Oct 28th.
Why is it important for anyone performing TNR to read this document? Because the new citywide cat program contains A LOT of new regulations which result in more work and greater restrictions for trappers and for those doing TNR.
Dawn's correspondence below provides a quick insight into these proposed new rules and restrictions. Remember, the new program hasn't been implemented yet, so NOW is the only time to review and provide feedback to the City about what you'll be forced to do/not do. These next two weeks give you a chance voice your suggestions for changes to make the TNR program efficient for you. If something looks too hard, time-consuming or unnecessary, let them know. If something is missing, let them know.
You can send your comments directly to the City via the email address Dawn specified below BY OCTOBER 28th, or you can send your comments to [email protected] BY OCTOBER 25TH and I will include them (and give you credit) in L.A. Feeders' formal letter containing feedback which will be delivered by October 28th.
Mark Mignier-Lagacé
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Date: Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 8:58 PM
Subject: Cat Meeting Letters Due by 28th October, 2019
Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to get this out as a reminder for you to please, please find the time to write a letter to Dr. Jan Green Rebstock and get it to her no later than the 28th October, 2019.
Attached is the DEIR Executive Summary for you to review if you did not make the public meeting on the 7th October.
Imho, some of the project definitely needs to be improved upon such as getting the 30 year program down to 15 years or under so to get many, many, many more cats fixed that what is mentioned in the attached summary and also at the meeting. Also there are boundaries that do not allow trapping so that needs to go away as do some off the rules that registered trappers are supposed to succumb to along with signing an affidavit.
These are just a couple of pointers that was discussed that need to be changed for the better or got rid off.
Please try to come up with ideas/suggestions/solutions and things that you would like to see be implemented into the program. Also if you have any outreach ideas such as how to encourage more people to get on board/many more vets needed seven days a week/out of state programs for low cat population states (adoptions/working cats) / animal abuse and cruelty to be up there with abuse and cruelty of a child/educating children and the public in general and more, please include those too.
I think it is very important that everyone writes in with their ideas because if everyone leaves it up to the next person to write, few letters would make their way to Dr. Rebstock. Then not much would happen and that would be a HUGE mistake on our part. I think this is our chance to get support / programs and outreaches in place etc. for the benefit of cats and what comes along with that; is also benefits for dogs and rabbits.
Please forward this email to those who are interested in helping cats everywhere because this is NOT just a City of Los Angeles problem, it IS a Los Angeles County problem (and also the world over).
Comments are due October 28, 2019.
Dr. Jan Green Rebstock
Environmental Management Group | Environmental Supervisor II
Bureau of Engineering | Department of Public Works
1149 S. Broadway
Suite 600
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 213 485 5761
Thank you,