And the winner is…
Thank you so much to everyone who entered!
Our next delivery day is July 24th (cut off being July 8th). If you can't wait that long we also have limited inventory. Just send us a message and we can get you started!
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My dogs daily meals are:
I'm sure, just like me, you probably have a very busy schedule. Whether it's juggling daily errands, house work, kids sports, plus a job and a plethora of other things....we can't always do it all! This is the main reason I still feed kibble, because after a 16-18 hour day of doing everything else, I don't always remember to pull out raw for my fur-children. On those days, yes, they're going to have Mac n Cheese (aka kibble) for dinner, cause Mama was not a 115% the night before, AND THAT'S OKAY.
OH YAH....and 1 of my Fur-kids just won't eat raw. DUH! But she'll eat tripe on top.of her kibble. She'll also only eat vegetables if it's been sautéed (like actually).
Just like humans, there is no 1 way to feed your dog. Some are easy to feed and some want to make you pull your hair out cause they won't eat anything unless it's exactly how they want it.
Take it easy on yourself, especially if you're just learning the ropes.
*Champion Dog Breeder of Alaskan Malamutes ans Canadian Inuit Dogs
*Owner of some of the pickiest dogs alive!!!
#doghealth #edmontonrawfeeders #edmontonrawpetfood #pickyeaters #pickydogs
I start feeding a mix of raw and kibble for ALL my pups at 3 weeks old.. I switch up.the type of raw constantly and there are some days where it's just plain kibble. I do this to test my pups gut health reactions. On kibble days, they get a bit of the runs and then it normalizes after 24 hours. The same when I switch it back to raw+kibble, but their 💩s normalize a lot quicker on raw+kibble days. I do a mix because I don't know how their future families will feed. This way I expose them all the types of protein I'm able to, as well as kibble.
The biggest difference between just kibble days and raw+kibble days is the size of their 💩s and THE SMELL! Kibble poops are 4 times bigger and 100 times STANKIER! Not an exaggeration. They naturally absorb more nutrition from raw cause their body needs everything from it. Unfortunately, with kibble, a lot of nutrition is cooked out during its creation process.
West Edmonton Distributor
♡Champion Alaskan Malamute & Endangered Canadian Inuit Dog Breeder
#rawfeddog #rawpetfood #edmontonrawpetfood #dogdiet #doghealth #puppyhealth #yegpetdiet #rawdogfood