Forgotten Dogs Need Loving Homes

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Forgotten Dogs Need Loving Homes Dogs needing forever loving homes in the UK This site is dedicated to dogs needing their forever loving homes. BUT it does not end there.

The dogs on this site have been pulled from pounds after their 7 days are up, some of them were even hours away from being put to sleep. We found them rescue places or loving foster homes. They need to move on to someone special someone who can give them all the love and attention they need. Could
that someone SPECIAL be you!!! Also how many times have i seen posted, aw i want to help i wish i co

uld help, well now you can. Here you can leave your name and we can get you home checked. This means when a dog comes up for help you maybe able to be that one who saves his/her life.... Think how special that would make you feel. Our dogs come in different shapes and sizes, different colours and breeds but they share one thing in common, they were all dogs that no one wanted but have so much love to give. This page is also for rescues, you can add your dogs on here even if they have not been brought in from the pound. We maybe able to find that forever home. Last but not least keep coming back and share as much as you can the more people who know about this site the more dogs we can save!! Dear God, Please send me somebody who'll care! I'm tired of running, I'm sick with despair. My body is aching, it's so racked with pain,
And Dear God, I pray as I run in the rain,
That someone will love me and give me a home. A warm cozy bed and a big juicy bone. My last owner tied me all day in the yard
Sometimes with no water and God that was hard! So I chewed my leash God, and I ran away
To rummage in garbage and live as a stray. But now God, I'm tired and hungry and cold. And I'm so afraid that I'll never grow old. They've chased me with sticks and hit me with stones
While I run the streets just looking for bones! I'm not really bad God, Please help if you can,
For I have become just a "Victim of Man!"
I'm wormy Dear God, and I'm ridden with fleas and
All that I want is an owner to please! If you find one for me God, I'll try to be good
And I won't chew their shoes, but I'll do as I should. I'll love them, protect them and try to obey
When they tell me to sit, to lie down or to stay! I don't think I'll make it too long on my own,
Cause I'm getting so weak and I'm so all alone. Each night as I sleep in the bushes I cry,
Cause I'm so afraid God, that I'm gonna die! And I've got so much love and devotion to give,
That I should be given a new chance to live. So Dear God PLEASE, Please answer my Prayer and
Send me somebody who WILL really care...
That is, Dear God, If YOU'RE REALLY there! I’ve never felt so happy in all of my short life
Can’t believe I’m never hungry, never frightened for my life
I think I was in trouble and someone found me just in time
The memories are fading and seem like another life, not mine.
..I would love for every dog alive, in the world today
To be as happy as I am, find love along the way
Never to feel hungry, scared or even alone
Just to have an owner, that they can call their own. Man after all is supposed to be our friend
From the day we are born to the very happy end
So why does he beat and abuse us for no reason
And make us fight to cheering crowds,
All year, and every passing season

I am a very lucky dog, someone nice found me outside
I believe I am a miracle because I had not died
But I would love a better future for every animal out there
Your voice was loud for me, so many seemed to care

Can you do it for my pals, speak just as loud for them? Help rescue a pet, and have him know you’re his friend. You will be rewarded someday for the good you have done
And feel the warmth in your heart
That you truly have won!

♥ by Vicky Bailey



Thank you to everyone that has donated to our April Appeal. The total raised so far is £1099.14, so we still have £1314.00 to raise to clear our vet bills, pay April's kennel fees and have enough left to cover transport for May.
We say this every appeal but.... we only need 1314 of our members to donate a £1 and we will be safe for May and clear of debts.
Once again thank you to everyone who has donated and set up monthly standing orders. Can you please keep sharing?
Thank you from the Jacobs Team and the Poundies.


Thank you to everyone who has donated and shared our post. Update later today on how our latest fundraising is going 🤞🤞

**URGENT APPEAL FOR FUNDS**Thank you to everyone who donated in March and pledged a monthly amount. There is no easy way...


Thank you to everyone who donated in March and pledged a monthly amount. There is no easy way to say this, but we are about to run out of money. In the spirit of transparency, our PayPal balance is £58.90, and the bank is £15.00.

We owe £725 for vet’s bills, our kennel bills (these have reduced as dogs have gone to rescue) are £700 and we need £1000 to cover our transport costs for May. We need a total of £2413.14 to continue to run Jacobs Pound Dogs for the next month. Without it we are going to have to stop helping the Poundies, this is not a scare tactic it is the harsh truth.

We know that every rescue is in the same position, and we are grateful to the transporters who don’t claim fuel, to the rescues that cover the transport costs and to everyone who supports us.

To stop helping the Poundies is not what any of us want but this is the situation we find ourselves in. Once again, we are asking you to give a little something and we know we say this every time, but we have +35,000 members across our pages. A £1 pledge every month from 10% of these would enable us to continue and not have to worry or beg people for money each month.

Our featured dogs are Bubbles on her freedom ride, and Max arriving at his rescue. Without your support, these dogs would not be alive.

Payment details are:

PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option, please put a note on April Appeal.

We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831

Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.

Thank you from the Jacobs Team

****MARCH APPEAL UPDATE**** 7th April2024Thank you to everyone who has already donated and pledged a monthly amount. So ...

****MARCH APPEAL UPDATE**** 7th April2024

Thank you to everyone who has already donated and pledged a monthly amount. So far, we have raised £1057.00 which means we still need £978.00 to clear our remaining outstanding bills we know it is a big ask but the hard truth is without funds, we cannot carry on helping these Poundies.

So far, we have 6 people who have pledged monthly donations. This will help but our emergency kennel bills are running at £900 a month (this has reduced from £1200) our transport costs are around +£1000 a month, without any vaccinations, spays, neutering or unforeseen medical bills.

We are begging you to pledge (if you haven’t done so already) £1 a month, we only need 978 members to pledge for the March appeal and our outstanding bills will be cleared.

Now we have a bank account we can also accept standing orders. A £1 per month from 10% of members of each page on each page would give us £3535 to continue helping the Poundies, meaning we can place Poundies into Emergency Boarding rather than let them die.

Payment details are:

PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option, please put a note on March Appeal.

We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831

Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.

****BEYOND URGENT APPEAL**** UPDATE 2nd April2024Thank you to everyone that has already donated and pledged a monthly am...


Thank you to everyone that has already donated and pledged a monthly amount. I have thanked all of those that have donated via PayPal but cannot individually thank those that have donated via the bank account.

So far, we have raised £1057.00 which means we still need £978.00 to clear all of our outstanding bills by the end of this week, at the very latest. I know it is a big ask but the hard truth is without funds, we cannot carry on helping these Poundies.

The featured dogs are Kelcy, Star and Chloe all of whom are doing amazingly well, and we couldn't have done it without you.

Now we have a bank account we can also accept standing orders a £1 per month from each page would give us £! I know that some of you belong to all of our pages so if only 10% donated £1 per month we would have £3535 to continue helping the Poundies. So far we have 6 people who have pledged monthly donations.

Payment details are:

PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option, please put a note March Appeal.

We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831

Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.

****BEYOND URGENT APPEAL**** UPDATE 1st April2024Thank you to everyone who has already donated and pledged a monthly amo...

Thank you to everyone who has already donated and pledged a monthly amount. I have thanked all of those who have donated via PayPal but cannot individually thank those who have donated via the bank account.
So far, we have raised £805.00 which means we still need £1230 to clear all of our outstanding bills by the end of this week, at the very latest. I know it is a big ask and with the number of members we have on each of the pages a donation of the price of a coffee will set us up for March and April.
Now we have a bank account we can also accept standing orders a £1 per month from each page would give us £! I know that some of you belong to all of our pages so if only 10% donated £1 per month we would have £3535 to continue helping the Poundies.
Payment details are:
PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option, please put a note on March Appeal.
We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831
Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.
Because the hard truth is without funds we cannot carry on helping these Poundies.

****BEYOND URGENT APPEAL****I am not really sure where to start, as it seems all that we at Jacobs Pound Dogs is doing t...

I am not really sure where to start, as it seems all that we at Jacobs Pound Dogs is doing these days is appealing for funds. We as a team at Jacobs are really at our wits end but the hard truth is without some more funds coming in over the next week or two, we are not going to be able to continue which means we will face the Poundies being PTS. The recent auction was a great help raising £600 which has quickly been used on transport fees.
We need £2035 by the end of the month to cover our emergency boarding fees, transport costs, spaying, neutering, vaccinations and chipping and the remaining amount that we owe on Kelcy and Star’s operations. It is a big ask and with the number of members we have on each of the pages a donation of the price of a coffee will set us up for March and April. We know how hard things are for everyone and appreciate all of your support.
Now we have a bank account we can also accept standing orders a £1 per month from each page would give us £35,355! I know that some of you belong to all of our pages so if only 10% donated £1 per month we would have £3535 to continue helping the Poundies.
Payment details are:
PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option, please put a note on March Appeal.
We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831
Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.
The sheer number of dogs in the Pound – what more can I say? Never have we seen so many dogs being abandoned. We find it hard to understand how an owner could do this unfortunately this doesn’t apply to every dog owner.
Transport costs – have gone through the roof, due to the distance that we are having to send dogs as there simply are not any spaces at local rescues. Please don’t get me wrong, all of the local rescues would help if they could, but they are full.
Emergency Boarding fees – these are currently £1200 per month, that is not a lot for some rescues, but we are not a rescue. We are Pound Pullers who rely on the rescues to take the dogs. So rather than have the dogs PTS we have placed them in emergency boarding, whilst desperately trying to find them spaces. This will soon reduce as we have spaces in the pipeline but that is in the future.
Medical fees – two of our dogs in emergency boarding had medical needs, quite probably why they were dumped. These are Kelcy and Star and yes, we have been running a GoFundMe but have not raised enough to cover everything. All of their medical needs have been addressed but we still have bills outstanding.
We are putting together a fundraising strategy so that if we survive, we will be in a better place financially.
We appreciate all of the support that has been given to us over the years and hate to have to ask you to help us again. Apologies for the long post!
The Jacobs Team

**URGENT HELP NEEDED...STILL** UPDATE ON OUR GIRLSKelcy and Star have had enquiries, but nothing has come of them yet. I...

Kelcy and Star have had enquiries, but nothing has come of them yet. If a suitable home is found they will go out on spaying contracts as it is better for them to settle into their new home environment as soon as they can.
Meanwhile, we have received the Vets estimate for their treatment. They have given us a great rate but we still need to raise some more funds to pay for this. We are sorry to have to ask again as we know how hard things are for everyone at the moment and how generous you have all been. If you are unable to donate then please keep sharing the link.
If you prefer you can use our PayPal or bank account, the details are below and once again, thank you so very much for your continued support.
PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option and the numbers are £1.00 each.
We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831
Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.

Every week as a Pound Puller is hard and is getting harder! The past week has been harder than mo… Gillian Croney needs your support for “URGENT HELP NEEDED”

** URGENT HELP NEEDED**Update on Kelcy and Star They are both settling well, are starting to be socialised with other do...

Update on Kelcy and Star
They are both settling well, are starting to be socialised with other dogs and like many Poundies are great dogs, whose owners did not deserve them.
They both had their full vet checks yesterday and there are no major concerns. However, this generated the estimated costs for their spays, Star's double cherry eye operation and the removal of a small lump from Kelcy. The estimate is £1500 which sounds a lot but considering what is involved it really isn't especially compared to what some vets charge.
So here I am again with my begging bowl out as we do not have enough funds to cover this at the moment. We knew this would be a big ask when we took the girls on but we couldn't do it without the support of you guys. We also know that things are tough for everyone at the moment, so can you please keep sharing as it does generate donations.
You can also donate via our Paypal account - [email protected] via the friends and family option please quote Kelcy and Star on your payments.
We can now accept payments via a bank account, the details are:
Account Name: Jacobs Pound Dogs
Sort Code: 07-15-20
Account No: 54868831
Due to the two-step verification, you will get an error message saying that the details are not recognised and may not reach the account. Please ignore this and go ahead as we have tested it and it will go through.
The Gofundme link is
Thank you for all of your kind support from the girls and the Jacobs Team.

Every week as a Pound Puller is hard and is getting harder! The past week has been harder than mo… Gillian Croney needs your support for “URGENT HELP NEEDED”

**URGENT _ HELP NEEDED**Good Evening All. I know it's Friday night at the end of a busy week but we still need help with...

Good Evening All. I know it's Friday night at the end of a busy week but we still need help with funding for Kelcy and Star. They are doing amazingly well. They have settled and absolutely love each other. They have their first full vet check tomorrow and Star was a little unwell yesterday so she went to the vet and she is fine.
So can you please keep sharing our Go Fund Me, please?
We know how hard things are and can not thank you enough for your support. If you prefer to donate directly you can use our PayPal account. [email protected] via the friends and family option
Thank you once again and big licks from Kelcy and Star


**Urgent Help Needed**
We have placed Kelcy and Star in Emergency Kennels to save their lives. To cover the cost of this we are running a Gofundme for them. Lots of people have donated and we are very grateful especially as things are tough for everyone now. We still need to raise more to get them ready for adoption.
If you are not happy to donate via the Gofundme. Then please use our PayPal address, [email protected] via the friends and family option.
To read their full story please click on the link

**URGENT HELP NEEDED**We have placed Kelcy and Star in Emergency Kennels to save their lives, please read the gofundme f...


We have placed Kelcy and Star in Emergency Kennels to save their lives, please read the gofundme for full details. Thank You.

Thank you to everyone who has donated or shared. We still need funds for these girls and we know just how hard things are for people so even if it's only a small amount it counts! , so please keep sharing.

They love each other and have started to meet other dogs through the fence.

Thank you for being so supportive.



What's on my mind? Well, it's going to be a rant!!! So breeders / greeders have to chip the puppies by law, so they are doing it and yet the law is never enforced as we have so many dogs turning up with a chip but it's never registered. Then there are the arsewipe XL regulations that we all know will be enforced with vigour. So if the authorities enforced the chipping law with the same vigour, it would at least be the start of more responsible dog ownership, but I am naive! Rant over!


The Jacobs Team would like to wish everyone who supports us and the dogs a Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2024.

Hi, it's me, Chloe. The ladies at Jacobs tells me that I have to asks for … Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

**URGENT HELP NEEDED; WE HAVE REACHED CRISIS POINT - PLEASE READ**There is no easy way to say this, but we are almost ou...

There is no easy way to say this, but we are almost out of funds again. We have managed to move so many Poundies onto their rescue spaces, that is the good news. However, the bad news is that it has drained our funds.
We know times are tough for everyone, but the situation has become dire for us here at Jacobs Poundies. Our funds are almost gone & without them, we can’t continue to help the dogs.
We don’t know what will happen if we can’t help the poor dogs, so please can you help us to help them with a donation? Any amount will be so gratefully received, even the price of a coffee to help our Poundies.
We really need your help right now to cover costs such as fuel, vaccinations, and even kennel fees when we need to save a life.
Bank account details are available via PM. The preferred payment method is PayPal, and the address is [email protected]
Please send via the friends and family option otherwise we will pay fees which reduces the amount going to help the Poundies.
Thank you so much from all of us at Jacobs & all the pound dogs for your continued support.

I know I am a pain but I am here again with my begging bowl out as I have just paid last month's boarding fees for Chloe...

I know I am a pain but I am here again with my begging bowl out as I have just paid last month's boarding fees for Chloe. So I now need to start raising the month for this month's fees. I know things are tough but please donate if you can or share if you can't or ideally do both, please?

Chloe faced being PTS as she had served her time in the pound, even with extra… Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

Good evening folks, here I am again with my begging bowl out. Can you donate a little towards Chloe's boarding kennel fe...

Good evening folks, here I am again with my begging bowl out. Can you donate a little towards Chloe's boarding kennel fees? She's one of the lucky ones who won't be PTS because she has a kennel, many are not so fortunate. If you can't donate then please share.

Chloe faced being PTS as she had served her time in the pound, even with extra… Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

Sorry, folks I know things are tight but we are running low on funds for Chloe's emergency boarding fees. I know every r...

Sorry, folks I know things are tight but we are running low on funds for Chloe's emergency boarding fees. I know every rescue is in the same position sadly. If you cannot donate then please share or do both.

Chloe faced being PTS as she had served her time in the pound, even with extra… Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

It's me again! On behalf of Chloe because she cannot type and doesn't have a Facebook account! Please donate, or share i...

It's me again! On behalf of Chloe because she cannot type and doesn't have a Facebook account! Please donate, or share ideally please do both!

Chloe faced being PTS as she had served her time in the pound, even with extra… Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

Chloe faced being PTS as she had served her time in the pound, even with extra… Gillian Croney needs your support for Help to fund Chloe's Emergency Boarding

Thank you to everyone that has already donated but Ace is still in boarding, so I am asking for some more help with his ...

Thank you to everyone that has already donated but Ace is still in boarding, so I am asking for some more help with his boarding fees.

You will have probably seen us appealing for a rescue space for Ace, … Gillian Croney needs your support for CAN YOU HELP WITH ACE’S EMERGENCY BOARDING FEES?

MY 1 HOUR & 45 MINUTES PANIC POST!We have 4 numbers available for tonight's BB they are:40,43,58 & 59The prize fund is £...


We have 4 numbers available for tonight's BB they are:
40,43,58 & 59

The prize fund is £30.00 with £29.00 going to the Poundies. Please note we do not have a bank account, so the only payment method is PayPal, the address is [email protected] via the friends and family option and the numbers are £1.00 each. When paying please just leave a message with the date you want the number/s for e.g., 08.07.2023 Thank you ###

Sorry to be a pain but poor Ace hasn't had a lot of donations, so if you can donate a £ or 2 because every little bit re...

Sorry to be a pain but poor Ace hasn't had a lot of donations, so if you can donate a £ or 2 because every little bit really does help. If you cannot donate then please share or better still do both! .

You will have probably seen us appealing for a rescue space for Ace, … Gillian Croney needs your support for CAN YOU HELP WITH ACE’S EMERGENCY BOARDING FEES?

Me again! Please share our fundraiser for Ace if you can donate a little, please do because every little bit really does...

Me again! Please share our fundraiser for Ace if you can donate a little, please do because every little bit really does help or better still do both!

You will have probably seen us appealing for a rescue space for Ace, … Gillian Croney needs your support for CAN YOU HELP WITH ACE’S EMERGENCY BOARDING FEES?




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