Mommy Roo is always coming to play with her babies 🥰
Mr Batty is still 👀 for his forever 🏠. He is an extremely sweet, laidback guy. Smart too 😍
He is chocolate with ghost tan points and a white blaze on his chest and chin 🤎
Jasmyn Jensen
This is my last little mister “@vail@bull.”
We wanted to show you how good we are at “manding,” which means we sit quietly to show that we are ready for our treat/food/pick up time. These little turkeys are so smart 🥹
Jasmyn Jensen
Our House French Bulldogs
😂 Mom says “let’s play but this is MY toy”
Trash makes better toys than the expensive actual toys 9/10 times 😆
The babies outgrew my lap… 😆
Never had a cat that likes to be with the puppies so much. Is it odd? Does she think she’s a dog? 🤔😂 (also excuse my pen it’s a makeshift one because I left all of my pen stuff in Billings 🙃)
One of these things is not like the others… 😹
Jasmyn Jensen
#frenchielove But then she stayed in there to play anyways 😹 #sphynx #frenchie
Kitty loves the puppies 😆 (and don’t worry about her batting them she has nail caps on 😅)
I was playing the “peekaboo” game with Coraline and she kept doing this and I laughed and laughed 😂