We just took in sweet baby Mela who was stuck in a wall for several days. She has a bad eye infection and a swollen head. Her siblings are in the process of being caught so they can be reunited ♥️ . Our bank account is currently at $0 and our credit cards have been maxed out from the unexpected specialist visits that cost us over $8,000 all at once 😰.
We have several cats that need veterinary care this week and we can’t continue to help precious kittens like Mela without donations. If you can spare even $5 any contribution helps us pay down our bills so we don’t have to make the painful decision to turn away kittens in need.
Donating via our GiveButter platform allows you to donate directly to our Venmo or PayPal and automatically get a tax deductible receipt.
Molly is now exhibiting the same symptoms that Marie was. Panting, purple lips, paw pads and tongue. Throwing up and lethargy. This happened from one minute to the next. When it rains it pours. On our way to Guardian again 😭😭😭
Bottle babies are so much work but they’re so stinkin cute 🥺.
Taking on bottle babies is really hard and it is both emotionally and financially draining. There are far nowhere near enough people who can or know how to properly care for them. I can count on my hand the amount of people in the Bronx who can take them in. This is why we always have so many bottle babies during the summer.
Bottle babies are so time consuming that sleep is virtually nonexistent for weeks at a time. Kittens have a high mortality rate and that rate doubles when kittens are orphaned. We have lost Many kittens over the years and it’s so incredibly difficult.
Your support means the world to us. Your support and donations means that we can give orphaned kittens and cats of all ages a fighting chance.
✨Ways you can help: ✨
•Donate via VENMO: kittensandbarbells_
•Donate via PayPal: kittensandbarbells or [email protected] (FRIENDS AND FAMILY OPTION to avoid getting charged fees)
•Send us a @chewy giftcard to the email: [email protected]
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