Defy Gravity K9 Rehab & Training

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Defy Gravity K9 Rehab & Training DGK9 utilizes Balanced Training methods for behavior modification.

Consistent training allows for the super fun moments to be fully enjoyed off-leash and worry-free. All the consistency l...

Consistent training allows for the super fun moments to be fully enjoyed off-leash and worry-free. All the consistency leads to a life of more freedom for not only your dog but also for you. It's surprising how rules, boundaries, and limitations held together consistently and with accountability create the most freedom filled relationship instead of the opposite.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!


A little Exie training progress for your Thursday evening (toddler distraction edition).

Exie is coming along nicely in our puppy training program! She is just now 8 months old and able to hold a nice down-stay on the cot even with my toddler having the absolute time of her life running around.

Throughout this video, Exie is only working with treats and verbal cues to guide her into the position that I am patterning with her. Once she has a large understanding of the commands I'm asking, I'll start to add in leash, collar, prong, and ecollar pressure as she needs it for accountability and to get her off-leash reliable.

So, what's being worked on with Exie during this training session? Well, quite a lot! She's learning to stay on the cot even when life off around her gets a little wild. She's learning that the external chaos doesn't involve her. She's learning to sit, down, and stay. She's learning to recall to the front of me and immediately sit. She's learning not to bother the toddler and stay focused on what I'm asking of her. She's learning to take treats nicely from little humans but only when they offer. And most importantly, she's learning a fun little game I like to call "four on the floor" where she keeps her feet on the ground and not jump on me (pretty sure jumping on me is one of her favorite past times but now it will be a thing of the past).

Want to delve deeper into training your puppy? I have a full online course just on that! Each training guide is a go at your own pace training session that can be done in the convenience of your own home. Each video in the various guides is completely unedited, so you can see how I problem solve through tougher areas. Still interested? Here's the link: DGK9 Puppy Training Series.


You've been waiting for it: Exie training progress videos! And today is the day!

This video is all about threshold training, which is highly underrated yet so simple to help change the relationship with you and your dog. Not only that, but having this protocol in place, your dog can also stay safer by having less chance to bolt out of an open door and potentially into traffic.

What seems like small interactions such as teaching threshold boundaries really adds to the relationship you and your dog share. It will help them focus on you in other aspects of day to day life and training too. You'll notice your dog start to take you more seriously in the big picture of things.

Stay tuned for more Exie progress this evening while she's undergoing our DGK9 Puppy Training Series.

So you want a Malinois? Cool, they are awesome dogs. They are incredibly loyal. They are athletic. They are drivey. They...

So you want a Malinois?

Cool, they are awesome dogs. They are incredibly loyal. They are athletic. They are drivey. They make it into movies, and now you want one too because they look "awesome," and you saw a person with an amazingly trained one.

Sure, I get that. But here's the other side of the coin you don't see: the countless HOURS of training they require, along with not only physical stimulation but also tons of mental stimulation. Their serious lack of self-preservation and the emergency vet bills associated with that (you want to know my vet bills, just ask). Their innate and genetic need to have something in their mouth. Their almost non-stop energy with an off-switch only if you seriously take the time to teach it. They are athletes true and true. Most are a little neurotic (especially with all the backyard breeding going on now) and definitely obsessive (especially over toys). They are NOT for the faint of heart or for the person who thinks "well I taught my childhood lab to sit." They are high energy, working/sporting dogs who not only need but require a JOB to do and tons of time spent fulfilling their needs.

So how do I do it? How do I currently have 9 Belgian Malinois/Dutch Shepherds residing at DGK9? It's because it's what I do; I am a full-time trainer. I eat, breathe, and live for training these dogs and fulfilling both their physical and mental needs. Their level of "crazy" matches the intensity I can handle, and I also know my limits. Without knowing my limits, I would fail each of these dogs. Sun up to sun down I am training and working these dogs. Should I have an "off day" (I have no idea what that is), then I know I'll reap the pent-up energy and frustration that wasn't able to be released the day prior. And that's not their fault, but mine. Many of the Malinois I work with are backyard bred messes that need a ton of work. With that said, the reputable bred ones are just as high energy and drivey that I work with.

So you want a Malinois? Cool, but do the research. Reach out to people with one and ask questions about their daily life. Yeah, you'll get the random lower energy one from time to time, but those are few and far between (that's not the nature of the breed). They aren't ever going to have the temperament of a Golden Retriever, so don't try to make them fit into a lifestyle like that. It's not fair to them. Get a golden if you want a happy-go-lucky dog who can fit into your family life.

Still want a Malinois? Cool, but don't impulse buy and be the reason the dog is dumped at a shelter. Put in the hard work to own one and fulfill its needs.

Excellent information from Borderline Psychos Dog Training & Sport Handling 🙌🏼

Excellent information from Borderline Psychos Dog Training & Sport Handling 🙌🏼

One of my biggest recommendations to puppy owners is feeding their puppy or dog atleast once a week in a “junk pool”! I get a lot of weird looks, but let me explain!

It’s pretty simple to make, and it helps a ton with building confidence, independence, helping them trust their nose, and desensitization!

So Ziva’s pool at the moment has a bunch of Gatorade and water bottles, a couple of paper towel centers, gift tissue, a food bowl, frisbee, and I tend to toss in a couple toys here and there. Different elements are added or taken out as she progresses and her food is scattered and hidden in those elements!

But what does that do? What’s the point?

A lot of dogs are under confident.. A LOT. A lot are SUPER sensitive to things touching them.. a lot of dogs are so babied they don’t know their abilities and lack self-trust.

By boosting a dogs confidence, you elevate your relationship. Confident dogs navigate the world much easier than those under-confident dogs.
By adding desensitization to your training, your dog is learning that not every change requires a sudden reaction.
By helping them trust their nose we’re allowing them to be dogs and trust themselves to make good, beneficial decisions.
By progressing independence we’re teaching them to trust themselves and that they can handle their life without us always being in the middle of it.

This translates later to less reactivity, more thought process, and an all around happier dog that enjoys the world.

I suggest starting slow, feeding them in the empty pool until they are hopping in willingly, and then slowly adding individual elements!

Ziva sees this 1-2x a week and loves it! I’ve seen her confidence absolutely soar, and she trusts herself to handle new situations so easily now! She’s not worried about me or anything else touching her feet, and my favorite is how much she trusts her nose!

So you've got a dog aggressive or human aggressive dog that has slowly acclimated to a new dog or person and be totally ...

So you've got a dog aggressive or human aggressive dog that has slowly acclimated to a new dog or person and be totally chill, comfortable, and safe with them. Cool, but here's the thing: all that boils down to is the dog is now relaxed and becoming comfortable with the new person or dog; what it doesn't mean is that now the dog/human aggressive dog is now "fixed" and safe around other dogs or people.

Let's delve a little deeper into this: just because the dog/human aggressive dog has shown progress and is safe in one situation does not mean that translates to all situations with new dogs or people. New situations are full of new choices and possibilities. They aren't the familiar that the dog/human aggressive dog has become accustomed to. These new situations open the door for the possibility of extremely dangerous and disastrous events to occur.

This is why it is so important for owners not to get sucked into complacency but instead stay alert and aware of their dog's body language through each new situation. It's usually a slow-go process but with a mindset in a determined and great place, the correct tools and knowledge, and the right understanding a lot of the issues can be greatly improved upon if not resolved. So move slow with your dog and lead him through new situations. This is the key to success.

Here's the thing that we try to tell everyone: use the tools that work for you and your dog. We have specific tools that...

Here's the thing that we try to tell everyone: use the tools that work for you and your dog. We have specific tools that we utilize responsibly to help empower owners and their dogs and to help give them a life full of freedom. But we've also seen owners whose dogs do perfect on a flat collar, harness, head halti, etc. Or can be off-leash with flawless voice control without the use of any other tools.

That's awesome for the owners who can do that! We commend you. But not every dog/owner situation is the same. What works for you and your dog may not work for someone else who is struggling with their dog. Training is not a "one size fits all" approach. What works for you and your dog may be counterproductive for someone else and their dog. Don't assume that because your dog does great that someone else's dog will. Don't degrade them for the tools they use to make the relationship with their dog better and more enjoyable. We are all on a journey together to better not only our dogs but also ourselves.

We are balanced trainers. We utilize both positives and negatives in our training techniques. We've worked with some pretty interesting behavioral issues and many dogs with bite histories. We use certain tools and training methodologies to help these dogs and their owners, but we, by no means, are trying to say that our approach is the only approach that works.

What we are doing is attempting to dispel myths about certain tools that hinder owners and their dogs from truly making forward progress. The people (that have zero knowledge or proper training in these tools) who tell others that the usage of certain tools is lazy, cruel, inhumane, mean, destructive, counterproductive, etc. can and will prevent others from finding what works best for their dog. Those assumptions and degradation may be the reason an owner decides to euthanize their dog instead of trying everything possible to help them and their dog.

Working with dogs is not universal. There's tons of information out there. What may have worked for you may not work for someone else's situation. Be open to learning and sharing in a helpful manner. Don't be the reason someone else is hindered in their progress.

Working with dogs is much like going to the gym, saving up for that new house, or dieting. How? It takes consistency, de...

Working with dogs is much like going to the gym, saving up for that new house, or dieting. How? It takes consistency, dedication, and a strong determination to work at it and make it happen.

If you lose your motivation, all of the listed above will never be achieved. You'll never save up for that house, or gain those muscles, or lose that weight, and it's the exact same for working with your dog. If you lose that focus, you and your dog will never be able to achieve your goals.

How do you keep that momentum going after the "new" wears off? By making it a lifestyle. Practicing daily even when you don't feel like showing up because you know the end result is going to be quite phenomenal if you hold the course. Habits last, but excitement fades. Don't fall into the quick fixes but instead reap the benefits from long-term consistency and success.

Doing little things daily with your dog will tremendously add up over time. It may not look like much in the moment but if you stay consistent in your training (working out, saving, dieting, etc.) you'll begin to see the results of your dedication unfold before you in positive and awesome ways that you didn't think would be possible.

A tired dog is a good dog...Yes and no. This is a two-fold topic. We talk so much about daily exercise, discipline, and ...

A tired dog is a good dog...

Yes and no. This is a two-fold topic. We talk so much about daily exercise, discipline, and then affection and how important this combination is daily in that order. However, so many dogs with behavioral issues aren't receiving adequate daily exercise combined with affection at all the wrong moments and a serious lack of valuable (to the dog) discipline.

So we see people start to exercise their dog. Like every day, but don't address the negative behaviors. They hope that if they just exercise them enough that they will become well-behaved dogs because they run for miles and miles a day. But wait, the reactivity is still there. The resource guarding, the overexcitedness/overarousal, the nipping/biting, and so forth is all still there. Why?

Think of it this way: how would you train to be a marathon runner? By pushing yourself daily, going to the gym, and being consistent. And this is the same for the dog because they have been "taught" to not have an off switch. Their stamina, endurance, and energy increase through the daily runs, and those "happy" endorphins are being sent to the brain. They become adrenaline ju**ie athletes with no correction to the behavior issues. They require more miles each time to wear them out for only a short amount of time. So now there's a super athletic dog that can run for days who still behave poorly.

So what do you do? Let's go back to the three part formula: exercise first, discipline second (creating rules, boundaries, and limitations), and lastly, affection when they are in a calm, submissive state of mind. Most dogs don't have a shut-off switch. They don't know how to be calm. This is why teaching a "place" command is so very important. This teaches them how to be calm and relax from the world around them. They acquire both an on and off switch.

There's absolutely no way to out-exercise negative behaviors. Your dog will win that race every time. Unruly behaviors need to be corrected directly through proper training instead of exercise. This is done through finding a valuable consequence for your particular dog. This helps to build not just an athlete but a dog in an amazing headspace.

If you are looking to get your dog into sports or your dog is already started in a sport but you can't attend an event, ...

If you are looking to get your dog into sports or your dog is already started in a sport but you can't attend an event, check with Borderline Psychos Dog Training & Sport Handling! She is an absolutely phenomenal handler and trainer!


I’m going to start something new that I wish I’d have had access to when I was getting started!

These events are fairly local and mainly in Alabama. I’m not affiliated with any one of the organizations, but I do compete through these organizations!

*****I may potentially have open crates and be able to take outside dogs to the events I go to with me for those interested! *****

If you know of an event NOT listed, please leave it in the comments so I can add it to the list!! I’m always looking to add any and all events to the list so if you have details PLEASE comment them or tag me in the events!


3/14/2025 -3/16/2025 FastCat & CAT
Fetch Test, FitDog Walk, CGC & Trick Titles
Newnan, GA
Fun Runs $10
Early Entry $25 (Closes Feb 28th)
Day-of Entry $30
Visit Salty Dogs Coursing Facebook for more details

3/15/2025 Updog Frisbee/Disc games
Odenville, AL
CC Canine Air Dogs
Visit for more information.

3/21-3/23 FastCAT
Fun Runs $10
Early Entry $25 (Closes March 7)
Day-of Entry $30
Newton, AL
Visit Salty Dogs Coursing Facebook for more details

3/28-3/30 FastCAT, CAT, NADD Dock Diving Regionals Qualifier
Fetch, FitDog, CGC, Trick dog
Fun Runs $10
Early Entry $25 (Closes March 14)
Day-of Entry $30
Entry Fee $30 (Closes March 21)
*This will be a Mobile Dock event!*
Visit Salty Dogs Coursing Facebook for more details
Visit for more info on Dock Diving.

4/2-4/6 Updog International Finals
This event is INVITE ONLY, but everyone is invited to come watch!
Decatur, AL
More info available at

4/11-4/13 GBAC Agility Trial
Odenville, AL
$25 first entry, $15 after initial entry
Entries Close March 26th
Contact Greater Birmingham Agility Club for more information. Also listed on AKC website.

4/25-4/27 NADD Dock Diving
Westrover’s Spring Splash
10 Distance Jumps, 2 Air Retrieve, 1 Hydrodash
Westover, AL
$10 Try-its / $25 pre-registry (Closes April 18)
$30 Day-of Entries
More info available at

5/9-5/11 NADD Dock Diving
Westrover’s Festivo De Mayo
10 Distance Jumps, 2 Hydrodash, 1 Air Retrieve
Westover, AL
$10 Try-its/ $25 Pre-Registry (Closes May 2)
$30 Day-of entries
More info available at

5/16-5/18 NADD Dock Diving
12 Distance Jumps, 2 Hydrodash, 1 Air Retrieve
Anniston, AL
$10 Try-its/ $30 Pre-Registry (Closes May 9th)
Day of entries as Available
More info available at

5/17 Oneworld Canine Obstacle Run
4 Mile Obstacle Course
*(Held with the above event)*
Anniston, AL
Entries currently ~$105.00, Price Increase 4/1
More info available at Oneworld Canine Obstacle Run page or

5/16-5/18 FastCAT & CAT
Fetch, Farm Dog, Temperament Test, CGC, Tricks, Fit Dog Walk
Hull, GA
$10 Fun Runs
$25 Pre-Registry (Closing date TBD)
$30 Day-of Entries
More info available at Salty Dogs Coursing

6/6 - 6/8 NADD Dock Diving
Westrover’s Birthday Luau
11 Distance Jumps, 2 Air Retrieve, 1 Hydrodash
Westrover, AL
$10 Try-its/ $25 Pre-Registry (Closes May 30)
$30 Day-of entries
More info available at

7/25-7/27 NADD Dock Diving
Westrover’s Christmas in July
11 Distance Jumps, 2 Hydrodash, 1 Air Retrieve
Westover, AL
$10 Try-its/ $25 Pre-Registry (Closes July 18)
$30 Day-of entries
More info available at

8/8-8/10 NADD Dock Diving
Westrover’s Tailgates & Touchdowns
11 Distance Jumps, 2 Air Retrieves, 1 Hydrodash
Westover, AL
$10 Try-its/ $25 Pre-Registry (Closes August 1)
$30 Day-of entries
More info available at

This list will be updated as information becomes available on events!

What are you saying to your dog through your actions? Think about it this way: everything you say, do, allow, correct, a...

What are you saying to your dog through your actions? Think about it this way: everything you say, do, allow, correct, ask for, or demand is a conversation between you and your dog. All of this factors into your relationship with your dog and what your expectations with your pup truly are.

Your dog is always listening, always watching, and always analyzing what your actions are saying. Actions speak louder than words. Always. So if your dog knows there is a gap in your leadership, then he is going to start to take that inch and turn it into a mile. Why? Because you left it wide open for him. The result is that your dog is going to see what is obtainable (because he's opportunistic) and see what he can sn**ch up. Things like food, toys, furniture, the house, other animals, the bed, you, etc.

And if you have allowed this through your actions, through being soft, through coddling, through allowing small things to slide (that's a significant conversation with your dog) then your dog is going to step in the leadership position. Here's the result: a dog who resource guards, is possessive, territorial, becomes reactive/aggressive, and just flat out doesn't listen to you because he knows from all of your past actions that you don't mean what your words say. But here's something else that happens through all of this, something most people don't realize will happen, but without clear and consistent rules, boundaries,and limitations then your dog will also become anxious, stressed, hyper-aware, and fearful. Why? Because he has no guidance from you to be able to go through the world.

We're going to do some "real talk" for a minute because we strongly feel this is something that greatly needs to be disc...

We're going to do some "real talk" for a minute because we strongly feel this is something that greatly needs to be discussed with people.

So here's the thing: if you have a protective/territorial dog that has literally gone off the deep end and perceives everything that enters the house or gets near you as a serious threat that creates catastrophic reactions then things have gone terribly wrong. Period.

Yes, we want dogs to alert us that someone is in the yard or at the door but when the dangerous reactions happen repeatedly then you might want to look a little deeper at your relationship with your dog. Every dog we have worked with that is in this state of mind (the maul a person or animal state of mind) speaks volumes of the relationship with the owner and dog. There is a major lack of leadership. There is no structure, no rules, and no accountability for negative behaviors. There is a complete lack thereof. This cavernous gap creates the absolute perfect opportunity for that catastrophic possessive or territorial behavior to explode.

If this is your dog, then you have some serious work to do on raising yourself on the leadership scale. When dogs don't have leaders who "love them by leading them" (Sean O'Shea), then the dog will be messy. Real messy. Without the rules, boundaries, and limitations and holding them accountable for negative behavior, they will never know what is and what is not expected of them. They will become anxious, reactive, uncertain, worried, and feel they can control the situation through using their teeth.

So here's what you end up with: a dog that has no guidance that is making a bunch of poor choices, and it can't get any worse than that.

So, if you aren't providing everything your dog needs and deserves in the leadership department, then your relationship with your dog is completely out of line. Here's the thing, if your dog is constantly "protecting" you (meaning serious bite risk), then you are the follower, and he is the leader... And he's making some pretty nasty and dangerous decisions because he doesn't have proper guidance.

P.S. there are some instances where dogs just aren't "wired" right genetically and have neurological or other issues. This post isn't about those medical issues.


New equipment day!

I can not begin to describe how excited I am about the E-Collar Technologies EZ Educator Remote! We have quite a lot of personal dogs here at DGK9 who love to go on off-leash adventures through the trails on our property with us. Prior to the 4 Dog EZ Educator remotes, I would have to carry four to five remotes for the same number of dogs (talk about looking like Flava Flav but x4 😅). This remote system has simplified our off-leash outings with up to 8 dogs tremendously. And with a large pack of dogs plus a toddler, every little thing helps.






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Why Choose Us?

We’ve been there! That’s right, we’ve been the people with the unruly dogs that everyone avoids. We’ve been the people whose dog is aggressive. We’ve been the people that couldn’t go to the dog park. We’ve been the people whose dog controlled the walk. We’ve been there! We understand what you are going through without a doubt.

Here’s the good news, it doesn’t have to be that way! Once we applied our proven dog psychology techniques, our pack became balanced almost overnight. This can be the same for you too!

We are certified in dog psychology and will help you to read your dog’s body language to what they are trying to tell you. We decided on the name, Defy Gravity, as not so much of a physical thing (however exercise and obstacle training goes along with it), but we also rehabilitate death row dogs that we have given another chance at life and have now found loving homes for. So in a sense, we are beating the odds for these dogs and “defying gravity”.

Here are a few of the things that we can help you and your dog with: