A little Exie training progress for your Thursday evening (toddler distraction edition).
Exie is coming along nicely in our puppy training program! She is just now 8 months old and able to hold a nice down-stay on the cot even with my toddler having the absolute time of her life running around.
Throughout this video, Exie is only working with treats and verbal cues to guide her into the position that I am patterning with her. Once she has a large understanding of the commands I'm asking, I'll start to add in leash, collar, prong, and ecollar pressure as she needs it for accountability and to get her off-leash reliable.
So, what's being worked on with Exie during this training session? Well, quite a lot! She's learning to stay on the cot even when life off around her gets a little wild. She's learning that the external chaos doesn't involve her. She's learning to sit, down, and stay. She's learning to recall to the front of me and immediately sit. She's learning not to bother the toddler and stay focused on what I'm asking of her. She's learning to take treats nicely from little humans but only when they offer. And most importantly, she's learning a fun little game I like to call "four on the floor" where she keeps her feet on the ground and not jump on me (pretty sure jumping on me is one of her favorite past times but now it will be a thing of the past).
Want to delve deeper into training your puppy? I have a full online course just on that! Each training guide is a go at your own pace training session that can be done in the convenience of your own home. Each video in the various guides is completely unedited, so you can see how I problem solve through tougher areas. Still interested? Here's the link: DGK9 Puppy Training Series.
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You've been waiting for it: Exie training progress videos! And today is the day!
This video is all about threshold training, which is highly underrated yet so simple to help change the relationship with you and your dog. Not only that, but having this protocol in place, your dog can also stay safer by having less chance to bolt out of an open door and potentially into traffic.
What seems like small interactions such as teaching threshold boundaries really adds to the relationship you and your dog share. It will help them focus on you in other aspects of day to day life and training too. You'll notice your dog start to take you more seriously in the big picture of things.
Stay tuned for more Exie progress this evening while she's undergoing our DGK9 Puppy Training Series.
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New equipment day!
I can not begin to describe how excited I am about the E-Collar Technologies EZ Educator Remote! We have quite a lot of personal dogs here at DGK9 who love to go on off-leash adventures through the trails on our property with us. Prior to the 4 Dog EZ Educator remotes, I would have to carry four to five remotes for the same number of dogs (talk about looking like Flava Flav but x4 😅). This remote system has simplified our off-leash outings with up to 8 dogs tremendously. And with a large pack of dogs plus a toddler, every little thing helps.
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Having a dog do place work may seem incredibly mundane. But it is truly beneficial for the dog. Besides "place" being an extremely multi-faceted command to have in your training arsenal, it also helps the dog to relax to the world going on around. It helps them not to be so anxious. It helps them have a place to chill. It helps teach them how to have an "off-switch."
So, as mundane and silly as it seems, it really helps the dog's state of mind. Best part? It can be done while literally doing any house chores or even when your toddler is running around with a bowl full of Cheerios ;)
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Christmas Eve 2024
Merry CHRISTmas Eve from the Pup-a-long Pack!
Zechariah 9:9 - "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is He, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey."
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Having some fun building hunt drive with Mika during her very first vehicle hide and only second day of hunt drive building!
So what is hunt drive? This drive entails a dog using their sense of smell to pick up on a scent and locate an object. In this case, it involves me hiding a black Kong toy in a place that she can not see, but her nose guides her to it. This was her first time doing a vehicle search (and only the second day of building drive), and I was quite thrilled with her. She was able to navigate past the truck on the 3rd hide and go straight to the motorcycle (a place she hasn't been worked yet).
We started to build her drive inside and outside yesterday and this morning before moving to the vehicle on this lovely 35° evening. She'll gladly climb on top of, through, or under obstacles to find the hidden Kong. Mika has a natural hunt drive with a slower methodical search. She was born with it, which means that it can be built upon and made stronger. Dogs are either born with a particular drive or not (think genetics here: herding dogs herd, etc.). Depending on their particular drive, it can be sometimes hard to turn off. In Mika's case, we are fine with heavily building her hunt drive even more.
But on the same lines with building drive, we are also still working on her state of mind. I find it very important for her to still have solid obedience and be able to calm down and relax when needed. So after a long day of using her sniffer, we work on the "place" command and let her relax.
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#pupalongpack #StayandTrain #RehabandTrain #DGK9puppyprogram #adoptablepupalong
P.S. I wanted to work on her gaining healthy weight before starting to build drive in her
Creating calmness instead of chaos:
Think about your feeding routine with your dog or dogs. Really think about it. For most of us, feeding the dog or dogs is a really rushed process. Most people are typically running late for work and just set the food out, and then what happens... happens. Dogs are jumping all over the place, whining, barking, eating from other bowls, resource guarding, fights, and generally just running amuck, causing a commotion.
Dogs are impatient. Owners are frustrated.
Here's what you have created by doing this: an overly excited dog who has absolutely no impulse control whatsoever. You have, in essence, created a monster.
Now here's the question... what are you going to do with the monster you created? What are your next steps to correcting this? How are you going to create calmness from chaos?
It all starts with YOU. You need to change your routine. You need to be the calm yet assertive leader. You need to set those super important rules, boundaries, and limitations daily... or... be prepared to live with the monster.
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#pupalongpack #RehabandTrain #stayandtrain #dgk9puppyprogram #adoptablepupalong
P.S. Mika, the Dutch Shepherd, is currently in our Rehabilitation to Adoption Program and will be looking for a new home ❤️ (she's in the crate to the right of the freezer)
P.P.S. yes, our garage needs organizing 😅🤣
A little playtime fun for the 11 current members of the Pup-a-long Pack, and it's all about balance. They need to be able to mind their manners and be in a balanced state of mind, but they can also have fun too. Playing and having fun in a safe way comes from adding that other dimension to the relationship. The one built upon rules, boundaries, and limitations.
Being able to share that side of the equation with your dog allows you to be able to have the latitude to share the fun side with your dog without any risks (especially from overecitedness, overarousal, resource guarding, bratty behavior, etc.)
Sharing the structure, the leadership, and the accountability allow you to have so much more freedom with your dog in the long run. It also gives you the reliability and peace of mind to be able to have your dog off leash in acceptable areas once all the hard work has gone into proper training.
All the training. All the boundaries. All the rules. All the accountability. All the consequences. All the structure. It doesn't detract from your dog and make their world smaller or turn them into a robot. Instead, it broadens not only their world but also yours by tenfold. View all the hard work as something that adds value to both of your lives. It allows freedom. It allows fun. It allows play. It allows goofiness. It allows affection. It allows for a healthy and safe relationship instead of a one-sided relationship.
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Sometimes, "everyday life training" looks a little like this: having the dog stay on place while the little human runs around with a singing elephant 🤣😅
These are the moments that really add up over the long run. More often than not, training can look like this, and it makes it much easier to fit into your busy schedule (especially this time of year with the holidays). This type of training may look and feel mundane because it's passive training instead of active training, but it's vital to having a well-balanced dog.
And while we're on this topic, kids are going to be kids. They run around places, make noise, get into things, etc. However, it is of extreme importance to start teaching them at a young age how to properly interact with dogs or, better yet, ignore the dog while it's on place, in a crate, eating, etc. The same training also goes towards how the dog should properly interact with the kiddo as well.
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We talk about this over and over, but why is the "place" command so important?
Well, it knocks out so many baheviorial issues with one stone. If your dog is anxious or suffers from separation anxiety, it helps to reduce it. It brings about calmness and teaches your dog to relax to the world around him. It reinforces impulse control. It adds structure to their day, along with providing mental stimulation. And for a lot of things, it keeps your dog out from under your feet while doing household chores.
If nothing else, teach your dog to "place" for the last item on the list.
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#pupalongpack #StayandTrain #RehabandTrain #DGK9puppyprogram
P.S. this is Celerity's first time on the slatmill. It's all about building her confidence in slow baby steps while keeping it fun for her. Plus, it's a great way for her to exercise both mentally and physically on these super cold days and for the rainy days coming up this week. She is part of our LET'S GO! Mushing dryland bikejor and rig team 🙌🏼
P.P.S. challenge accepted from our amazing friend at Borderline Psychos Dog Training & Sport Handling with having dogs on the treadmill/slatmill while another is on "place". If you haven't checked her out, please do! She's a fabulous trainer!
P.P.P.S. want to try this challenge to? Video, post, and tag us and Borderline Psychos Dog Training & Sport Handling! We'd all love to cheer you on!
We've been there guys. We've been the ones with the unruly dogs. We've been the ones with the reactive dogs. We've been the ones whose dogs "don't know sit". We've been the ones who literally disowned their dogs at a dog park. We've been there. Trust us.
But here's the thing: we turned it all around. Our confidence grew. We were learning and absorbing all we could to better not only the dogs but also us. We went from the overwhelmed people with the worst dogs to people who had some of the best mannered dogs. Dogs who we trust off leash in almost every scenario. It was a pretty amazing transformation.
By saying all this, we aren't trying to gloat. In fact, it's quite the opposite. We wanted to share our failures and struggles with you. To let you know that you can travel through the fire and come out victorious.
You can be like us and be the biggest mess, do everything wrong, and be "that" owner who people avoid. But here's the thing, if you want to change the relationship you have with your dog badly enough then you have to be willing to work through the tough stuff. The hard love. You can change it, no matter how bad it's been.
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Mika Progress - Sunday through Wednesday
Mika has made significant progress in a short amount of time. Evolving from a nervous, reactive, and scared state of mind on Sunday when the other dogs were let out to potty to confidently integrating into the pack today and interacting in the yard with almost everyone.
We are thrilled with her quick progress. As we progress further, we'll work to get her even more comfortable with the other dogs and also teach her the yard boundaries. We use a Petsafe Wireless Fence for the dogs here to allow them more freedoms in our yard. We are truly looking forward to watching her blossom!
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#pupalongpack #adoptablepupalong #StayandTrain #RehabandTrain #dgk9puppyprogram
P.S. you'll also see adoptable Magnolia make several cameos in this video! She's the one that was pawing at me for pet pets.