I absolutely LOVE this team!! Kris and Jack have had six fitness sessions with me since July and they have come so far!! Jack was lacking confidence when we first started and now he literally drags Kris into my training space and is so eager to do ALL THE THINGS! He has gained so much strength in his entire body making him stand with more confidence and Kris has remarked on how well this has spilled over into his agility performance. Here are just some of the things that we have worked on and have progressed on. Fitness is so good for our dogs for so many reasons!!! #canineconditioning #agilitytraining #blacklab #peakpupperformance
Combining plyometric bend work with curved cavalettis is not only a great cardio workout, but challenges the dog to transition from trotting to jumping and then back to trotting while maintaining balance within the dorsal plane of motion. #canineconditioning #agilitydog #peakpupperformance
This integrated sit-to-stand exercise is an advanced level exercise bringing together several components to create a fluid and dynamic exercise. The “decline hop sit”, “kick up stand”, and “hiccup” series requires a great deal of strength through the shoulders, abdominals, back muscles, and hip flexors.
Just two equipment set-ups for 7 different exercises makes for greater efficiency for two dogs’ workouts. Not only that, but we worked front end, rear end, and core through all 3 planes of motion (median, transverse, and dorsal). Talk about a win win win!!!
What can you do with a small space, a 4’ tunnel, and a wing jump?? So many things!!! Here we are proofing our “push” verbal by using an offset jump so that he has to search for the wing. Then we added in some of our other verbals for a discrimination challenge. #smallspaceskills #agilitydogtraining #peakpupperformance #goldenretrievers
Rhys and I tested out the course I built last night before teaching a workshop at Topflight! First time through was clean, but not on video. Second time tried different handlings and not as successful, but he’s still amazing 🥰😎
We are having so much fun here at PeakPup!! Tonight Pauli learned how to do pistol squats and push ups while Jack learned how to do single front leg step downs, rear leg pivots without mom’s help, and how to back up off of a platform. Valarie and Pauli have been working with me for about 6mo and have really become quite advanced! Kris and Jack have been with me for 9wks…they’re doing so well!! Love canine conditioning for so much more than just fitness…it teaches dogs how to learn, how to have self control, how to be brave, as well as how to control their bodies.
A little fun on this rainy day…I put together a compilation of things that we have been working on over the past month or so. Hit me up if you’d like to learn more about canine fitness and/or how to teach these exercises to your star athletes!! I have in person and virtual options!!
Watch closely for some interesting cameo appearances ;)