“I don’t really have time for you”
That’s what many people unconsciously say to their dog.
I see someone walking. His old Labrador is strolling behind him at the end of the leash. The person wants to go home, hurry up.
I don’t really have time for you.
I see someone walking. A young puppy sits down. The impressions are a bit much along the busy road. The person is pulling and dragging. Come on, I don’t have time for this.
No time for you.
I see someone walking. His dog is sniffing the scents. The person is on his phone and is pulling the dog along.
I don’t have time for you now.
The person comes home from a long, tiring day at work. The dog is happy, the owner is finally home, what are we going to do? Walk, play?
Sigh, not now. Leave me alone for a while. I don’t really have time for you.
So many dogs live an immensely boring and especially lonely life. They wait all day for that hour outside with their human. Then a human decides, because yes; that is a choice, to spend his time half-heartedly with his dog.
Living in their head, on their phone, in a kind of other world where it is always busy busy, no time to really look at their dog.
Making time for your dog is a choice!! ❤️
This dog, who only has a fraction of the years of life that we have. Who will only be in our lives for such a short time, has never had a choice to choose his own life.
That life depends on the human who chose him.
Live in the here and now with your dog, make more time for him. Look at her, wait for your dog when he sniffs. Play with him, be aware.
Stop for a moment, stop that express train that drags you through life, because before you know it, the time with your dog is up.
“It's never too late to be more aware of your dog, to really be with him." 💫💫💫💫💫💫
text: Ellen Cavillot