Loki and Smokie "helping" us spread the sawdust in their pen today. They really are playful little scamps!!
If you say goodbye to Gizmo the parrot, he says are you going now, take care, then he waves goodbye.but we have now found that Ozzie the parrot, shakes hands.
Hannah came in to us in a dreadfully emaciated state, we didn't think she would survive and she was pregnant, even though it didn't show as she was like a piece of hairy string on legs, she was very wobbly when standing and her rear end kept flopping over. She gave birth to two, Pepper and Sale, who are now moving about the hutch, stealing mum's food and they will have their eyes open soon. Hannah likes them to stay in their bed and she is forever putting them back when they venture out. She has done well to rear them, they are fine, fit , healthy, little kits and Hannah herself has put weight on and is doing really well.
One of our resident Tawny Owls enjoys a paddle in his water tray today to cool off, we were hoping to see him have a splash about but he just wanted to cool his feet apparently.
Gizmo, one of our resident parrots, always waves goodbye to visitors. Ozzie, Alfie and Frankie say ' Hello ' but Gizmo always waves farewell.
Nine days ago, three abandoned kittens were brought in to us for rearing. They had been found in college grounds and no sign of mother returning for many hours. They are now 12 days old, have their eyes open and are developing characters of their own. The first kitten is a pretty little tabby female, she is quiet, not fussy about being fed first, so I always feed her first, then give her a top up feed after Bruno, number three has been fed
Kitten number two, not as greedy as his brother, has to take his feeds in two parts, one half before Bruno and the second half after Bruno has been fed.
Bruno, kitten number three, greedy little boy, always hold his front legs straight up in the air when feeding, takes twice as much as the other two.
Another buzzard successfully released after recuperating at the rescue, sadly the camera isn't clear enough to see him fly to a tree on the right in the distance
New arrival, settling in well.
Jenny, the lamb, now fully recovered and feeding well. She is growing well and very greedy. She is now experimenting with nibbling anything and everything she thinks might be food so we have to be constantly alert with her. She now spends a lot of her time playing in the yard and running round with the dogs. Jenny even chases the ball when thrown for the dogs, though she hasn't yet figured how to pick it up and bring it back.
We have a Ferret Cabin at the Sanctuary, it is situated with the ferret units, it is where the cages and all other ferret equipment is stored, including the files, desk etc. This morning we thought we had been visited by vandals but no, it was simply Sinbad, who is a very active, inquisitive, fun loving ferret who let himself out of his
pen and had a really good, fun time altering the decor and storage arrangements of everything in the cabin.