Hello Maine C**n Lovers,
I Fall in Love with Maine C**n since I saw them on Cat Show in 2007,
I am so impress with their Tabby Marking of Maine C**n cats. And then I adopt a Male Giant and gentle of Maine C**n cats named “Alwaro Bennet”. He was born from Alwaro Cattery one famous cattery in Poland. Please see their website on Alwaro Cattery
I decide to build a Maine C**n cattery in Indonesia, n
amed Tirtham Cattery. We are small cattery which located in east Jakarta, Indonesia. We love cats, whatever its breed. But we focusing on breeding Maine C**n in Indonesia, one of our favorites breed. After that, I also adopt an older pretty female Maine C**n named "Bonfire Hallo Weeny". Weeny came from a famous cattery in Germany, Bonfires Cattery. And she's Tica Champion 2004 At German Cat Show. Please see her awards on Weeny's Awards
A months later, we have a new family member. Love Hulen's Dukati and Love Hulen's Aprilia, they came from a famous cattery in Denmark, Lovehulen Cattery. Please see their website on Lovehulen Cattery And they will be a parent of our kitten. Then more year's later, we adopt two beautifull girl from Lovehulen Cattery again. Love Hulen's Sweet Molly Brown and Love Hulen's Melrose
they came from really different blood line from our previous maine c**n
All of them bring a lot of happiness for us, Tirtham's Family in Indonesia. I hope with this breed that we try to develop in our country, it will make more cat variations for Indonesian cat lover. I will be appreciating if you could sign our Guest Book
for our feedback and future improvement. If you need more information,
Please contact us:
Tirtham Cattery
Maine C**n Cattery - East Jakarta - Indonesia
[email protected]