Our new campaign is to purchase a property where unwanted and abused animals will go, it is possible that some may live out their life there. This campaign is extremely important to us as this is not a business you can have on leased property not ever knowing if you will be asked to leave one day due to a landlord deciding to sell their property. The property must be owned for the protection of th
e animals that will be coming with trust and in need of much love. We cannot be faced with a situation to have to relocate these babies and a risk of a notice to vacate, this is why this campaign is critical to the lives of these animals and the purchase of this property. Animals that will be housed will all have human interaction with play time, this will be more like a doggy day camp unlike your average boarding facility. Some of the babies will be with us for a long time but their life was saved and one day they will find their forever home. In helping us to fund this project you will be a part of saving so many lives, our focus will be dogs and Cats as these are the ones that people usually throw away. They will be saved, some in need of rehabilitated, some adopted to wonderful homes and they will enjoy a long and happy life instead of being faced with a needle to kill them, they are so precious and too innocent to die like this, this is human error and not their fault. We have to be their very loud voice and we are in high demand of temporary and permanent facilities. My campaign urges people to help us to reach our goal quickly.