Since I started using fly predators, we have a fraction of the flies we used to have when we started raising quail last year. I put out new egg cases every month, and the quail get the old ones as a treat.
Happy Fourth of July! I hope you're all staying cool and safe today. The quail are enjoying a nice refreshing watermelon treat to help beat the heat.
Quail supervisor 😂 When we started raising quail a year ago, she would lunge and bark at them, especially if a rooster crowed. Now she could care less. Maybe she knows this is where her daily quail eggs come from.
The Italian roo continues to be king of the aviary, and spends his day patrolling, keeping the young roos in their corners. Even still, that doesn't stop the young roos from getting their share of the action 😂
In one of the quail groups someone shared a tip about freezing partly filled hot water bottles, since their flat, textured surface makes it easy for the quail to stand and lay on. I gave it a try, and I'd say it was a hit!
Summer's heat calls for refreshing watermelon snacks for the quail!
This will be the first summer for all but three of our quail. They have a fan creating a nice breeze in the aviary, and I just put out frozen water bottles for the hottest part of the day. They haven't yet learned to lay against them to cool off, but I don't think it will take long.
Integrated the Oz snowy hens and ginger roo into the aviary yesterday. Aside from some minor pecking order disputes, everyone seems to be getting along.
This poor ginger roo was getting beat up by some of the older hens and was exhausted from constantly being chased around the aviary. Hopefully these ladies will help build his confidence.
Welcome to the family girls! When I found out someone locally had some extra Thieving Otter Farm Oz Snowy hens available, I jumped at the opportunity. They're settling in nicely to their own private "condo" for now. I'm excited to have more quality birds to contribute to future generations of quail!
More of our young roos are finding their voices. Looks like I'm gonna have some tough choices to make soon...
Such a good roo, tending to the eggs in the nest.
Making friends with the boys (and maybe some girls) in the grow out pen.
I always find it fascinating when young chicks start displaying natural instincts. The black and white hen is not even 3 weeks old, and already she's displaying nesting behavior.
After deep cleaning the aviary and rearranging everything, the babies were successfully integrated in with the adults. Everyone seems to be getting along great!
It's eviction day! The chicks spent their first night without supplemental heat last night, and have run out of room in the brooders. They've been moved outside for good, and later today I'll separate out potential breeders and add them to the aviary with the adults.
The chicks are 15 days old and need very little supplemental heat now. They'll be spending the day outside, and are very clearly enjoying the extra space.
The chicks are two weeks old, and yesterday they got their first taste of life outside the brooder. They are slowly transitioning off heat as their feathers continue to fill in, and they should be ready to move out in another week.
Goodnight everyone! Here's hoping you all have sweet dreams.