Teaching Paige to back through my legs. What have you been working on with your dogs?
Watch Michel choose to use the potty box, before heading to the food dish! Good Boy Paul!
Kirk got a hand to the box, so he could be successful!
Name Attention using games, play and cookies as reinforcement!
Name attention is the most important thing you can teach your puppy. It is the precursor to coming when called!
Remember to ALWAYS give your puppies a reward for turning their head toward you when they hear their name.
And NEVER say your puppy's name and then punish them or even do something your puppy may not like (like bath time!).
Here is how we teach name attention at Out & About.
This is Lilly's 3rd week at Out & About with Puppy. When she first came out she wanted nothing to do with the other dogs, but with time and appropriate exposure to other dogs you can see how comfortable she is even with a much larger dog. Good girl Lily!!!
Riley takes on the peanut and wants to become a circus dog! Kimberli Cohn Bailey
Scout learned how to roll the peanut today!! This is great for building core strength.
Sugar had a great time playing on the pile of core building items we set out today. Just love being able to help puppies grow into all they can be!
Coal is a very typical lab puppy and he has no idea why anyone needs personal space. Here he is learning appropriate play with 11yr old Plato. These are great skills for any puppy to know. Good boy Coal!
Play is such an important part of your puppy's life. Play helps build muscles, coordination, stamina and the bond between players.
Here is Coal, a very active 15 week old Labrador puppy, and I playing with one of his favorite toys.
Here is a little bit of cuteness to make you smile. Gingy, a Yorky/Bichon mix, is a little unsure of new dogs, so Kip helps her out with an exaggerated play bow. Doesn't get much cuter than this!
summertime fun at Out & About with Puppy!
I thought everyone could enjoy some adorable summertime fun!
Here is Marley, Bo, & Rusty with a brief appearance by Scout & Riley enjoying the pool on this rather warm day!